Chapter 16: Shockingness

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Your POV

I fell asleep and suddenly woke up. I don't know why, but I woke up next to a door. Wait, the same door in the treehouse! But now..? What..? I'm in the house I lived in when I was young. I opened the door and saw pitch black, but with a (f/C) dot down at the bottom. I heard footsteps and I turned and round and saw Garroth. He smiled and pushed into the void. I then opened my eyes, and I was in another bed. But I saw Sasha in front of me. "Sasha!" I ran out of the bed and hugged her tight. "Hey (Y/N) I was wondering, how's you're brother?" She asked. I nodded, and said "he's doing fine. He also hasn't thought of our mom's death yet so-" before I could continued. "Follow me." She said and started walking. I followed her down a steep hallway, but lead to a fancy door. She opened the door and went inside, I followed. I saw there was my parents?! I felt tears. They ran up to me and hugged me. Somehow Sasha got caught in the hug. "Mom! Dad!" I yelled and gripes my mom's dress. "Honey! It's been so many years." She said nearly crying. Sasha looked at a small clock and was stunned. "Ok guys, (Y/N)'S time is going out quickly, she gots to leave or she'll die." My parents nodded and I smiled and waved. They waved back at me. Sasha then threw me into the bed. I was tired so I fell asleep.

I then woke up to hear Frenchelly and my brother fighting. I went to the kitchen and ignored them. I made breakfast and they stopped fighting when they smelled the air. We all started helping each other cook. It was kind of fun, but we almost burned down the house. I was baking once they started to do the breakfast. I was pretty happy I was baking.

I put the batter into a container and put it into the oven

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I put the batter into a container and put it into the oven. Don't try to bake if you don't know how. After 1 hour of eating breakfast, the cake was ready. I took it out and frosted its it looked very nice. We ate it, and we went to our rooms since it was early. I grabbed a notebook and began to write an entry. It was the book Frenchelly, me and my brother share. Today was my turn, so I wrote:

Dear Journal,

Omg! When I fall asleep I see my family and Sasha! But the bad this is that I was Zenix, Balto, and Ein. I was pretty happy they were caged up like mutts, since that's what they are. This time, I saw my mom and Dad. I'm going to tell my brother, but what do I say?! I only saw them for like 10 seconds. I felt like crying since I couldn't stay with them the whole day.

Your known,

I closed the book and put it back. I heard the doorbell so Iran down the stairs and opened the door. I saw All the boys. I let them in and my brother hang out with them, and Frenchelly next to Zane. " Awwwww!" I awed when I saw Zane look at Frenchelly. They both started to blush since they liked each other. I yawned and remembered of seeing my mom and dad. I smiled at the thought. I ways then no longer spaced out and I saw everyone was concerned. "You turned into a shadowknight and just looked at the wall." Laurance pointed out. "Oh! I was just spaced out." I said and continued to think. I then thought about Sasha. I looked at the ring and saw Sasha walking down a hall. She had keys in her pocket and was watching the people in the cells. I smiled and looked up and payed attention to what they were saying. I had no idea what they were talking about. I left for my room
And dragged Frenchelly.

"Hey, I wanted you to read my entry." I said as I passed her the book. She read and gasped. She screamed and Zane broke down the door. She got up and ran to my brother and showed him. He gasped and ran up to me. "You have to bring me with you." He said and I smiled. "It's up to Sasha." I said and went down to kitchen. I then did a little dance since I was savage up there. But then I just made coffee since there was nothing else to do. I just cond to think. I had nothing else on my mind. Oh wait! Why was Ein and Balto here? That's strange.. I thought but took out my coffee and drank it. I did the dishes and made lunch. I left a note and left the house to the park. I promised Katelyn to meet her there. I saw her when I got there. I saw Aphmau and Kawaii-chan. "So, what are we gonna do?" I asked. They shrugged and I sat there just looking at my phone a few times. I was pretty much down for today. Even thought seeing my mom and dad after so many years was amazing. I bet all the boys are confused. Welp, what can I say?

I just want Sasha here and now.

Sorry if this is short. But Like I said I'm going though a rough time in my life, so yeah. Thanks!

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