Chapter 9: Snow!

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Do I have to do these still? I think it's long enough to memorize these, let me know if you still need the names.

Your POV

I. Slept. Awesome! Well, Katelyn always shipped me and Garroth. At least she and me have one thing in common. We don't care for most. Well, I care about shipping, and fangirling. Katelyn, in high school.. wait! I knew someone with brown hair and green eyes, and someone with black hair and a mask.. Zane and who else? I knew Zane then, I knew Travis, I knew Katelyn, I think I met Garroth once.

Flash back

"Hey, Gar Gar?" I asked looking at someone with blond hair. Who is that?
"Grrr!" He said while looking at me. Wait.. I'm in high school, and Gar Gar? Garroth! "Hey, how about we meet up with Katelyn, my sister." I said, looking away from tears of memory of family. "Sure." He said and we ran off.

Flash end

I came back in reality to find snow! I ran down stairs to find a tree and my brother. "It's Christmas?!" I yelled and squealed. "It's going to be soon" said holding something in his. "Christmas is in 5 weeks. It'll come around." He said sighed. He threw a mistletoe at me and I panicked. "WHATS THIS FOR?!?!" I yelled very loud, I heard the door break down and saw Garroth, Laurance, Aphmau, And Katelyn. "What's wrong?!" They yelled at me and my brother. "... ummmm..." I said looking over at (Y/B/N). He pointed to the window and I nodded. "Hulian sutck sett." I said, Katelyn understood what we were saying. We had a secret Language. "Tan kacwest." He said. "Really? I get what you 2 are saying." Katelyn said in usion. "And.. Really?! A Mistletoe?!" Katelyn yelled. Everyone else was silent, except Garroth who was mubleing, I bet Laurance and him are going to fight later.

Here's what you were saying in secret language
Y- Are you sure?
B- Yup do it

I jumped out the window and ran to Zane's house. I don't know why, but I choose the farthest house.

When I got to the door, I  knocked on the door like a mad man. He opened it slowly. ".. (Y/N)??" He said looking at me, I was pretty nervous. "WHY IN THE NAME OF IRENE WERE YOU KNOCKING ON MY DOOR LIKE A MAD MAN?!?!" He yelled, wow. He was louder then me. "BECAUSE IM ABOUT TO DIE, KATELYN FOUNF OUT ABOUT SOMETHING!!!!!!!!" Ok, never mind, I'm louder. He pulled me inside. He barracked the door and windows. But I knew she could break through walls.

Time skip after you explained everything to Zane.

"I'm scared." I said shivering. "You should." He said laughing. Katelyn then broke through the wall and dragged me back to Garroth. ".. NICE HANGING OUT WITH YOU ZANE!!!" I yelled
"YOU TOO!!!!" I heard Zane yell back.
"Gerstock.." I mumble which meant, 'Darn it..". " I heard that." Katelyn said glaring at me. I said nothing, I was so mad, I went full circle. Once we got to Aphmau's house, Garroth was right there,
I saw him right away. I get my heartbeat quicken, why do I feel this way? .. probably all the running Katelyn made me do to get here. I walked away and hanged the Mistletoe. I saw Laurance, Travis running to the Mistletoe, but Kawaii-chan grabbed my hand and pulled me into the kitchen.
"What happen Kawaii-chan?" I said whispering. "Kawaii-chan wants to know if your Dating Garroth-kun?" "Meep!" I squeaked, the thought of Garroth and me dating.. um, no comment! I heard footsteps and... I passed out. Kidding! I got up from Kawaii-chan's whispering and walked to the living room. I saw Garroth, Laurance, Dante, Zane, and Travis. I went to the stairs and sat there. I then felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Katelyn and (Y/B/N).
"Oh, hey." I said. I was pretty said that Garroth and I aren't together. But if he and me get together, the rest of the boys? Ughhhh I don't know..

"So? Want to play in the snow?"
(Y/B/N) said as he sat next to me. Katelyn rolled her eyes at playing in the snow. "Yeah! Remember how long it's been since we've played with the snow? I think, 3 years?" After I said that Katelyn started walking away. All the guys were staring at us, even that other girls. "You guys haven't played in the snow for 3 years? You need to play." She said walking outside. I did a little dance when I went outside. My brother joined In. "Woop WOOP!!" We yelled out loud. My brother was about to throw a snowball at Katelyn, but I put snow in his jacket. GAHG!" He yelled running around trying to get the snow out. I high fived Katelyn and she jumped on me and we fell on the ground. We laughed, until a shadow came apon us. "Prepare for tourcher." He said when he dropped aton of snow. Katelyn got away, but I was hit. "AHHHHHHH!!!" My voice was muffled because of the snow. I got all of the snow out of my face and hit my brother in the head with a really bit snowball. "You will pay!" I yelled and laughed until I felt someone pick me up. "AHH! KATELYN PUT ME DOWN!!!" I yelled trying to jump off, even if it hurt me. "NEVER!!!" she yelled as she threw me into a pile of snow. "AHHAHAAHHAHA!!" I heard my brother and Katelyn laughing. I got out and looked at them if they were dead. I pulled my witch power and grabbed all the snow on the street in one pile. I grabbed them with my shadow knight form and threw them deep in the pile. I laughed as they tried to get out. "Haha! I've been learning magics!" I yell at them and help them out since I felt a little guilty.

Don't really the next paragraph if your not guilty heheheheheh

"Thanks." Katelyn said as I helped her out. "We deserve it." (Y/B/N) said as he looked for a shoe

"Well! HAT was fun, not let's go inside." I said as I giggled. I knew I was digging my own GRAVE, but I.. yeah I'm dead. We went inside and saw everyone looking at me. Well, not Katelyn and my brother. "Magics? Shadow knight?" Everyone said and had side conversations. "U-Um.. yeah.." I said looking to the side . I went over to the table in the kitchen and stood against the wall. No one noticed the Mistletoe was on the wall. Garroth realized and walked over to me. "Hey, (Y/N), do you want to hang out.. whaaa??" He said looking up and I looked up and saw the Mistletoe. I need to kiss Garroth! But in my head, I was like; ok, I'll do it. But outside, I panick. "There's no way.." I cut him off with a kiss, and yes, on the lips. All the boys were in shock. But it wasnt passionately, after I let go. Garroth knew he had to go through a war of the boys, and I knew would die before I could go on another date because of the girls. We all left and I went home and locked the door. I can't believe I did that!

I kissed GARROTH!!

I have pretty much nothing to say. Wait, yeah look all the way at the top against PLEASE tell me if you memorized those. That's it. Squirrel is out!

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