Chapter 6: Dark past

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(Y/N)- your name
(F/C)- Favorite color
(B/F/N)-Best friend's name
(Y/B/N)- your brother's name
(F/V/G)- Favorite Video game

(F/IC/F)- favorite icecream flavor

Aphmau POV

I was shocked when (Y/N) said when she had her parents. I wanted to ask what happened, so are you adopted,
I had so many questions! But first of all I felt bad. I wanted to know though, what she's been through. I suppose Katelyn knew this before, but I feel so bad! But wait, I didn't say anything the last 5 minutes. And she started crying too. "Um.. well (Y/N) it's ok, your with us." I tried to comfort her, but it didn't work. Katelyn, Kawaii-chan, Dante, and even Laurance went to help. She only only smiled and had tears in her eyes. But when Garroth walked and saw everyone trying to help (Y/N), he came and said. "It's ok." And she closed her eyes and Laurance started to look around, trying to find an escape. " Laurance, what's wrong?" I asked tilting my head, like (Y/N) does. Her brother was just pacing back and forth. "You know I'm a shadow knight?" He looked and me a little shocked, "yeah?"
He sighed. "Ugh, I sense that-" before he could continue, (Y/N) open. Her eyes were red. Laurance hid the secret he was a shadow knight, but at least we know what he is, but (Y/N). "W-What?" Dante started saying backing away. "I was turned into a shadow knight when I my father was killed. I never told the rest of the story about me being a shadow knight to anyone. No-one, well, my brother at least." I said looking over at him, he smiled and laughed slightly, and nervously. I and everyone else was shocked. Well, not everyone, Katelyn was on the ground knocked out cold. And so, I asked her to speak alone.

Your POV

Aphmau asked me to speak alone. I excepted the talk so I walked wth her to her bed. We sat down, "Well, it's ok if you don't want to, but I wanted to know what happened." She asked, but she wasn't smiling.

I sighed, but I was ok with it.
"I lived with my dad, my mom died when I was born. My brother was old enough to walk alone, and he said we would meet up with him at the bathroom. The same day when I was walking to the bathroom, I saw my brother. He waved at my dad and me. When we got together, I wanted a ballon and I wanted it (F/C). And.." I stopped there and my face was filled with tears again " If you don't want to tell the rest of the story, that's ok."

" ..Before my dad could answer, he got stabbed in the chest. My brother grabbed my hand, I was being pulled away, so he tightened the grip. But it wasn't strong enough. After that I was pulled into the back of the fair. I was killed. But I was fierce, I was brace and I was able to be chosen as a shadow knight. I was put back at the fair and was left there to die." I smiled happily and Aphmau was trying to smile trying to hold back the tears of how sad this story was.

" I was found my Katelyn's dad. He asked me, 'What are you doing here?' And I said nearly crying. 'I.. was robbed and my daddy was killed..' apparently he wanted someone more to play with Katelyn when she was young, besides Kasey of course. I took his hand since he wanted to help me. And he walked me to his car, and I found my brother inside and 2 other kids. This was Kasey and Katelyn, young. We went to this house and found my new amazing dad." I squealed finding Garroth and everyone else listening. I was pretty shocked they were hey, so I laughed nervously. "Guys! The convention is about to start!" Said (Y/B/N) as he walked off to get away from the tears.

So went down the elevator and we got to the convention. I was in my costume and I looked around and went to the booths, I went to the pony booth and saw Zane I had an extra costume so I went over to Zane and asked what's wrong. "Those girls are chasing me because of my costume." He said trying not to whine. "I have another costume." I said and he looked happy.

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People from WEBTOON love this comic. It's a cartoon so I suppose that can go into the convention.

Me and Zane ran back and he came out looking so cute! I mean the costume looked cute. I don't know who I like. Yet-! So we walked back to the convention and all the girls looked at him and thought he was cute in the costume. I thought same, but Zane thanked me a a lot because he didn't want girls chasing him all day at the convention.

Time skip__~!

I found out Aaron and Aphmau were a thing now! I was really happy, since I shipped them together. I went to bed and I was thinking. I was really happy Katelyn was my sister. I was really happy for Aphmau. But, since she found love, can't I? I need to talk to Garroth, but not soon, I'm not ready.

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