Chapter 7: A little later

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(Y/N)- Your name
(F/C)- Favorite color
(Y/B/N)- your brothers name
(L/N)- Last name
(F/IC/F)- Favorite icecream flavor
(E/C)- eye color


It's been a week ever since I met everyone. And I still need to tell Garroth the way I feel and Laurance.. "which one?!" I yell out loud, then
(Y/B/N) burst through the door and locks worried. Woops, I think I scared him...
"What happened?!" He yells which brings Katelyn breaking down the door and asks I the same thing until I say calm down. "Guys, remember when I told you Katelyn, back in the store I don't know who I like?" I said trying to smile. " Yeah? Oh! Now I remember." I heard footsteps and saw Garroth and Laurance worried, I then started to panic since Katelyn was about to say what I had said. So ran over to Katelyn which she was about to say, ".. where you said you don't know who you like. So you like G-" I punched her in the stomach and I heard cringing from the punching. She began to look at me like What's wrong? I tilted my head slightly, so she could only see. She looked to the side and saw them both. "Ooooh so you don't want me to spill your secret eh?" She smirks and me and I blush and laugh nervously. Laurance left, giving Garroth a 'look' since he was staying. "U-Uh, um c-can I.. b-bring you out?
Somewhere?" He stared into my (E/C), and I gave him a nervous look and he realized it. "So you're asking me on a date?" I said smirking. He didn't say anything. He only blushed when I took a step closer. I started to Laugh silently, but I just hugged him. I thought it was nothing really. So I said yes.

Garroth POV

She said Yes?! I'm so happy! I can't believe that she said yes! I can't wait, and now I need the time, the place,.. yeah yeah and yeah. But she needs
somewhere special.

Your POV

"What time and where are we going?" I asked smirking and thinking what I'm going to wear. "At 7:00 and it's a surprise!" He said I was frowning, I was also drowning in my thoughts of what I'm going to wear. I was thinking if he used my (F/C), and I used baby blue! That would be cute! I'm doing it, and I'm and going to do it! So after Garroth left. I went upstairs to wear a-

What ever you want.

It was 6:32 and it was 30 minutes before and Aphmau and Katelyn were at my door. "Hey!" "Hi!" They said I was happy to see them. "So, what time is the date going to start with Garroth." I heard someone start to squeal. I saw Aphmau, Kawaii-chan, and.. Katelyn?! "Fangirl Katelyn!!" I yelled out loud and she stopped and looked mad. I ran and she ran behind me. Garroth came in since the door was open and saw: Katelyn chasing me, Aphmau and Kawaii-chan fangirling, and my brother face palming himself. Garroth looked nervous. I stopped and waved at him. His jaw dropped, he saw my dress and I saw him. He had the same idea as me! He was we're black stuff and a green rose, somehow. As I was about to walk over to him, Katelyn kept running and she didn't realize I stopped to say hi. She jumped onto me and I think I broke me back. Nope! I'm ok, and I was in a very flirty mood. I wanted to flirt with someone, and on a date was perfect. We went into the car and drove to somewhere that took forever. I thought we were going to outer space or something. But when we got there. It was a beautiful restaurant. I wanted to cry, but I was to happy to. So I walked in side and saw someone I never wanted to see again. It was..


Sorry if this one was short or late. School, homework, naps and naps. And yeah, I have been haveing that problems. And also I wanted to just say bye, since my back and wrist hurts, so yeah.


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