Chapter 3: Makin' moves

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(Y/N) - your name
(E/C) -eye color
(H/C) - hair color
(F/V/G) - Favorite video game
(B/F/N) - Best friend's name

-Garroth POV-

I was sort of eavesdropping on (Y/N) and Katelyn. I saw that she started to cry. Katelyn comforted her and I went to a closer window to them and heard what they were saying. " Wait. You said you have 3 sisters?" Katelyn asked. "Yeah?" " Did you loose one of them?" (Y/N) tried to remember, if she lost one. "Yeah, I did, she had light blue hair and beautiful eyes- wait. Is that..?!" They looked happy, shocked, and were about to cry. They were too happy. "I finally found my sister!" Katelyn said squealing. This is a side I've never seen if Katelyn. "Well, adopted sister." She giggled a little. I left those 2 alone since they were having a moment together.

~time skip~

- Your POV -

When I found out Katelyn was my sister, I was so happy, I could bake 1,000 cookies with Kawaii-chan.
But I fell asleep when Katelyn left. In the morning, I got a knock on the door and saw Garroth. "Good morning stutter king". I said and smirked. He blushed a like coral pink color. I let him inside. "So, what do you want to do?" I asked, expecting him coming over since he wanted to hang out. W-What do y-you want to do?" He stuttered. I wasn't much of a Casanova, but back in high School, I used to flirt a lot with boys and girls. I finished that when I moved onto mystreet.

We hanged out, I wanted to cook so I went to the kitchen, with Garroth following me. I started to mumble a song, but Garroth heard.

".. I had a dream, we were sipping whiskey neat highest floor Bowery.
Now where's high enough
Somewhere along the lines,
We stopped and seeing eye to eye,
You were staying out all night
And I had enough.

No, I don't want to know where you been or where you go,
But I know I won't be home and you'all be on your own-

By the time I went on the 3rd part, I felt arms wrap around my waist. "G-Garroth..?" I blushed like a tomato. "Yeah?" He answered. He wasn't so nervous around me anymore, that's good too. " (Y/N).. I-I love..-" he started saying but the house was about to burn down. So I did what I can and stoped the food that as boiling. "Well there's lunch, what were you saying Garroth?" I asked, "N-Nothing.." he looked sad, so I gave him a hug. "It's ok!" Instead of a frown, he looked happy and hugged me back.

He left and I was alone. So I went out out to the store and bought food since I burned the last meal. I saw Aphmau there and I wanted to say hi, but she was with Laurance so I tried to avoid them. I left with food and Went and I got him and got a text from my brother.
(B/N) - brother's name.
B - brother
Y- you

B- hey (Y/N)!
Y- Hey.
B- I'm coming over tomorrow.
Y- Really? Can't wait!
B- Yeah, remember your lost sister?
Y-yeah? Oh and I found her! She was one of my friends. I told her about what happened to our parents.
B- But man! I can't wait to meet her, is she strong like us?
Y- Yeah! Super strong! You would love to meet her.
B- Oh by the way..
Y-what is it?
B- Can I move in with you?
Y- Sure! Im pretty lonely so yeah you can move in!
B- ok! My stuff will be there Tomorrow
Y- That's good! I'm also looking for a job,
B- Well I know this job where you can write stories and you earn a lot of money
Y- I kinda want to try it! It's sounds fun
B- Yeah gtg (got to go)
Y- yeah me too.
-End texting-

I was really exited when I got a knock on the door and it was Laurance.
"Hey Laurance." I said nervously. "Hey. I'm so sorry when I flirted with you, so you know I'm sort of a Casanova." He said while he looked at the corner of him eye. " It's ok! You can come in." I smiled and he smiled too. He walked in and sat down on the couch. "I also want you to know.." I started to say. He started wanting the rest of the sentence. "That I use to be a Casanova too." I laughed nervously and he smiled with happiness. "Yay! Me and Travis aren't the only two!" He started cheering

"Who's Travis?"

Well, you will have a Sister that's now Katelyn. I'm sure that I'll be posting everyday. I won't forget a single Reader. Squirrel is out!

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