The letter... (Finale)

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What's up guys it's your girl Zesty of course and this is the last update of this story before I go onto the next one and then write the sequel to this book. Thus why I left this story on a cliffhanger, I made the finale of this story unfinished so you guys don't have the complete story. Also I left it on a cliff hanger so I could write the next story because I have so many ideas for t. Anyways guys I hope you guys enjoyed this story and let's get into the last chapter!

(Y/N)'s POV

It's been 6 months since me and Colby started dating. We're happy together and it's almost Christmas and this year will be our first Christmas together. I'm excited and can't wait to spend the holiday with him. I hope he doesn't go out of his way and get something expensive for me. I don't want him to buy something expensive for me, I want something that means a lot to me. I shouldn't be thinking about that for now I want to keep my present from him a surprise. I go into the kitchen and see everyone is doing something. I notice Aaron isn't here.

"Hey where's Aaron?" I asked.

"Getting the mail for everyone why?" Elton asks.

"I was just wondering.." I said. Colby comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist. Aaron comes in with a letter and hands it to me. I open it and see it's a letter from the Canadian government.

"We would like to inform you that you're being deported at 5:00 pm December 4th 2017..." I read allowed.

"No way why are they doing that?" Sam asks.

"Eh maybe it's because my family who's Canadian is deporting me back to Canada." I say unamused.

"Wait you're Canadian?" Devyn asks.

"Yeah I moved here when I was 1 though.." I say.

"So if you're getting deported on December 4th then you're leaving today in 4 hours..." Colby says.

"Yeah but it should only be for a few months you guys..." I say trying not to worry them.

"But I'm going to miss you..." Colby says and I kiss him on the cheek.

"I will too but when I get a paper saying I'm getting deported I have to leave otherwise I'll be arrested or something..." I say and everyone's eyes go wide.

"I better start packing.." I say and rush up stairs making Colby let go of me. I pack everything and bring my luggage downstairs.

"Well it was fun while it lasted now you guys don't have to deal with me for a few months.." I say and Colby walks over to me and kisses me.

"I mean at least we won't hear banging upstairs during the night..." Elton says and I blush.

"Shush" I say embarrassed at the thought.

"Colby will you take me to the airport?" I ask.

"Sure I want to be the last one to say goodbye..." he says and we go outside to his car. I leave my car here so I don't have to deal with driving it back to America when I'm able to come back. We go to the airport and to the waiting area where people board and leave the plane. We sit there and wait for my flight to be called. When it is called I start crying knowing I won't be able to see Colby unless he comes to Canada. I get up and before I get in line to hand my ticket to the lady Colby hugs me and kisses me passionately.

"I'll wait for you..." he says.

"I will too.." I reply.

"I love you." He says.

"I love you too come visit me whenever you can... " I say and I pull away. I wave to him as I go into a thin hallway which leads to the plane entrance. I get on the plane and go back home to Canada where no one will truly understand me like everyone in LA does. I guess it was only a certain amount of time until I had to get deported and renew my visa. Well Cole Robert Brock you better be there for me when I get off that plane when I come back to LA. You're the only one I want to see when I get off that plane when I get back to my true home in LA.... until then I guess.


Lmao this ending is sooo bad hahaha oh yeah, this iz 2019 zesty and uhhh yeah this is pretty cancer but then again, this book is cancer. Sooooo oh well. At least my writing isn't as shitty as my 11 year old writing lmaooo. Okay, I'll just take the exit. Hope you enjoyed?

PEACE! ~~ Zesty Out!

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