Chapter 23: Wait!

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Your POV
I began to draw, I was surprised that I did so good on my drawing. I haven't drawn in like years. But, at least I know where I get my art skills from. I went to collide for art and other things too. Like singing. It looked so familiar, I couldn't place my finger on it. I got a text, crap, it's Hops! If she finds out about what Laurence did, she'll kill him.

H- Hey
Y- Hi
H- I'm coming for a visit, k?
Y- Why
H- because I want to make you feel better
Y- I'm sleeping gtg
H- But! Fine, I'll go back, I'll come another day or so.
Score! I did it! Whoop!
I looked at the ring one last time, and thought, it's time. "Irene help me, Hops is going to be mad." I smiled and got ready to go to The fight groups house. "Brother! Frenchelly!" I yelled out for them. I unlocked the door and they came in. "We're going." I smiled. They got very happy. We walked to Aphmau's house, I needed to bring Katelyn. I knocked on her door. Kc opened up. "Hello (Y/N)~senpai!" She happy as always said. "I came to speak with Katelyn." I looked down the street, Dante, Travis, and surprising Zane. I signaled them to come, so they came. Im so happy that they're not with Garroth or Laurence. "Sure (y/n)-senpai!" We walked into their house. I saw Katelyn watching Netflix. "Hey, we're gonna want you to come with us." I point to everyone. "We are you guys going?" Katelyn asked. I made a frown. "We're going to get Sasha back." I said. They all looked happy, then Frenchelly asked. "Aren't we gonna bring Gar-" I stopped her there. "No. I can't see them after what they did. I get that Garroth isn't responsible, but I can't really feel to see him. " everyone nodded and I sighed. We all walked out the door. I saw Laurence looking out his window and Garroth actually reading a book in the front door. I ignored them and continued to walk to the Fight house. I have so many people! I knocked, Melissa opened up. "Woah! So many people!" She yelled. I could feel Garroth and Laurence's eyes watching me. "Yup! We're all going to get Sasha back." She looked happy and very shocked. She let us inside. We all did our thing, when we wait or something. Hops looked at me like if she was mad, I giggled. We all moved the couches. In the middle. Stood Melissa, Selina, Hops, Bee, Starflash, and Kitty. We held hands. We chanted: please open portal to a new world, where Sasha is trapped. Set her free and we get a chance. Hoping for light and may, hoping for a better day-- we ended our chant, in the middle of the room, there was a portal. It was black and white. I was the first to jump in. When I was finally awoken, I saw everyone around me. I saw Sasha in front of me. "Hi! So, are you finally here to get me out?" She said. I smiled and hugged her. Everyone hugged her. But It cleaned my smile off my face when I somehow saw Laurence and Garroth in front of me. I let go and looked around. We were in the room that I saw my parents. I ran to the door I saw. I opened it with my power and came out 2 people. I saw My mother and my Father. Garroth and Laurence were shocked. I hugged them and they hugged me. "Unfortunately, we are dead in the overworld, so we're gonna stay here." Say their smiles, which made my eyes fill with tears. I let go of their hug. But I saw Zenix and -!? EIN? Everyone stood behind me. I looked at them 2 . I then saw Michi and Ivy behind them. I turned into my shadowknight form and tailed Cat. It looked really weird because I had spots over my arms because I'm a tailed cat. If you ever wanted to be a cat, your dreams have come true! Funny part it, I look like a m'eifwa, but with spots and a tipped tail. Zenix ran at me with everyone begins him. We started like a war.
Can I time skip? Ok I won't.
I was fighting Zenix. At first, I felt his hand around my body, but I slapped them away with my sword. "You waste of space..!" He started to insult me. ".. You worthless B-" NO SWEARING, here: "you worthless female dog!" I was hurt by these things, but I wanted to let it slide. But that's when he said those words.. ".. YOU DONT DESERVE YOUR FAMILY OR FRIENDS!" I backed away with tears. I saw Katelyn fighting Ivy. Garroth fighting Gene. Aaron fighting Ein. laurance fighting Michi. I saw from the dark sky, a drawing fall down. It was the drawing I drew earlier, a picture I drew with Sasha. "..look at what they've done to this place, look at the hell they've made it-" his eyes were closed, I made my chance. I flew my sword into his chest. I saw his eyes widen. He just lost his human form. ".. I may not deserve them.. but I do care for them.." I said. Everyone gathered behind me. We had the others trapped. I was the once who was going to punish them. I looked at Garroth. I made no eye contact with Laurence. He made a frown, though. Sasha returned them to the normal realm. I...

Who ever guesses what You and Garroth are gonna do, I'll give you a shout out and answer 3 questions. Questions about me, or the story, anything. Byeeeee!

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