Chapter 25: Starting again

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Your POV
I stepped closer to Garroth, he stepped closer too. I could tell we both nervous. I got my tippy toes, and passionately kissedz pretty obvious heh? It was like eternity, but I didn't want it stop. After what seemed forever. We stared into each others eyes, without saying a word."..I'm sorry for Laurence.." he said. I kept silence. I nosed as if to say "it's ok". Sasha got Garroth out of this dimension. Hops then got back in? She walked over to me. " you need to show your feelings for Garroth." I hung my head down. After what happened at the sleepover. I did kiss Garroth, but what
he talked about it.

Timeskip by the explaining everything

Hops hacks away. She was about to attack Garroth. I was too weak to chase her, but that when I heard. ".. I will be back..." I thought it was Zenix, but I didn't tell anyone. When I jumped through the portal, i was extremely happy. I was happy because I kissed Garroth! Eek! When I came back to the over world, I was on my bed. Nice. Everyone went to their houses. I was tired so I layed on the bed. I attomaticly fell asleep.

I woke up and I got dressed and all that. I left the house to visit the Fight team. I was the only one that heard Zenix say "I will be back.." I don't remember what he actually said.
~lazy author~ I bet they'll get worried. I knock on the door. Wait,!oh my Irene! I thought someone I would never see again just opened the door. "Michelle!" Don't worry she'll leave soon. "(Y/N)!" We hugged. I slightly turn around to see Garroth and Laurence staring at me from their window. I ignored them for now. We also let go of he hug. "So, how did you escape Gene's prison?" I asked. "Well, you might have noticed the ears and tail. Holy Irene she's a me'fwa now. "Gene cursed me, so..! Sighs." Sighed Michelle. "Well! It's nice to have you here with us!" I said trying to cheer her up. Usually it's really hard to cheer her up, but it worked? "Well, I was bored so wanna hang out?" I asked. "Sure! But don't tell me we're-" she began, but I stopped her. "Not going to my house." I smiled. She smiled. I swear she used to be a cassanova! Maybe she fits it with Laurence? I'll show her around. "Hey, wanna go around the Neighborhood to meet everyone?" I thought for a second, then she nodded. I first walked to my house, since 2 other people lived there. Once I opened the door, I heard snoring. I sighed and I signaled Michelle to cover her ears. She did so and I yelled. "WAKE UP YOU CHICKEN NERDS!!!!" I saw my brother falling down the stairs, and Frenchelly just happily or madly jumped on the stair well and went to me, my brother slowly followed. "WHAT IN THE NAME- MICHELLE?!?!" Michelle and My brother were great friends. She smiled. I frowned. What about her and Laurence? "Welp! We need to MEAT everyone on the street." I grinned and gave a death stare at my brother. He looked as if nervous. I grabbed Michelle's hand and ran to Aphmau's house. Michelle knocked this time. "Hey (Y/N)! Are you new to the neighborhood?" She pointed at Michelle. "Well, she's (Y/B/N)'s best friend, and she's visiting ssooo.." I said. "Oh! Well my names is Aphmau, nice to meet you!" Aph said. "Hi! My names Michelle!"  'Michelle' obviously said. She met my sister and Kawaii-chan. Then we moved on to Zane's house. Of course Zane answered.  "Hi (Y/N), who are you?" He said giving a face to Michelle. Get it? Because Zane covers his face? And the face? .. I'm not funny.. I whispered but a little loud so Zane could hear. "Michelle, I suggest you not be flirty with this one. He belongs to Frenchelly." Michelle giggled and Zane looked mad and was blushing. "Ok, I won't. Well my Names Michelle." She said turning to me. "Well hi, and I'm busy bye." Zane said and closed the door. We continued to the boy's house. I made a smirk to Michelle. She always knew what my smirks mean. She sighed and looked away. I silently giggled. I also remembered Sasha was out at the store. We went up to the boy's door and knocked. Travis opened. Crap I forgot he's a Casanova too. "Hey! And who's this-~" before he continued, I right up smacked his face. He winced in pain. We both walked in and saw Garroth and Laurence. Garroth blushed when he saw me and he looked away. I blushed too but I stoped quicker than him. First person I brought him to was Laurence. I made an evil grin at her. "Hi Laurence! This is Michelle, she's visiting." I smiled. Laurence did too. "Konkin staqhtion!" I yelled. This word or non word meant "he's good for you!" Michelle blush super. "Well, I flirt but not like that!" She said squeezing her eyes close. "What's going on?" Laurence asked. "NOTHING!" Michelle yelled. I giggled. "I'll leave you here alone Michelle~" I said walking away. Her tail began to curl up. "NO! DONT LEAVE ME HERE!" She began to cry. I giggled. "Ok, bye Laurence!" I yelled. Michelle looked relieved. "Good luck with Michelle!" She was relieved for the last second and then looked at me like if I was gonna die. I laughed and ran out. I locked the door my way out. I could still hear Michelle screaming for freedom. I went to my house and my brother looked Jealous. I ignored it. But I didn't want my ship to go down. I giggled one last time and went into my room.

What a day!

Well, I know no one guessed, or at least I haven't checked, anyone who did guess props! I didn't check if anyone guessed so if anyone did guess good job! XD lol

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