Chapter 17: The possible?!

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Your POV

I was getting tired so I was going to my room to take a nap. But then remembered, my brother wanted to see Sasha. "(Y/B/N)!!" I called out for him. I found everyone to run up to my room. "You wanted- ahem." I said as I looked at the boys. "Taski wold rolf." I said, which meant "You wanted to see Sasha?" "Oh! Um, yeah." He said and I went to the bed. "Sasha, can my brother see our parents?" I whispered. "Yes, he may." I heard Sasha say. He got in his bed and went to sleep. The boys left, and Zane stayed with Frenchelly.

I felt my self wake up. I looked around and saw my brother. We were in Aphmau's house? It looked incredibly gross! All the walls were ripped, the table was inside down, I was confused. "Was this what you saw last time?" He asked me. I shook my head, I was nervous. "..hello?" I heard. I walked to the basement, since that's where I heard it. My brother was behind me, even through I was the youngest. Once I went down the stairs, I saw Kawaii-chan. "Kawaii-chan?" I said and she looked up. "(Y/N)~senpai? Why are you here? It's dangerous." She said. I wine down the stairs and hugged her, there was no shipping shrine. "Sasha-Sama promised Kawaii-chan that she would come, and she is coming." I grabbed her wrist and walked out. With my brother of course. We found Sasha.. with Who? I don't know who this person is? It looked a lot like Frenchelly, but with jagged clothes. Sasha saw me and ran to me and we teleported to... my tree house?!?! "What's going on?!" I asked Sasha. She inhaled and looked at me. "That person is a victim." She said sternly. "Of what? What is going on?!" I yelled. Kawaii-chan and my brother were behind me. "That person was a person that Ein has hurt." With that, I ran back outside. I went to the person, and saw.. Frenchelly?! I grabbed her hand and ran back up the treehouse. Once I went to the tree house, my brother, Kawaii-chan, and Sasha were scared. I fell to my knees, "I just wanted my brother to see my parents.."


I was walking home from the store. "I'm tirrred!" I yelled. "How about a piggyback ride?" My Brother said. I was about to fall asleep when he said that. "Sure." I jumped on his back and ran home-

"I see you wanted to see us?" I looked up and saw my parents. I pointed behind them, they turned around and saw my brother. My mom, as crying happily, my father, with his jaw dropped. They ran to my brother, before they rang my dad grabbed my hand. We ran up to my brother and hugged. "It's time you must return. I have a lot of work to do." Sasha said. I turned around and ran to her. I hugged her tight. I turned around and saw my parents. Sasha waved and walked to them. I ran to a door which just appeared. I went through it with my brother.

I came back to reality and realized I was hugging a pillow. I got up and went to my brother's room. He was up. "So? How was it?" I asked. He looked at me, talking sassy. "It was amazing, but poor Kawaii-chan." I nodded and looked to side. I couldn't believe I almost left Frenchelly to die. Ugh, wait, I got a phone call from Jimmy! I'll call him back now.
J- Jimmy

Y- Hey Jimmy! You called me so I called you back.
J-Oh good! The play's tomorrow, the schedule was changed a bit, btw I told everyone about it, so don't need to tell anyone now!
Y- Thanks Jimmy! Good luck with the costumes!
J-thanks! Also your Hateful friend is coming to the play so yeah! I got I go!
Phone- call has ended.
Y- Darn you phone!

I went to my room, to find Frenchelly. "Hey, I wrote a journal entry, go hang out with the girls." She said. I sheugged and left the house. I knocked on Aph's door. KC opened up. "Hey Kawaii-chan! I was bored outa my mind, so I wanted to hangout." I said without any mistakes. Don't ask what that means. I actually don't know why I added that, but oh well. "Sure!" I went inside, and I looked around. I saw Aphmau and Katelyn sitting on the stairs talking. I stood in front of them like Sassy me. "There's something called a couch y'know." They smiled and I giggled. I heard a knock on the door.. it's the whole street. They're all here?! WHYYYY!!!!? I let them all in, bcas I'm too nice... "darn brats.." I whispered, and no one heard. I saw Garroth with Dante so I went over to him. "Hey!" I said waved at them, even if they were right in front or me. "Oh hey!" They said to me. "So, (Y/N), exited for the play?" Dante asked, I heard Garroth growl, but I can't deal with that right now. "Well, I'm not sure. Just saying like that." I said and I looked up and Garroth, no reason in particular. (Y/N), when we were practicing the performance, you hugged Laurance and Me." Garroth asked. "I just wanted to hug Someone!" They smiled, but I head a growl. I shivered. "What's wrong?" Garroth asked me. "I hear growls..." I held my arm. "That's going to be Laurance, I think." Dante said, Garroth picked me up, and placed me on his lap. We started blushing hardcore. Dante passed a blanket to him, my brother was watching, yeh, even KC. "I'm hosting a slumber party" Aphmau said. With that I ran off his lap, and through the window to my house. I bet my brother is still at Aphmau's hehehe.

Time skip pack stuff.

I got to Aph's and saw all the boys. I sat inbetween,
Zane and Garroth. I layer my head on his shoulder and was about to fall asleep, when...

Btw- I'm sorry for the posting delay, I'm going through school. My grades are pretty bad, so I'm working hard to get out of bad grades. "Thanks you for being patient!"

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