Chapter 27: The Book

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Yes. I am a Jaiden Animations fan. Don't judge, I love animations. If you have not realized it, go to the picture and read the top of it. Btw I suggest checking her out she's cool.

Your POV

I was leaving the house when I saw my brother, Frenchelly, Katelyn, And Michelle waving goodbye to the fight team. I wanted to say bye too, so I teleported to them so I wouldn't have to walk. I hugged the all and I felt so happy and scared. Because for those around us walking, couldn't understand what it meant to the team If they won the war against Ivy. We would have her powers and use it for the good of others, and we would worry lest since Zenix would loose someone from his team. And if she wins, she doesn't get that much! They set the portal and jumped through. Once the portal closed and felt my tears and my smile as they left. I could just remember the tender hugs Hops would give me. I would also calculate the math when Bee wasn't watching. My life will these people were amazing. I couldn't ask for anything more. I suddenly reserved the book! I was scared because that book held my secrets! Well, not much of a secret if my brother, Frenchelly, and Katelyn would read it. I shrugged it off for now though. I continued the day.

Garroth POV
A little before you shrugged.

I was reading the book. I can't believe what I read! (Y/N) likes me?! I need to confess, but I don't know how. Hmm, how about a poem, or oH! How about a scavenger hunt! No, she wouldn't want to find me. Uagh what do I do? I put the book down and left the room. What do I do?!

Laurence's POV
Evil Laurence here omg Lol he's probably gonna be a YANDERE. What if Garroth dies????? No I'm not that mean.

I was about to order pizza, when I wanted to ask Garroth's opinion on what kind of pizza. I went to his room, but I saw that he wasn't there. But instead, There was a book. I picked it up and began to read. After a little bit, I found out (Y/N) likes Garroth. Wait! What if I tell (y/n) that Garroth stole this book from her! I ran out the door, I heard Dante and Travis whispering about why I ran out. I knocked on (Y/N)'s door. She opened up and I saw a girl with red, teary eyes. For a minute I thought that she was turned and she was a shadow knight. "Hi." She said. Nothing more. "I found this book in Garroth's room and thought he stole it from you." I passed the book to her. She just stared at the book. "Are you just gonna stand there?" I said, I lost my patience. She didn't say anything. I got really mad. "Say something you little-!" I yelled. I slapped her and pushed her back. She winced in pain. I gasped as I saw what I did. Katelyn would kill me if she saw what I just did. I turned around and saw Katelyn and Aphmau. "...?!" They were so confused of why I did that. "LAURENCE!!!?" I said nothing, still with an angry face. I turned back to (Y/N), and Michelle was at her side. "WHAT DID YOU DO?!?" Michelle yelled at me. I just scolded. (Y/N) turned a little bit and held out both hands. She had tears in her eyes. "What did I do..?" Before I could think, Katelyn pushed me to the ground. "DON'T EVER TOUCH MY SISTER!!" Then a emerald appeared in her hand. She threw it towards me and I teleported somewhere. Wait, I'm in the guy's house? I saw Garroth stomping around and avoiding me. I bet he saw what I did .

Your POV

Laurence is now in his house. I'm still wincing in pain after what he did to me. He hit in the spot where Zenix stabbed me in Highschool. "What happened?" Katelyn said. ".. Laurence came here with the Diary, and he claimed Garroth stole it. But I'm sure Garroth didn't steal." I finally said. Aphmau looked worried, Katelyn was super mad, and Michelle was tear full. ".. He hit you in the place-?" She began. "The place where Zenix stabbed me, yes he did." I said. Katelyn's head was on fire. But all that the girls had in common, was that they were shocked. I would be too if I found out something horrible about their past.

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