Buying dresses :D

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Alright sorry if the next chapter is pushed back another day. The chapter that might be pushed back another day is the Ball chapter. I want to make it a longer chapter because there's certain things I want to put in there but it will be long. Only time will tell, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. The video has somewhat to do with the chapter, it's supposed to be the song that is playing when you're in the Hot Topic store.

(Colby's POV)

I wake up and see (Y/N) is still sleeping. She's usually up by now but she must've slept in. I look at the tattoo on her back. I go on Snapchat and take a picture of (Y/N) sleeping. I post it with the caption, "When you catch bae sleeping in.". I poke her and she shifts around and faces me. She's still sleeping though, so I poke her again on her cheek.

"Go away Brennen, and stop poking people..." She mumbles.

"Guess again.." I say.

"Harambe my lord and savior have you finally returned?" She asks.

"Nope I'll give you one more try." I say and kiss her cheek.

"Colby.. Are you the one poking me?" (Y/N) asks and still has her eyes closed.

"Maybeee" I say. She opens her eyes and I see her crystal looking (E/C) eyes. Her voice doesn't sound raspy at all. I lean in to kiss her and she lets me. I pull away, she kisses me on the cheek and gets up.

(Y/N)'s POV

I kiss Colby cheek and get up. I grab some clothes and go into the bathroom. I change into white ripped skinny jeans and a light gray crop top. I put my hair in a ponytail and do my makeup. (Outfit doesn't have to be the one I pick :P) I put on my black vans and go back into Colby's room.

 (Outfit doesn't have to be the one I pick :P) I put on my black vans and go back into Colby's room

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"Do you have a tux picked out for the ball?" I ask Colby and raise one eyebrow.

"Uhh you know I'll be at the expensive Fancy attire store in the mall if you need me" Colby says and almost walks out of the room. I stop him and he has a puzzled face.

"You need to wear a shirt and get ready for the day." I say. He blushes a faint red. I wrap my arms around his neck and he wraps his arms around my waist. He picks me up bridal style and sits on the bed with me on his lap. He kisses me several times. I get off his lap.

"Have fun shopping for a dress." Colby says to me.

"I will, good luck on tux shopping." I say and grab my keys. I open the door. Devyn and Kat are listening through the door.

"Having fun over there?" I ask.

"Uhh" They both say.

"What did you hear?" I ask.

"Well we saw and heard some things and closed the door when you got off Colby's lap." Devyn says.

"Weirdos, Come on let's go before this gets even weirder." I say and wave to Colby as I shut the door. I make sure I have my keys, phone, and wallet. We go outside and get in my car and I see my vlog camera meaning I could vlog while shopping.

"Seatbelts?" I ask as I put mine on.

"Check!" Devyn says as she puts hers on.

"Yep!" Kat says from the backseat as she puts hers on.

"Alright lets go but first.." I say as I rev my engine. I go slowly out of the driveway and we head to the mall. We drive into the mall parking lot and park the car. I grab my camera and my purse. We go into the mall and go into the dress shop. We go into the black and white theme and see very pretty dresses. We pick some out and try them on.

~~50 minutes later~~

We get the dresses we wanted. I see the Hot Topic across from the shop.

"I NEED TO GO IN THERE!" I say loudly and point at Hot Topic.

"I need to get a special item..." I say.

"Go ahead I'll hold your dress." Kat say and I immediately run into the Hot Topic store. Teenagers by My Chemical Romance is playing. (The song above the title) I go into the My Chemical Romance category of the store. I try on one of the shirts and buy it. I walk out of the store and back out of the store.

"My Chemical Romance for LIFE" I say a bit too loudly and people start looking at me. Fans recognize me and jog up to me to take pictures.

"Shoot! RUN AND DON'T LOOK BACK!" I grab my camera and start recording as we start running.

"We can't run back to the car because they'll see my license plate!" I say to Kat and Devyn. I film the kids going after us. We run into the Victoria's Secret store and into the adult section. I keep the camera pointed at the ground so SPECIAL TOYS don't show.

"Welp we're stuck here." I say as someone approaches me.

"You stuck in here babe?" Colby asks me.

"UHHHH why are you in here?!" I say.

"Looking at things I could get Big Nick for his birthday which is in a few months" Colby says.

"At least my fans aren't over 18.. and okay that isn't weird at all" I say in relief.

"Where's everyone else?" I ask.

"They went home." Colby says as he sees the long bag holding my dress in it and the essentials to the outfit in another bag. I look outside and see fans.

"How do you think I'll be able to leave without getting noticed and mauled?" I ask Devyn, Colby, and Kat.

"Get over here I know." Colby says and puts his arms around me.

"Okay ladies and Colby get ready for the massive fan base I have that likes to stalk me." I say. We walk out of the adult section and everyone Awws at us and takes photos. Colby let's go of me and we run. I look behind us and see people are starting to follow us. We make it out of the mall. I run ahead of everyone so I can start the Lambo so we can leave quickly. Everyone gets in and I pull out and drive out of the parking lot. We head back to the mansion and make sure no one is following us.

"Welp at least we're safe and not in Coffins with the death message saying, died of getting mauled by fans." I say and everyone laughs.

We go inside and put our dresses and tuxes on the theatre couch so they're ready for the ball tomorrow. I look at the time and it's 3 pm. Colby goes upstairs with Big Nick's Presents. Devyn, Kat, and I go into the kitchen and make sandwiches for ourselves. I go outside to the backyard and eat my sandwich.


I like Chicken Nuggets.. I MEAN WHAT! NOTHING YOU SAW NOTHING... Anyway guys I'm sorry this is late. I was totally not wasting time watching TV. while I was writing this. As I said the next chapter will be longer than any usual chapter meaning it might have to be pushed back another day. Enough of me rambling and stuff time to get to writing the next chapter because it will take me a long ass time probably but I have a few ideas for it. OKIE BUH~BAI

PEACE! ~~ Zesty Out!

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