Chapter 26: Think.., think..

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Basically the picture up there is Michelle, but just with green eyes and fav' color is green. You can change it if she looks like you.

Michelle POV

Crap! I'm stuck here! What do I do?! I heard footsteps toward me. I threw out my sword, and the one I never use. I turned around shaking to see that Laurence guy. I start blushing, my face was burning. Of my shaking, I dropped the sword. And acted like an idiot. I sighed. "What is it?" I said. I covered my mouth when I said that. How rude of me! "Well your a friend of (Y/N)?" He asked. I nodded. "Well, I- here's my number! I need to get going!" I gave him my number and ran off. He must think I'm a complete weirdo. But I got to (Y/N)'a house and broke down the door. (Y/B/N) noticed and heard. "ONLY GARROTH BREAKS DOORS DOWN!!!!!!!" "OH I KNOW!!!!!!" I yelled back and broke down (Y/N)'a door. "YOUR PAYING FOR THESE DOORS!!!!!!!!!!!!" She yelled louder than her brother. Gosh, I just was revenge. "What at you doing?" I asked with a smirk. "Oh me? Pftttt I'm texting KC about how Hot Garro- how nice Garroth is!" She yelled blushing. I start squealing. Everyone on the street started looking at us through their window. Oh dear, that's why I was known as the weirdest kid in high school. "Ok, how about this? We go to the mall, and have a fun time?" (Y/N) said. I shrugged. "I'll bring Aphmau, Katie, hehehe, Aphmau, the Fight-" I stopped her. "Haven't you heard? The fight team need to leave again to fight the war Ivy has established." (Y/N)'A eyes filled with tears. She ran out off her room and to fight house. I kinda followed. She knocked super hard on their door. Bee opened. "Hey what-?" Before she could say anything more, she squeezed Bee by hugs. "Is is true-sniff- that all off-sniff- are going to war?" Bee looked over at me. Then at (Y/N). "Well, yeah-" "I wish you luck!" She said letting go of her and smiling. "We're leaving tomorrow so," bee said looking frustrated at me and a little bad that she could trust me with secrets. But (y/n) would eventually find out so, I mean what's the point? We both walked to Aphmau's house. Katelyn opened up and greeted us. We told her about the mall and she agreed that everyone would come. Aphmau came out and with KC and we started walking to Zane's house to get Frenchelly. Wow, she must really like him if she visits him all the time. I guess I was right because I saw Zane and Frenchelly having a make out session. So I pressed the door bell. Aphmau was on her phone so I came over to her. I let (y/n) talk to Zane and Frenchelly. "Hey Aph, whatcha doin'?" "I telling the boys that we're going to the mall and if they want to spy on (y/n) and find out her juicy information." She whispered. Aph sounded evil but the plan was amazing. We evilly grinned but stopped when Frenchelly came. "Let's go!!!" I yelled and ran off to the mall. "But cars?" I heard Frenchelly say. "NO CARS!!" I screamed back. Once we got to the mall, we were out of breath. But the comer of my eye, I saw the boys. I smirked and walked into the mall. First place I went into was Macy's. Aph and everyone else followed. Aph looked at the dresses, (y/n) looked at shirts, Katelyn looked at shirts too, Mostly shirts everywhere. Then Katelyn began to talk to all of us. "So, we should play truth or dare in the food court." Everyone nodded, but (Y/N) hesitated. We bought the stuff we chose out and headed to the food court. "I declare me first!" Aph said as we sat down. "I'm, Frenchelly truth of dare?" I saw the boys listening to us so yeah! "Truth!" She said nervous. "Is it true.. you were making out with Zane before we got to you?" I showed her the pictures I took. She sighed and said yes. Poor Garroth must be shocked. "Ok, Katelyn truths of dare?" Said Frenchelly. "Dare!" "I dare you to go.. to Hot topic." Katelyn started to sweat. "Fiiiiiinnnnnneee." Katelyn rolled her eyes and went to Hot topic. We left her alone to have fun hehe. "Ok! (Y/N)~senpai truth or dare?" I saw Garroth and Laurence getting giddy
don't forget this is Michelle's POV
She looked super nervous."T-Truth." Said (Y/N). "Is it true.. you like a boy that starts with G?" Said Kawaii-Chan. Garroth looked super nervous, so does Laurence. "..." she was silent for a minute. ".....y-yes.." (y/n) FINALLY said. All the girls gasped. She then realized Katelyn got back from Hot topic. Everyone stared squealing. She started screaming. Everything was going crazy. Eventually we al got kicked out of the mall. Except the boys, since they behaved. Once I got to (Y/N)'S house, she ran to her room. And guess what, she locked it to. Wow her brother must be the best because he actually put a door back.

Your POV

I locked the door when I got home. I started to think, does Garroth love me? I grabbed the Diary and began to write.

Dear Diary,
I'm so confused! I'm just thinking, does Garroth like me back? No, I don't like him, I love him. He's so nice! He's so kind! Wait nice and Kind mean the same thing. Well, he's both! I just want some love advice.That give me an Idea
I put the book down, and slid it under the door. Well, I kinda opened the door and let it put there, I hope someone who can help me gets it.

Garroth POV

I was so shocked no the person I love, loves me! Well, likes me. I wanted to see (Y/N) and talk to her about it, so I went to her house. I knocked on the door, and (Y/B/N) opened. "Hey Garroth!" I smiled. "Where's (Y/N)?" I asked, not acting suspicious.

Hehe your brother's POV Lol
He's being so suspicious.

Back To Garroth
"She's in her room." He said. "Lock-?" "Yes, for as long as I've known her, my whole life, she always locks her door."
When I went upstairs to her room, I saw a book at her door. I lifted the book up and started reading. Once I read: ".. No, I don't like him. I love him.." I was so happy. I decided to bring the book and continue reading it at the guy's house.

I guess my luck.

No comment for today! I'm just, I'm sorry I couldn't wait for long. That's it! Byeee!!

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