Chapter 29: Ein and a fight

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Your POV

I've found Balto, and I've now found Jax. Didn't do anything, but Jax did do stuff to Aphmau. "Ugh.. I've heard of you.." he said. "Yeah. I've heard of you From Aph." He was shocked. He was too shocked to speak. I f
ound my parents
too. "Hey Mom!"
She came from th
e other room. "Hey mom, have you seen Ein?" My mom knew about Ein. But she didn't know what he did though, he knew about Zenix only. "Well, I want you to come and meet someone!" I came with her to the main room. And guess who I saw, Ein. "This gentleman wanted to meet you! He's super nice! You should date him!" I was about to pass out. What?! How!?! Never!! "I'll leave you two alone to talk." And she left. I was wanting Sasha or Garroth to be here right now. And Ein and Zenix worked together! UAAGHHH!! I began to walk away when I felt someone hold my hand. "Where are we going? honey?" What did he just call me?? I blushed. "Well, I knew Zenix was right when he called you cutie." He pushed me against the wall. And brought me to a room, and he locked the door. "Oh, wait. I might need to get somethings.." he left the room. I called Sasha.

S- Hey.
S- Um, what is it?

The phone call ended. Ein came back with stuff. He pushed me on the bed. He snaked his hand up my shirt. I moaned. I pushed him away. He smirked. I looked around and saw a window. I grabbed a hammer that was somehow in the box, and threw it at the window. I couldn't believe Ein was this dumb. I jumped out and and saw Sasha with chains. I ran to her and took them. I saw Ein chasing me. I turned around and smacked him with the chains. He fell and winced in REAL pain. Haha Balto! I chained him up and dragged him. I said my goodbyes to Sasha so she could return to the over world. I brought him back to the prison. As we passed Balto and Jax's sell. "Woah! What happened to you?" Said Balto. Jax just laughed. And Well, Ein snarled. Balto backed away a little, but Jax kept laughing at Ein. I went to the main room and saw my mother. I pushed Ein towards her. "What happened.?" She asked. "This little female dog tried to do you know what!" I gagged of how disgusted I was. She stared at him with anger. I left her be. It was the last day. It was time to return home. I put my hands out and looked up at the moon. I smile. Light takes over instead of darkness. That's good. Once I open my eyes, and I see Sasha pacing. "Your back! I was worried because he probably was let lose and did THAT with you and-" I just laughed. "I'm okay." And hugged her. She hugged back. She left the room and I stayed in the room. I was in my room. I was bored so I went to the guy's house. Once I knocked, no one answered. So I spied on them. I check Dante first. He was with Travis in his room. Then, I checked Laurence's room. He was trying to sleep. I probably scared him. Poor thing. Wait, Nah no poor thing. MUST SUFFER. Haha This is funny! Now, I'm checking Garroth. He was talking and writing on a letter so I listened:

"dear (Y/N),
I'm sorry for Laurence. I hope you aren't that mad. And, I think its time to ask you. Will you date me? It's fine if you don't feel the same way. I wanted to return your Diary, but I wanted to know what's going on so I can help. But instread, I found out: No, I don't like him. I love him).


I was so shocked. He got up and threw the letter out the window. "I hope she finds that.." and he closed the window and left his room. I catches the letter and read it again. I smiled. I got up and knocked on their door. Garroth opened. "Hey!" He said. "Hi!"  I waved back. I took about the letter and He looked flustered "....... I read this and....." I looked up/Down/etc at Garroth. He pulled me into a kiss. I kissed back. He parted. "So.. I'll take that as a yes?" He said. "Hehe, Yes." He looked delighted and did his little cute giggle. He hugged me and I hugged back. This must be the best day to exist.

Yeah sorry fora a short chapter. I'm thinking of ending it. Im kind of scared because I don't want to but I need to start reader x Mystreet. It'll be a different story line. Oh and yeah SUPER happy I went apple picking right now.

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