My Mystreet shorts (Get it? Im sorry..)

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No one has yet said it, or atleast if no one wants to say it. So everyone reading, if you want to guess it, comment on this non- chapter, or the last one. I'll wait for sone one to say it. And once they guess it, Ill do what I promised. I'll keep this, but I'll make some shorts or My version of Mystreet. Here we go.

Super future Third person view.
"., (y/N) was walking down the road, she was waving to Mystreet to forget her past, her monsters inside he-" "Garroth! Don't scare the kids!" (Y/N) yelled. Garroth did his cute giggle and hugged (Y/N). (Kid's name idk) and (other kid name don't ask) we smiling, but then (first kid) asked "what is mommy's past?" (Y/N) was very nervous. "Nothing!" She yelled, giving Garroth a glare of anger. He only smiled nervously like something bad was gonna happen to him.

Hop's loneliness. Y/N view hehehehe
I saw Hops so I went up to her. She was glaring and smile omg at hop topic. I giggled a little as I walked over. "So, still single?" I asked being curious. "Yup." Hops sighed. I patted her head as I was on my tippy-toes. ".. it ok!" I said as everyone was looking at us in the mall. "Oh is my face filled with cake cough people of the mall cough!" I yelled. Everyone looked away. "I fell ins lovves with ze hoptoopics." Hops said as is she was beginning to speak English. "Wow.. I bet Zane did too.." I said, thinking about the pony marathons we had. There was silence for a minute. Then I yelled for everyone around me to hear. "STILL LONELY?!" Hops looked like she was about to be knocked out. Everyone around us was looking at us like we were insane. I giggled. "I.. I have to go.." Hops said as she looked back at me like I was a psycho. "BYEEEE!!'" I yell again. Now hops was running away from me. I laugh.

Family reunion
I look at my brother and Katelyn. We hold hands and open the portal. We jump in and yell.. "WE'RE LATE FOR THE PARTY!!" My mom was setting up a party. Katelyn was visiting my mom so yeah. Once we got there I saw my mom. "Heyyyy mom!" I yelled and caught her attention. "Heyyy girl!" She yelled back as she took a sip of her poopsi. She saw my brother and yelled. "Heyyyyy son!" She yelled at him. I facepalmed. ".. call him by his real name.." I said I sigh.

Aphmau's talking mean (Y/B/N) view
Aphmau's birthday! Eep! I'm so happy for her. Bee and I were hanging out and watching MLP because we were bored. And he heard screams. "HOW COULD SOMEONE FOGET MY BIRTHDAY!!!??" I guessed it was Aphmau. "Aph, I didn't forget, I promise."Aaron said. "NOOOK !!" She yelled. Bee yelled asleep through the screams. "YOU PIGS SHUT UP!!" And that woke Bee up. "I WAS TRYING TO SLEEP!!!" She yelled at me. "WHY ARE WE SCREAMING?!?" Aph and Aaron yelled from across the street. "I DONT KNOOOLWWWWW'!!" Bee and me said. We continued yelling for the next hour

Michi and Kitty. Third point- AUTHOR POINT OF VUEW.
"..The awful Michi and the Mysterious Kitty were hanging out in the park with a bunch of cats. The cars meowed to Kitty, and Hisses to Michi. They started a cat war. Kitty win since no car wanted to be on Michi's team. Kitty was the cat champion!" Author yelled. "Ok, ok, I know I'm great. But I don't love cats." Kitty said. "Everyone in the room gasped. Kitty realized what she has said and ran away and cried forever." Author said. "That didn't happen!" Kitty yelled. "Aghhhh whatever.!" Author yells.

That's it for today! I'll check on my comments right now, and I'll see who guesses it. Don't be afraid to guess! I'll still give shout outs to all of you! If you even want to guess...

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