Chapter 22: Avioding

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Your POV

One week later
I was in my room, watching Netflix. My brother was worried because I nearly leaf my room once a day. After what happened with Garroth, I didn't want to see him. I got a text all of a sudden. It was Zane.
Zane- Hey
You- hi
Zane- Woah I didn't expect you to answer. Why don't you come out?
You- I'm not happy with your brother Zane.
Zane- ?!??
You- We were on a date, and he starting kissing Michi.
Zane- WHAT?!?! I was about to begin trusting him too!
You- Well, I suggest you shouldn't
Zane- already changed my mind.
You- Well, wanna hang out or something? I heard there's a MLH movie out in theaters! Wanna watch it?
Zane- Sure.
Zane- yeesh ok
You- YAY.

After 6 minutes, Zane got here. I was pretty mad because I didn't want to go outside, and he was supposed to be here before 5 minutes! "You were supposed to be here before 5 minutes!" I yelled. Frenchelly then came down the stairs. "Hey Frenchfries! Wanna join us for a movie play date!" I yelled. I heard Zane growl cause I said play date. She nodded so Zane was smiling, I could tell because his masked moved a little. I went over to Frenchelly. "I dare you to rip off his mask." I whispered. She blushed. I heard Zane mumbling stuff. We walked out the door. I had a (F/C) hood on so no one could see it was me. I bet the fight group knew because I saw them look out their window.

Time skip!!!~~~

Once we got to the theaters, I saw Aphmau. I was a bit nervous, but then I saw the whole street over there! Not the fight team, because I have never seen once of them watch MLH, except Hops hehe. We went to our seats in the theater and watched the movie. I saw that Zane had an arm around Frenchelly, so I was silently fangirling. Once the movie stopped, I saw Aph walk over to us. I already had my hood over my head. "Hey! Frenchelly and Zane, is this your new friend?" I was shocked she said new friend, but I guess she couldn't recognize me. I shivered because 'friend' reminded me of Garroth. "Hey! What's your name?" I pulled up my head band, I wore one Justin case. I pulled it down to cover my mouth so I looked like Zane. I turned around. "Oh! My name is Gem." I could tell Zane and Frenchelly were nervous. "Nice to me you! My names Aphmau!" I nodded. Oh no, they're coming to say hi! I thought, I started to mentally panic. I used my power to make my hair tips (F/C). Zane realized, "Uh, we should get going." We all nodded except Aphmau. We started walking when Laurence pulled down my hood. He looked at the (F/C) tips. "Your hair tips look nice." He said. WHAT. WHY HAVEN'T YOU- oh wait I died it whoops. "Thanks." I said and walked off. Travis, Dante, and Laurence looked at me. Even Garroth! They pulled me back. They pulled down my head band. I used my power and made them not notice who I was. "Urm, guys?" They all looked away and blushed. I pulled my headband up and walked out with Frenchelly and Zane. "Oof! That was close!" I said. "Almost. Aphmau almost saw you!" I nodded and looked to the side. I made my hair look back to normal, I fixed the spell on the guys, and yeah, still with my hood. I felt someone pull my hood down though. I turned around and saw Aphmau. I saw the guys just a bit back. "You finally came out!" Aphmau yelled. The guys saw that I had hid my self, but.. wait. Now that I look at Laurence, he looks like the hooded guy who was at Rollman. If you ask how I saw Him kiss Michi, I just have my ways. I made an angry face at him. "I don't ever want you to interrupt my dates again!" I yelled at Laurence. He acted innocent, but I knew he wasn't. After a little bit, ".. I'm sorry.." he said. I saw no tears. Excuse me? No tears?! Are you actually being sincere?!?! Do you think I forgave him? No! He messed up what I had going on with Garroth! Do I have him a sassy hair flip, and walked home. I guess Zane and Frenchelly said bye, before I dragged her home. I went up to my room, I gave the book to Frenchelly, slammed my door, and went to draw or escape through the window to the Fight team's house or the girl's house.

Frenchelly POV Didn't expect that eh? EH??? ok maybe..

(Y/N) gave me the Diary. I began to read. I was shocked to what I had read. Now I understand why she yelled at Laurence! I'm so not talking to Laurence for a day! I felt like a kid talking. I'm going to comment on her entry.

I'm so sorry for your cause. If you want I can get Hops and I to beat up Laurence. Maybe with Katelyn too? Just trying to light up the mood!

I smiled at what I wrote. I felt the tears because I felt so bad for (Y/N). I wanted to tear up Laurence. I placed the book down for (Y/B/N) to read and write. Maybe Katelyn can too.

Hops POV

Ok, I'm going to (Y/N)'a house. I knew what was going to happen, but I let it because I can damage the link in the time and ruin everything. I bet once Katelyn finds about Garroth and (Y/N), she's not gonna want to ship them together anymore. Or even want them near each other. But I'm going to her house to make her happy! Because besides working as the semi-leader of the fight team, I need to make her happy! WOH!

End of chapter! This was one I was working one for a bit. So if I made mistakes, please let me know!

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