The day before Vidcon

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So... How's the weather? Mine is getting colder and colder meaning snow, last year it snowed really badly where I live. Also I don't live in Canada I live in Idaho cuz I'm a hoe. Also the next few chapters will be about Vidcon. Alright I'll go back to my cage and actually write. LATOR SLAYTOR..

~~1 month later~~

(Y/N)'s POV

Colby and I have been dating for 1 and a half months and things have been going well. It's the beginning of June and it's hot outside of course. It's 7:00 am and Vidcon is tomorrow and I'm a featured creator. I also have a panel that I will be doing it with Markiplier and 1 other person that I don't remember at the moment. We're just packing and getting ready to leave for Vidcon. We get to stay on the featured creator floor because of me. We decide to leave today so we can unpack our stuff and get accustomed to our apparently massive hotel room.

"Are you guys ready?!" I yelled.

"YEP!" Everyone yells.

Everyone comes into the hallway with their suitcases packed for Vidcon.

"Which cars are we taking?" I ask.

"Brennen's truck and Elton's car." Corey says.

"Alright, wait Brennen is coming with us? He might have to sleep on the floor.." I say.

"It's Brennen.." Sam said.

"Good point he'll probably make me sleep on the floor and sleep with Colby..." I say and everyone laughs. Brennen walks into the house looking ready.

"Are you guys ready?" Brennen asks.

"Yeah we were waiting on you.." I answer.

"Awww you guys are so nice." Brennen says.

"Come on let's go and stop wasting time.." Elton says.

"Alright Brennen, Colby, (Y/N), Sam and Kat will be going in Brennen's truck." Devyn says. (The Sam and Kat reference though! IT'S A SIGN!)

"Elton, Corey, Amanda, and I will be going in Elton's car. Aaron said he was going to stay and watch over the house." Devyn continues.

"Alright.." I say and we all head outside. We put our suitcases in the back of Brennen's truck and strap them down so they don't fall out. We get in the designated cars we're supposed to be going in and we head off to Vidcon. Kat is sitting in the front and I'm sitting in the middle in the back. Colby is sitting to my right and Sam is sitting to my left. We jam out to songs for the first hour of the ride over there. I lean my head on Colby's shoulder and fall asleep. When I wake up we're at the Anaheim Convention Center which hosts Vidcon. We get out of the truck and a minute later Elton and everyone else arrives. I turn on my vlog camera and do an intro. We go up to the creator's floor and see some YouTubers are already hanging out in the hallway. We go to our room and see that the hotel room we got was massive, even bigger than what I imagined. There is 4 queen sized bed and a couch. There's no kitchen because there is a cafeteria for food. 2 beds are on the loft above us and it overlooks the rest of the room. The 2 other beds are down on the regular floor instead of the loft. Colby and I pick the bed on the loft closest to the railing. Corey and Devyn get the other loft bed. Amanda and Elton get 1 of the beds on the regular floor and Sam and Kat get the other one. Brennen puts a blanket and pillow he brought on the couch. We set our suitcases down and we go to the cafeteria. I'm still vlogging and I see Markiplier and the other person I'm supposed to do a panel with. We get food and everyone else sits at another table. I sit across from Markiplier and the other person. Mark has red hair and the person has green hair and blue eyes.

"So you guys are the ones I'm doing the panel with?" I ask.

"Yeah.." Mark says while I set my camera down and stop recording.

"Okay we haven't met personally my name is (Y/N)" I say cheerfully.

"My names Mark." Mark says.

"My real names Sean but people call me Jack or JackSepticeye on the internet." Jack says. (I'm just going to call him Jack and not Sean)

"Nice to meet you two!" I smile and my dimples show.

"I've never done a panel at Vidcon before..." I say.

"You'll be fine.." Mark says.

"The only thing I'm scared about is being mauled.." I say and Mark laughs.

"Try not to make a big scene and you won't get mauled" Jack says.

"What are you guys going to do today?" I ask curiously.

"Hang out get settled and check out the events." Mark says.

"Same" Jack says and I finish my breakfast.

"See you guys at the panel!" I say and get up and throw my plate and cup away.

"Bye!" They both say and continue talking to each other and other YouTubers who just now sat at their table. I sit by Colby and see that everyone's about to finish their breakfast too. When everyone finishes we decide to go downstairs and check everything out. Colby and I are holding hands and we're wearing matching boyfriend and girlfriend hoodies. A few hours past and it's lunch time. We eat in the cafeteria then go hang out in the room. We watch TV and Brennen vlogs the room. Colby and I are under the covers sleeping in bed relaxing. The bed is really comfortable. Me and Colby wake up and see that it's 4:00 pm. Everyone is still relaxing or telling jokes and laughing. We get down from the loft and join everyone. We eat dinner at 9:00 pm then go to bed at 10:30 pm.


Oh hello... I like French Fries. Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! There will be one or two chapters of Vidcon just so you guys know :P. Alright I'm going to go write some more.

PEACE! ~~ Zesty Out!

Influencer / Colby Brock x Reader / [Book 1] ✔️(EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now