Introduction <3

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Hey guys it's me zesty and sorry in advanced if I don't update all the time I am busy with volleyball and homework. I don't want to try make content that isn't good! I want to make quality content for you guys!

Alright may as well get in the fan fiction enjoy I worked hard!

Story was written from:
early September 2017 - early October 2017

Okay even more future Zesty come at you with some news uwu. I'm late buuuuuut this book hit 50k!!! Ahhh~ I can't process this. Thank you all do very much 💙💙!! I wouldn't have imagined to ever hit 50k on one of my books. Heck, I didn't even think I could hit 100 reads! Thank you so fricken much. 💙


Influencer / Colby Brock x Reader / [Book 1] ✔️(EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now