Chapter 15; Happiness

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Your POV

Looooong timeskip.
-skip 1 month-

Everything here is amazing! Frenchelly and my brother have been great friends since she moved in. Everyone's got know her too! I've got to know Garroth better, bet even everyone. Even moment Garroth says something about him, I like him more. I don't know I think Laurance is getting a little to scared of me being with Garroth. Every place I go, Laurance is there. I have to ask him about why he's following me everywhere, but I have 2 ideas. I found scrap paper and started to write down:

Idea 1
He's following me everywhere because I was kiddnapped.
Idea 2
He's scared that Garroth might take me away from him. Erggggggghh!!

I threw the paper away and started to walk around the house doing.. you guessed it. Nothing. Then my brother woke up. "Have you made breakfast" he said while walking up to me. " No. make it yourself." I said and he said ok. He usually got mad, and that's when I heard. "No. make if yourself blah blah"
I giggle because I knew he was mad. Then Frenchelly came down the stairs. "Morning! And he's making breakfast right?" She said smirking since she knew I make him suffer. I nodded and she giggled and she walked over to the kitchen. I was about to watch anime, when I got a phone call.

"Excuse me (Y/N) (L/N), Romeo and Juliet play is in 48 hours. You must come and practice your part, also we need to find a Romeo." I was stunned. I forgot about the play! All the boys are going to go and see if they can be in the play! "Oh! I have a few boys that could be Romeo." I said blushing at the thought of kissing Garroth. "That's great! Please come as soon as possible. Thank you!" He said and ended the call. I was so exited. I started to jump up and down.

My brother came running in.
"(Y/N) (M/N) (L/N) WHAT IS GOING ON?!!?!??!?????" He yelled. I made a very happy face, then he knew what was going on. But by the time that He was about to say something, I heard my door break down. I sighed and before turning around, " Hello there stutter king." I said as I turned around and waved angrily. "H-Hello.." Garroth said as he rubbed the back of his head. I could tell he was pretty nervous. "I have newwws!" I yelled on one leg while the other in the air. "Folllowwwww mmeeeeee!!!!!!" I yell and Start running towards the door. I saw the squad right behind Garroth, so I grabbed the first hand I felt. I ran to the place he PLAY was and turned around and realized I didn't drag Garroth. I dragged Dante. "Hi Dante! How are you?" I said blushing, trying not to look nervous. "Oh,. Good, good." Then I saw Garroth here next. I saw Zane next, poor Zane. Frenchelly was running as far away from Zane as possible. So she didn't go near him, but she saw him. We walked inside and they saw about the play. I ran to Jimmy, I saw he was shocked of how many people I brought. "Er, hi! Your here." He said, while the others were looking around the stage. We were brought to the back and started to practice.

Time skip---

Dante POV

I felt so shocked that she had grabbed my hand, but then I saw why she was exited. I looked at the play set up. I was shocked her brother could get us here. But, I guess I needed to be thankful. So I walked over to her and it became awkward. "Hey, (Y/N), thanks for bringing us here." I said rubbing my neck. "Oh! No problem, it's pleasure." I said and I hugged her suddenly. I was very happy she didn't pull away. I felt all the guy's eyes burning in my back, but I didn't mind. I just, really like her. We pulled away an I was blushing. She was too, she was so cute. She waved and went into the back followed by Aphmau and Aaron. I looked over at the guys, and they weren't happy.

Your POV

I was pretty shocked when Dante hugged me, I was not expecting that. I grabbed my phone and I had a text. I looked over at it and I realized that the number.. there was no number!? It said:

???- Hi
Y- Hello?
???- Oh! I'm sorry you might think I'm a random person, I'm Sasha.
Y- wait, Sasha Saaasha??
???- yup! Hi (Y/N).
Y- Sasha that knows my best friend?
???- Frenchelly, and me right?
Y- Yup! So how's Zenix? Grrr
???- he's, escaped with Balto, and EIN
Y-NO! EIN!!!! Where are they right now?!
???- they're not found, by the way do you want to come back into the dream? I can bring you back.
???- I was pretty happy to see you.
Y- Yay! Gtg I have something to do.
???- Bye!
Y- Bye!

I just spoke to Sasha! I'm so happy! "Hey, whatcha doin'?" I heard Laurance say. I turned off my phone, threw it to the other side of the room. He looked shocked. "Ummmm, ok. By the way thanks for bringing us here." "Thankkkss to MY singing!" I said. As I walked off. I then hugged Laurance. I don't know why there's so many hugs, but I wanted to hug someone. I saw Garroth so I dragged him to the hug and hugged them both. I was blushing like crazy, but I was happy at the same time. I was very happy. But then I looked my ring, I get tears but I tried to keep a smile.

Anger problem.⚠️
             IF YOU DO NOT HAVE

I wanted to slit their chest open. Off what they've done to me in the past. I wish the future can hold.

You can continue reading now

I felt a hand wipe off my tears, I think it was Laurance. I opened my eyes, it was Garroth. He was blushing and I was too. Laurance was still hugging me and looking at Garroth. Laurance was not a happy camper. I keep hugging them, then I let go. I giggled as they blushed. Then I ran off, not wanting to hear their fight.

Time skip
After they thing about Romeo and whateverrrr

I'm shocked. Laurance won the thing, he's Romeo!!! I'm so scared!! I hoped it was Garroth! Whyyyy??? Well, the plays tomorrow, I need to kiss Laurance. When we left, I was bring on my fingers. "Hey, are you ok?" All the girls asked, even Lucinda. I dragged them away from the boys. " I'm going to have to kiss Laurance." I whispered, even though all the boys are looking at us very weirdly. Aphmau was squealing, she was the only one. Lucinda was not happy, she was crying since she wanted me to kiss Garroth. I mouthed her 'I wished I could kiss Garroth'. She looked shocked and she started squealing. I was very happy that she really liked us together. I smiled, but stopped when heard the boys coming. I turned around and they made a face that meant 'What's going on?' I nodded nothing while all the other girls were squealing. We walked home, I broke the door and everyone started to look at me. "I guess Garroth found his door queen." Said Katelyn. I replaced the door and slammed it. I ran to my room. And crashes on the bed. I heard my brother coming so I whispered, "Let me enter your world Sasha."

"Don't have to tell me twice." I heard a voice.

Eek! Cliffhanger!!! Sorrryyyy!!!
Hello! I think I'm putting up stuff more often, but I'm not sure.
Btw thanks beedrop ! Your giving me confidence since I'm going through the jagged time in my life. Thanks! Byyyeeee!!!

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