Chapter 19: sleepover Fright PART TWO FINALE

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Katelyn POV
A little before the end of the phone call

(Y/N) hasn't come back, I'm going to check on her. "Good! How's everyone going?" "Aww, well, I see my learning buddy is doing good!"
What is she talking about? "Really? That's amazing! See you tomorrow, I hope you get along with everyone on the street." What? Who's coming?
"ok bye, peace." She turned off the phone to see me. "Oh hey Katelyn." She said walking about to me. "What was that?" I asked, crossing my arms. "I was talking to my friend, the person that's the semi- leader of my work team." She said smiling. "And she's coming here tomorrow! And we'll see if she moves in!" She said jumping up and down. "Woah woah woah! I-" "she fights! You'll love her!" She said yelling at this point. "Ok, let's see." I said smirking, worried. She walked to everyone else, I thought to my self. What is this person? I heard they're in a fight? Maybe (Y/N) needs help! I need to help her fight. I walked back to the living room. She's going to possibly have roommates?!

Your POV
"Bed time!" I yelled. I heard laughs and giggles, even Garroth's cute giggle. I awed. Everyone looked over at me, and I blushed. Everyone went into their sleeping bags and yeah, I couldn't sleep. I keep rolling and rolling around on the floor. I looked over at Garroth, he was rolling too. I just payed down and looked up at the ceiling.


I was walking down the street. I saw 2 people chasing each other. I just continued walking... he looked similar..

Flashback end

My eyes widen. I looked over at him. He looked over at me. I sighed and looked up at the ceiling. My life is destroyed. Garroth made me feel, new. I wasn't a waste of space anymore. I had a place in my life now. " Hey,
(Y/N)," I saw Garroth whispered. "Yeah?" I whispered back. "You can't sleep, can you?" He said. I nodded, I was just thinking, he probably won't like me back. "You can sleep with me.." he said blushing and looking at the corner of his eye. I blushed too, but went over to him. He smiled, and I did too. He wrapped his arms around me, I put my arms around him too. I snuggled up to his chest, I feel safe in his arms. We looked at each other, I was very happy, he was too. I gave him a kiss on the lips. I was shocked at first, but then just continued kissing. We kissed for minutes, then we let go. "Love you.." Garroth said, he closed his eyes. "Love you too.." I said and he pulled me closer and fell asleep, together.

In the morning, I could tell it was pretty early, since no one was awake. I grabbed my phone. It was 4:23?! It's to early to be awake?! I sighed and looked up and Garroth, he was waking up. "Shush, go back to sleep." I said, trying to make him go back to sleep. "No.. I want to see you.." he said, half asleep. I sighed again and got up. I looked around and saw Aphmau waking up. I said my mouth, "let's go to the kitchen." So that we wouldn't make noise. She nodded and went to the kitchen. "Heh, I wanted to know, what would you think if you had new neighbors?" I asked, since I had a lot of space in a house next to me. My family was rich, so I own the house next to me too. I knew this day would come, hops and the others would want to move in. "That be amazing." She said, drinking a cup of water I gave her. "Well, maybe we're having new neighbors." I said. Her eyes light up. Her mouth opened, but I Shut it. "I know the people who are moving in." Her eyes light up even more. I went to my room with her. I took about the diary of my family. Katelyn saw this book and wrote an entry in it. I began to write.

"Dear Diary..
Sasha hasn't spoken to me yet, but she knows who Hops is, she loved her. I mean, as a friend of course.." I liked at Aphmau. She was very shocked. I smirked. ".. I hope everyone gets along. I bet Katelyn and Hops are going to be good friends. But what if they don't? Hops is strong and is one of the last of her species. Aphmau would be best friends with Kitty. They will me mischief everywhere haha!" I said and wrote. Aphmau was very exited. ".. I can't wait until I get to see Bee, the bee that's a moth! Last of her species too. But I'm mostly exited for the fight, or war I suppose. I hope I can get more help. This war will be close, but we will get through it. We must have our spirits high. We can not let our guard down!" I say and I held the pencil in the air. Aphmau was super shocked. "Your going to war?!" She screamed. I nodded as I shushed. The guys heavy sleepers because only the girls came. "What's wrong?" Nicole said. "Nothing!" Aphmau and I yelled together!" Hey guys, it's pretty early,
How about we go to sleep?" I said and they placed their sleeping bags on the carpet. I was happy since we were going to sleep. But I was sad that I wasn't with Garroth. I walked down the stairs to see all the boys up. I ran back up without a sound I stepped on a pencil and broke it. They looked around and I hid. They shrugged and continued talking. ".. well who's gonna ask her out..?" Garroth said. "I'm not, (Y/N) is not.." I heard, but I had heard enough. I looked back once more to see Garroth frowning. I was done. ".. I guess I don't have a place.." I said and walked away quickly. They saw me and Garroth looked really sad. But I I ignored it.

Your texting now ok?? Ok..
You- Hops?
Hops- yeah?
You- I want you to come here early, I need your HLM.
Hops- 'Help Love Manual?'I haven't used that in so long.
You- well I need it now.
Hops- ok, I'll be there in a few hours with everyone.
You- okay.. thanks...
End of texting

I was crying now, I was on my roof. I saw the sunset. I looked down at the ring I had in my hand. ".. maybe I should give up on Garroth is he doesn't like me.." I said. I looked around the street. I then looked down at the window and looked at the guys. They were all looking at Garroth. Even Aaron. I heard Aphmau and Aaron saw me. I mouthed. " come out so I can talk to you." He nodded a little. "Guys, I'm going to get fresh air." Everyone nodded. He walked out and I was upside down. " stay here, I'll call Aph so you can talk to eachother, and she'll tell you about my life right now."I just remembered that Aaron is dead in MCD and I litterly crying right now 😭 he nodded and I went into the room through the window. "Hey Aph." I poked her arm a little. "Yeh?" She said. I grabbed her in my arms and dragged her down to Aaron. I explained to Aphmau what she needed to do. I told Aaron he can't tell anyone about this. They nodded and I went back up in the Roof, where I left the ring. It was gone. I looked up and saw Gene running with Ivy and Michi. I knew Michi and Ivy wanted revenge, but Gene just wanted to kill me. I was mad, I was not a happy camper at all. I started jumping over all of The houses and running towards them. I caught up and I pulled them all the ground. It kinda looked like we just rolled off of a roof. Laurance kinda saw me leave and saw that I turned into a shadow knight.. so yeah.. he followed me. Hehe atleast he didn't look as cool as me when I was jumping over the roofs. "(Y/N).. what's.. going on.." he said out of breath. I turned around and I saw no one. "Darn it! They got away!" I said. But I looked at the ground. There layer the ring, unharmed. I was so happy I began to cry. I grabbed the ring and somehow I knew that Sasha wanted to see me. " Laurance.. I'm ending the sleepover early." He looked unhappy like he wanted to sneak around and make out with me
Don't break the fourth wall.
Why? I should because then-
You'll mess up my book!
Thnx yous. \(•v•)/

Timeskip you tell everyone it's done blah blah.

Everyone left. And I got to summon Sasha's "hey!" Sasha waved at me. "Hi! Guess what!" I said and the door dinged. I opened it for Sasha to see, the one and only, Hops. "Omg omg omg it's Hops." "Holy carrots!" Sasha said. "Hey! I will punch you!" Sasha heard foots steps in the other realm, "I have to go." We waved and she left. I was really sad since that visit was short. But I mean, we saw her right? "Ok, I don't have much more space in my house. So you'll move in the really big house next to us ok?" I said a little mad since she actually thought I would let her move in with about 6 other people. "Ok?" Hops said nervously. We walked into the house and I saw..

Please don't be mad at me, I did it for a reading because a bunch of new people are coming! Trust me, a lot of drama goin' on here. Byyeeeeee!!

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