Chapter 2: hanging out

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(Y/N) - your name
(H/C) - Hair color
(E/C) - eye color
(B/F/N) - Best friend's name
(F/S) favorite show/anime
(F/V/G) - favorite video game

-Your POV-
When we finished helping me unbox that stuff, I cooked food, nothing really happened, they just said the food was good and that's pretty much it. Aphmau made a quick phone call, " (Y/N), I invited some people that live on the street to come over." She said a bit worried. "Sure! That sounds good!" I said happy to meet the screaming people across the street. "Really?" Aphmau and somehow Zane. "Yup I'm fine with it." Zane continued to watch MLH because he trusted me and Aphmau.

Time skip~~
-??? POV-

When Aphmau called me, Dante and Travis were ready. Garroth was nervous and I could tell why. He stopped chasing Dante and looked st the girl and look differently at her. I realized it. " Hey Garroth." "Y-Yeah??" He stuttered. " Well, we have to go now". I told him, trying to push him to go to her house. "But Laurance! I'm not ready!" He tried to stop me, but didn't work. Once we got to the house Zane opened up. "What do you want little Laurance." "Why are you here cyclops?" He growled and he brought me in with all the boys. "Hey!" We all said and hanged out. When I bumped into (Y/N), "Oh! Sorry Laurance, I didn't see you there." She said, in my head I started squealing. 'AHH!! SO CUTE!!' I wanted to squeal, but I just met her, besides, Garroth wants her 😏.

- Garroth POV -

I saw that Laurance bumped into (Y/N), I growled. "Grrrrr-" Then Dante came up behind me and scared me, but I didn't yell. "Hey Garroth, Aphmau's playing Spin the- holy Irene are you looking at (Y/N)?" I started blushing and said "No, I-I'm waiting for Laurance." I said wanting to tell him.

Just saying guys underlined words mean that it's in the back round, not fully heard.

"Hey what do you want to do when he- HANG OUT?" I started to panic. I didn't want Laurance to take her. Darn it Garroth, you just met her, you can't like her. Just then (Y/N) came up to me . "Hey Garroth. Would you like to hang out tomorrow?" She asked and I nodded, I couldn't say anything, I just wanted to admire her. No! Garroth no! You just met her, you can't like her.

- your POV -

So after Laurance and I hang out for like 4 minutes, Garroth finally made it. "Hey Garroth, what took you so long?" Laurance asked for me, since I thought it was rude. "W-Well, Dante made me cook, so." Garroth stuttered, he was so cute when he stutters, he's so- Stop it (Y/N)! You just met him, you can't like him, or do I?

After a little, We got hungry so, I went to cook. Garroth and Laurance wanted to help. I was pretty tall, almost as tall as them so it was easy to get things on the shelves.

Sorry if your short, not trying to be mean. Just saying your Beautiful/handsome the way you are!❤️️

We ate. We cooked. Nothing really happened, but then Garroth went to the bathroom and Laurance and me were left. Laurance started laughing for no reason. "What's so funny?" " I can't believe Garroth left you alone." I didn't answer and instead tilted my head with confusion. "Ahem. Well you want to play on your PS4 sweetheart?" He called me sweet heart! I was about to cry of how many boys hit on me, even if I'm a loner. "I.. Sure why not?," I said blushing, trying to hide it. " so what shall we play?" He said smirking. " How about (F/V/G)?" I asked not blushing anymore. "Ok" he says as he walks over to my TV. I inhale with relief, and By the time we turned on the PS4, Garroth was out. "Did I miss something?" He asked. He sounded more comfortable around me, that's good. I glared at Laurance and he glared at me. "Erm.. no!" I told him nervously. "Um ok?" Laurance said, slightly sad, I felt guilty.

After we played, they left and I just invited over Katelyn and watched Netflix together, because we're both Netflix lovers. So we watched anime until I realized we were both sleepy and she brought some clothes too. "Are you tired?" I asked "Yeah," she answered. "Want to stay the night over? I can tell Aph your here." "Sure, sounds fun." She answered and I got nervous because then I remembered that she loves truth or dare. But when I was about to say something, she fell asleep, even without changing I giggled and put a blanket over her and a pillow under her head and I went up to my room and slept there.

In the morning I woke up to find Katelyn on the floor. She must of fell when she fell asleep. I giggled at the thought. I pulled her up on the couch and she kept sleeping. I made breakfast which was eggs and toast. And Katelyn must off forgot that she was in my house because she called out for Aphmau. "Hey Aphmau! The breakfast smells good!" "Uhh.. Katelyn? It's
(Y/N)!" "Oh I forgot I was in your house". She grinned at me and I smiled back. "You make good food" she said while putting egg in her mouth. "Thanks! Use to cook a lot for my parents.. when I had them.." I started to cry. Katelyn got up and made me sit. "(Y/N), it's ok, I know your parents are in a better place now." "Sniff.. thank you.. sniff sniff... Katelyn". I stopped crying and explained emeverything that happened. Got robbed, my parents got killed.. and I was left with my brother.

"You had a brother?" Katelyn asked. "Yup. And he's visiting me in a few days actually." I said as I smiled that turned into a frown. "He's the only family I have left." I replied, trying to hold the tears back. "It's ok. You have me and Aphmau and everyone! You'lol be ok." She calmed my down and I gave her a smile. Katelyn was so nice, I wish WAS was one of my sisters. "I also have 3 sisters. I love 2 and 1 of them, just wanted my father all to herself. " "Man you have a bad sister". "Right? Sometimes I wish I just had 2 sisters."

By the way if you don't have that many sibling. Like the 3 sisters, you won't be seeing 2 of them, but you will see 'your brother'. Just wanted to say it. By the way it's the end of the chapter, I will put up tomorrow, don't worry my hand is better now. Rossome Squirrel is out!

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