Part 14: Sacred Realm

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Your POV

I woke up in the tree house. I realized everyone still was in the house looking for me. I guess Garroth didn't tell them. I saw the picture next to a door I have never seen. It was, broken. It looked worse than the doors Garroth breaks down. I got up and walked over to the picture. It flew under the door. I was confused, but I tried to get it under the door. I instead, opened it and saw pitch black. I needed that picture. I heard foots steps behind me and I turned around. I saw everyone from the street. I saw Gene, Ivy, and Michi  in the back. So one saw them. But before I could walk to them, I fell through. I was going through a Portal?! I blacked out once I fell. In my mind I saw Sasha running towards Garroth..? They began to fight. "NO!" I yelled. My voice echoed, I shivered. But I was back awake in some where. The picture above. Your just on the rocks.

I saw people looking at me, all of them looked familiar. But then I turned around and saw someone with a stapler. They hit my head and I blacked out, again. When I woke up, I was in a sell. "Who are you?why are you here?" Someone asked. "I don't know. I was in my tree house and I opened a door and got here." I said, curled up into a ball. ".. wait.. that voice.." she or he said. I don't know?! "(Y/B)..?" They said and took their hood off. There was.. Sasha. I got up and ran to the bars. I was crying tears of joy. She was crying too.

"Aghh, Sasha, this is the 56th time I've asked, why did you fall in here with me?" I looked shocked. That was Zenix or Balto. I stayed quiet. She opened the cage and She gave me the ring she gave me. "Use this to get out of this realm." She whispered. I nodded and I ran. I went to the water and jumped in. Ignore the shark lol XD

The ring made light in the water. I let my air go and I closed my eyes. Once I opened them I was on the tree. I got up and saw the ring she gave me in high school and the picture in my hand. I was all wet. Probably all the water hehe. I got down from the tree and went inside. These days were so confusing! I think I was going crazy. But I didn't mind. Everyone saw me and ran up to me and hugged. I hugged back, even though I was extremely wet. They looked very happy, some were even crying. I looked around for Garroth, and found him. I let go of everyone and ran up to him and hugged him. He hugged back. It was pretty late, how long was it while I was in the weird place with Sasha? I didn't tell anyone about it, but Lucinda somehow found our.

"So how was it to see Sasha again?" She asked me. I was really shocked and everyone else was confused. "Erm.. it was, ok.." I said and inhaled. "I saw Zenix and Balto, but in the back.. I swear... I saw EIN." I growled... I hated Ein since I was born. He beat me up in high school, and middle school. I wanted to run where no one could get me, which I didn't even know what I was thinking at this point. Everyone left, except my brother and sister, she was planning on moving in with me, Frenchelly too. I had a really big house, not like a mansion, but you know what I mean.

Time skip they move in already since author is very lazy errggg.

We all went into the living room and watched Fairytale. Then I remember the Romeo and Juliet thing. It was coming up soon. I was exited since I as Juilet. But  who's gonna be Romeo? Erggggg whoooo whyyy???? I wanted to know why they like my singing, I think it's pretty awful. But others say, I sing like Beyoncé lol 😂. I went up to my room, I was about to crash my bed, when I looked at my ring. The reflection was Sasha. She was smiling at me, I smiled back. I went to sleep, sadly I didn't see Sasha, but the ring still made me happy. Oh Sasha, you are the best person I've ever met..

Beside Garroth hehe.

Hello! Sorry If it's short, I was wanting to add a flashback, but I didn't want to you to cry. I think I'll be posting more often, but I don't know.. Yeh I think so. Byteeeeeeeee

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