Chapter: What?

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(Y/N)- Your name
(Y/F)- Your Favorite color
(Y/B/N)- Your brother's name
(B/F/N)- Best friend's name
(Y/F/V)- your favorite video game

Let's start!
-Your POV-

Once I woke up, I went down stairs to find my sister. "Hey Katelyn", I said waving, half asleep."Heya (Y/N)!" She said almost squealing. "Heh, what got you in a good mood?" I said smirking, she then yelled stuff I couldn't tell what she was saying. "Aphmau told me that there was a anime convention!!" "Really? I've never been in one of those." I said slightly laughing. "Well follow me! We're going to make the best cosplay ever!" She said dragging me across the street to go to the art store.

-Laurance's POV-

I saw that (Y/N) was being dragged by someone violently, so I started to follow them. I didn't realize who the person was. But I wanted to make sure she was safe.

"Come on! Can we just walk! I'm starting to get tired." "No! We're going because I want to!" "Hehe aww you wants to be with me?" "Of course."
I started to think that she was dating someone. That made me very sad. I started to spy on them, they said things I wouldn't understand. When they got where.. the art store? Katelyn?!

-Your POV-

"Heh, well. Here we are sis' " Katelyn said putting her hands on her hips. I started to act sassy. "So you dragged me to a piece of garbage. She got pretty mad so I told her I was joking and she calmed down. "Je suis content." I spoke in French. (That mean 'I am happy')
"When, luckily I understand that." Katelyn said glaring at me. "You speak French?" I asked surprised. "No, I just learned a bit of French since I like theatre." She said smiling. "Really? Cool!" I said squealing and she smiled. We walked in side to fine so much art stuff! Boy, I'm going to have fun!

Once we walked inside, I looked for sewing stuff. Katelyn and I looked around and then she popped a question. "So who do you like on mystreet?" She asked. I started blushing like crazy. I felt like I was being watched. "Um.. I don't know who yet.." I said trying not to make eye contact. "Really? At least to me, I find them all annoying, but inside, they're different y'know?" She said looking at from afar. "Your right, I just don't know who yet." I said sighing. "Choose wisely." When she said wisely, it was like I got hit in the head, but I didn't get hurt. Then my brother's idea of singing hit my head too.

I told Katelyn about it and I started to book it to my brother. I saw Garroth and Dante look out the window look at me, Katelyn, and somehow Laurance classing me. They looked at us weirdly, I didn't care. I jumped up and broke through the window, Katelyn followed but Laurance didn't. "Brother can you show me where this singing job is?"I said out of breath. "Oh! That's right just follow me he walked out the door while I jumped out the window.

~time skip~

When we got to the studio. They liked my singing, and my acting. They checked Katelyn's and liked hers too. So when we're then assigned to Romeo and Juliet. Katelyn was assigned someone one, and I was assigned Juliet. I was shocked. When all the boys heard I was Juliet, they all ran to become Romeo. I started panicking, I fell and was caught by Travis who was about to run as well. He didn't say anything and just ran off. I heard a growl of in the distance, but the play was in 3 months. We had an anime convention. So we packed and all the boys are fighting for the spot. Once we packed. I made my costume (Can be what never you want, but I just want to show something I would personally like to become.)

(Back to story!) Kawaii~chan helped me see and she found me being to the Kawaii thing she has ever seen

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(Back to story!)
Kawaii~chan helped me see and she found me being to the Kawaii thing she has ever seen. "You look so Kawaii!!" Kawaii~chan squealed and I looked behind me and saw Katelyn and Aphmau. They were so excited. After I we got packed and left for the hotel, I grabbed one more thing. I grabbed my ring. A ring that was passed on in my family. So if I ever have kids, on of my kids needs to pass on the ring. I wore the ring and I ran back outside and got in the car. Once we got to the hotel I talked to Garroth while we waited. "So, Garroth?" I said and smirked, I was in a flirty mood. "U-Um, yeah?" He blushed since I smirked. I realized what I was about to do so I just agreed with my head. "Here!" I smiled and gave him a red rose, the same color of him blush. How cute, and I wasn't being sarcastic. "Thanks!" He said smiling. All of a sudden I hug him, and I hug him tight. He hugged back, we were both blushing. We were told that we could now go to the room. I grabbed Garroth's hand and ran. I ran all the way up to the room. And Garroth and J were out of breath. "What.. was that... for?" He asked out of breath. Heh, he was cute while tried. "Well, were here early!" I went inside and claimed my bed, a few minutes later everyone came and looked at me and Garroth. Some looked mad, some looked confused, and some where jealous. I explained and they understood. And we're all getting along! I was tired, and Katelyn had 3 punching bags, Katelyn was taking one out, while my brother was punching. Katelyn, (Y/B/N), and me shared a room. So once we got the punching bags out, we started punching the bag, obviously. A few minutes later, Aphmau walked in and saw Katelyn and mommy Brother and me in shorts and t-shirts. Her jaw dropped when she saw me, fighting a punching bag. Then Dante walked in and complemented. I saw Garroth the door owner came in with Laurance. And yes, they broke down the door. They where shocked to see me useing a punching bag. I started punching again when Katelyn grabbed me by the shirt and dragged me over to Aphmau. "Hey Aph." She didn't answer, he eyes were wide open.

"Well you know We share the same dad, well..... used too..."

Hello little nuts! I'm ssooooo sorry if this is late. I was at school, gaming on my channel, and also I had homework. So I do sorry but this is now out! And also Squirrel is out!

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