Chapter 21: Date Attacks

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Your POV
I was ready, so I was watching Netflix. I invited Katelyn over and my brother to come down stairs. So a few minutes later- hopefully I don't need a time skip for that. Katelyn arrived at my house. "Can we watch MLH? Please??" Katelyn shook her head, my brother did too. -After minutes of asking, they finally said yes. I invited Zane over, so He wouldn't miss any off it. Katelyn realized what I did and got ticked off. "Katelyn you'll like this!" She rolled her eyes, I sighed. I heard the door bell so I went to get it. "Hey Zane!" I welcomed him and watched Netflix.

Time skip

After a few hours, or minutes I don't know, Garroth was at the door. "Hey! I'm bringing you somewhere!" I an announced. He smiled and pecked me. I opened my eyes in shock and stood still like a statue. He grabbed my hand and pulled me into the driver's seat. I drove him to Rollman. He was shocked that i could afford a place like this. I giggled. We walked to the door, but I saw someone with a hood at a table. He looked familiar, but I couldn't place my finger on it. I shrugged it off and went to our seat. We ordered- oh yeh it's a restaurant, Idk if I said that. Food, and I got my favorite thing. When I looked at the guy with the hood, he wasn't there anymore.

??? POV
I went over to their table, I'm Garroth's closest friend, OhhhOHhhOHHH😱who's is it?!? ITS-
Laurance, his best friend, might hurt his feelings. I saw Michi, just waiting for me to do something. I walked over to her. "Michi, I will kiss you if you give Garroth a love potion and kiss him." She looked shocked, and very happy. "Really? Nya~" she said. "Yup." I nodded. She took out a potion and waited for (Y/N) to go to the bathroom. She finally got up and walked away. Garroth just sat there doing nothing. She threw the potion. She went over to him and starting kissing. He accepted it. They kissed very passionately. At one point they were gonna make out or something. (Y/N) came back and saw what was going on. I saw her tears, I felt extremely bad. She ran out off the restaurant. She left the car, and just ran. I wanted to follow, but I owed Michi a kiss. Garroth went back to normal and pushed Michi away. She jumped into me. "You owe Michi a kiss, Nya~" I sighed and grabbed her by the hips. I smashed her face against mine. She purred a lot, and I was disgusted. But it was what I owe her. So we pulled away. She smiled and I frowned. I left the restaurant and ran to the guys houses I entered the house by the back door. I sneaked into my room, and acted non-suspicious. When Garroth got home, he walked into his room, and looked the door. I felt bad, but I did it because of jealousy.

Your POV
I can't believe Garroth did that. I didn't even go in my house. I knocked on the fright group's door. StarFlash opened up. "What's wrong?" She asked.i assumed she saw the tears. "C-Can I t-talk to H-Hops..?" I said. She nodded and brought me inside. Hops was in her room, play video games. But when she saw me, she dropped the controller, not caring if it broke or not. "What do they do." I explained eveything. Everyone heard. I swear I saw Bee trying to hold back Hops. I ran to her and turned into my form. I had a form, to fit in the group. By the way, everyone was shocked because I barely take out may form. I was a rare form, I was a tipped cat. Hops rolled her eyes and went back. "I don't want any of you telling anyone about this, understood?" They all nodded. Hops was the semi-leader, but I was the real leader. I left their house and went into mine. I sneaked by my brother and went into my room. I took the diary and saw that my brother left a comment on Katelyn first one. Frenchelly also commented on her first one. I started to write.

Dear Diary,
I was heartbroken today. I went on a date with Garroth, but thanks to him, I was now not wanting to like him, but I felt that spark inside.. I just didn't want to kiss Michi! Yes, he did kiss Michi! That disgusting rat! I don't care if  she's a m'efwa!

I ended the Entry. I placed the first down and went into bed. I didn't care right now, I just felt so heart broken.

Hello! I'm sorry if this was a but short, all the words in total are 837! I'm very exited for the next chapters because something big is comeing. Hehehe!! Byeeeee!!

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