Chapter 18: Sleepover Fright PART ONE

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Your POV

I was about to black out. In front of everyone! Good thing, Aph's death glare made me get up. "Kawaii-chan wants to play truth or dare!" Katelyn nodded like crazy, and Aph did too, but the rest of us just shrugged. I shivered instead. Everyone just started talking about who should go first. "You cold?" I heard Garroth say. "N-No." I said simply turned to Zane. "Garroth, did you know your baby brother is growing up?" I said smirking at Zane. Zane glared over at Frenchelly and blushed. "Le Gasp! Really?!" Garroth said. I then ran up to Frenchelly without notice and grabbed her wrist and dragged her to Zane. She was light so I picked her up and placed her on Zane's lap. I started to fangirl. "Says the girl that likes G-" I started to choke Zane and Frenchelly tried to pull me away. Zane started to laughing somehow and watch his big brother confused and staring at what's happening. "But you like Fr-" I was cut off by Zane putting his hands over my mouth. We were all at each other, except Garroth. What a poor, poor, soul..  after Frenchelly got a tight hold on me, she threw me back. I landed on Garroth and... well you know. I was shocked, he was shocked. Everyone else screams, even the boys. Well not Zane, because right after Frenchelly threw me, Garroth slingshots her into Zane. I got off Garroth and ran to Frenchelly and Zane. I hugged Frenchelly there. "What do I do?!" I whispered, but yelled in Frenchelly's ear. "Your going to rip my ear off!" She yelled, not whispering. Everyone looked over and I pointed to Zane. Zane pointed at me, and Frenchelly only pointed at the ceiling. I had my hands hold my face since I was pretty much done for. This sleepover is going awful! "Ok! Dante you go." I heard Lucinda say. "Ok, Dare, I'm no chicken." She smirked, poor Dante. "You have to go to Nicole and sit next to her, but very closely." met Nicole, but it was normal so we just invited her, but she's pretty cool. I also met Cadenza, she's really nice. Laurance is lucky to have a nice sister. Back to the game, Dante started blushing like crazy. Nicole too. Katelyn was not happy. She cared for Nicole a lot. "Sis! Get a hold on Lucy!" I yelled. "Got it!" All the girls who hadn't known that Katelyn, (Y/B/N), and I are family! They gasped, well, not all because some already knew, like the Lucinda. But they didn't freak out, like Cadenza. She started to flip out. She started screaming thugs I couldn't make out. We all covered our ears until Laurance put his hand over her mouth. At least nothing bad has happened like the kidnap or.. like Sasha.. I thought and started to tear up. I smiled and tried to hide the tears, but my brother and my sis saw. They walked over to me, "what's wrong?" My brother asked. "I just.. remembered when Sasha left, and the kidnap, and that nothing bad has happened on this sleepover.." I said and buried my head into my brother's chest. "I will kick anyone's butt if they lay one finger on you!" Katelyn said. I looked up and smiled. My eyes were closed to let out the tears. They went back to where they were sitting and I was happy. "What happened?" Garroth asked. Shoot! I totally forgot about him being there! "Oh..! Er, nothing!" I said looked over at Frenchelly and Zane who are next to eachother. "Truth or dare?! Have we forgotten our mission?!!" Aphmau said staring at the girls. I giggled in fear, because I kinda knew what was coming. "(Y/N)! Your turn!" Aph yelled. Aaron came out of the kitchen to watch this. "Crap! Uhh.. truth?" I said and I was a little scared. Like, come on, it's Aphmau! Who's not to be afraid? "Is your crush in the room?" She said smiling like crazy. I started blushing, and slightly glared at Garroth. "Erm, yes.." I said looking down so no one would see my blush. She started squealing like the other girls. "Ok, Garroth! Your turn." Katelyn said. "Dare, I'm taking this r-risk." He said, I bet he's worried. "I dare you to cuddle with (Y/N)." She said. My eyes widen since I remembered that se ships us! I knew she was secretly a shipper. Anyways Garroth placed me on his lap, and I buried my head into his chest. He wrapped an arm around me, we blushed. I think I blushed the most. "Ok, Cadenza, Your turn." My brother said. I was pretty shocked to see him talk to a girl, well I mean, you know what I mean. "Dare," she said. "Am I the only chicken here?!" I yelled. "Well if you were a chicken, I bet you'd taste good~" Travis said. Katelyn smacked his face, I think she hurt his nose, a lot. "I dare you to.." my brother thought for a minute. "Stan youk noow saakl" I said giggling. He giggled too. "I dare you to annoying your brother for 5 minutes" he smiled, I smiled, and she smiled. She started blurting out stuff about clothes to Laurance. My brother highfived me and walked away. We played a lot more, but that was the end. My phone started ringing, so a lot of people looked over at me. "Sorry! I got to take this!" I went to the balcony, and answered.

You- Hello?
???- (Y/N)! I'm coming over tomorrow!
You- who is this?
???- It's me hops! I'm coming, is it ok if I move in? I need an apartment, plz?
You- you visit, and we'll see how it goes, and I'll see if Frenchelly is fine with it.
???- yay! So yeah, out team is also preparing for fight, in the Static realm.
You- Good! How's everyone going?
???- Bees been learning a lot- I just realized we have the most simple names ever.
You- aww, well, I see my learning buddy is doing good!
Hops- Alright, Also Kitty has been more helpful.
You- Really? That's amazing! See you tomorrow, I hope you get along with everyone on the street.
Hops- Ok? Bye then.
You- ok bye, peace.

End of call

This is great news! My friends or considered work team, have been doing great! I'm so happy! I'm going to continue the sleepover, let's hope that this goes well.

New thing added to the plot line. I'm really happy that I got to update a chapter, I love how the series is going! I love the fact that I'm adding my ideas to this story, thank you! Byeeee! ✌️

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