Chapter 28: Secrets

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Sup. I drew a drawing, or a sketch of me in irl. Won't my green sweater on. I just looked back at when it was lunch. Yeah I was super happy NOW WITH THE CHAPTER!

Your POVI was walking home from the forest, but I bumped into someone

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Your POV
I was walking home from the forest, but I bumped into someone. It was it was Laurence. I didn't say sorry and kept walking. "Stop! I'm sorry!" I heard Laurence yell. "I'm sorry! I got mad.." I didn't answer but kept walking. "Listen to me!" Not a lot of people like Zane and Dante were staring at us. I sighed and walked home. But before Aph's house, Laurence grabbed my arm. "IM SORRY!" He yelled. I saw not a happy-camper. "FOR PUSHING ME TO THE GROUND?! AND THE HEARTBREAK OF GARROTH?!? I KNOW THAT WAS TOUR FAULT!!" I yelled at him. My eyes ere red, oh yeah the pupils, not the eyes. I didn't care for hiding them. Laurence took 3 steps back. Everyone in the street was staring at us. I walked toward my house. I opened the door, and slammed it when I came inside. I heard cowards, but at that moment, I was too heart closed I could stop it. I ran to my room. I pushed everything on the ground. I locked my door. I didn't care if someone thought I saw weird, worthless, or insane. Because I already thought that of me. I couldn't hold back the thoughts. I knew that those thoughts were me. The dark side of me. I wanted to scream. ".. No one cares for you..." i heard. I was swelled into into darkness. I saw Sasha standing there with Garroth. She handed him something. Garroth walked towards me. He handed me a paper. I unfolded it, it said:

Now, I see that your a bring down person. I hate you. You will never be my friend.

I ripped the paper. "I say the same." Garroth said. I screamed in tears I ran into Darkness, away front them. I woke up from yells.

"(Y/N)! Listen! Finally your awake! I broke down your door!" I looked around to see Garroth standing there. Michelle and Frenchelly were right next to me on the floor. I was crying. I thought again about the thought of Garroth leaving me, along with Sasha, everyone. Sasha entered the room. I stood up. I threw a ball at the floor. I planted a portal. I walked towards it. "NO! STOP!" Sasha tried to stop me. But I stopped her. ".. I need to fine EIN." I jumped into the portal. I was staying here for 2 days. I hoped for finding Ein and ending him. I landed in the room where I first saw my parents. I ran to the front door. I opened it to see I was I. The middle of town. I walked around the people. I entered an Alley. Well, what's my luck? I saw Balto attacking someone. I took out my power and held back Balto to let the custom free. I pushed him against the wall. "Hey.. cousin.." don't be too shocked ok? "You're not my cousin. You say that so I can trust you." He didn't answer. "Do you think I'm dumb?" I ask. "Yes!" He yelled in answer. I rolled my eyes and dragged him towards the streets. "Your going to help me fine Ein." He scoffed and I was done with dragging him. I made him stand up and pushed him around. I finally found a store that had drugs in. I went in to look around. "Ah, your into drugs?" Said Balto. "No, Im looking for Ein. He did drugs in highschool." Balto nodded because it was true. Well I didn't find him. I returned to the prison My parents I guess owed because they were rich? I don't know! Anyway, I locked Balto up and kept him there for a little bit. I looked around and I didn't fine any clues of where Ein must off when. I was tired for looking for clues, so I looked for my parents. I was pretty happy that I was not having to deal with Ein, but I need to find him I guess. What he did to me, was nothing compared to Zenix did. That mean Zenix did worse right? If not, just say Ein didn't do as bad as Zenix though. Ein said I was family to him. That he gave me rings and that stuff. That's a lie! I never even met him. That was it! I can't fine anyone. It made me worry for my parents, but for Ein I really needed to fine him, but I didn't care for his safety. I could put him in a volcano if I wanted to. Which I do. It was the end of the day, and I get a phone call from Sasha. I answer. I guess I'm in speaker.

S- Hey! Why did you want to find Ein?
Y- Because I want revenge mwuababa!
S- Your evil laugh sounds like a baby crying and laughing, hoho
Y- what are you talking about? You sound like Santa on a diet!
I heard laughs in the background.
S- Take that back!
Y- Never!
S- Fine, I'll let you get away with it
Y- yay!
S- for now..
Y- I heard that!
S- Uagh, Bye.

End of call. She hanged up on you lol.

I was tired so I got up and went to Balto's sell. "What?" He said. "Sup home dog." He laughed. "Well, I guess we can start over-?" I kicked him. "No! After what oh did with Ein, I won't EVER forgive you!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. He winced, but I knew he was faking. "For as long as I've known you Balto, I know when you lie." I said and walked out of the sell. I knew I was being cruel, bait what he did could never be forgiven.

I will end him.

Haha! See? I made a chapter.. and I'm playing soccer. Peace out cuz' I'm playing BYEEEE

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