Longboarding around town

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I like cheese burgers :P. I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Corey's POV

I look at the time and see it's 1:00 pm. I haven't seen Colby and (Y/N) come out of their room all day. I grab my vlog camera and do an intro to today's video. I go into the game room while I'm recording and see Sam's just chilling looking at his phone.

"Hey Sam do you think we should show the viewers what Colby and (Y/N) look like while they sleep?" I ask Sam.

"Sure I haven't seen them all day so they should be in their room sleeping.. hah their room. Still trying to get used to saying that.." Sam says and chuckles a bit.

"Sorta but I'm glad they're happy together.." I say.

"Let's go watch them sleep like the creepy people that we are." Sam says and I laugh a little. We go upstairs to Colby and (Y/N)'s room. We open the door slowly and as quiet as possible. We see that they're sleeping holding each other. We walk over to the side of the bed which isn't against the wall. (Y/N) sleeps on the wall side and Colby sleeps on the side that isn't up against the wall.

"They're both heavy sleepers but still be quiet just incase.." I whisper to Sam and he nods.

"Wait.." Sam whispers.

"What?" I whisper.

"Lets rip off the blanket and see what they have on.. I'm pretty sure they have clothes on and aren't just naked.." Sam whispers and points at the shirt that (Y/N) is wearing.

"Okay.. on your count.." I whispers and grab a hold of the blanket but don't pull it yet. Sam grabs it too.

"3...2...1...now!" Sam counts down and we rip off the blanket. We see (Y/N) is in a big comfy shirt and Colby is in his boxers. Sam and I blush when we that (Y/N) doesn't have shorts on and her panties are showing.

"Whoops.." I say a bit too loudly and (Y/N) wakes up.

"Get out PERVERTS!" She says pulling the blanket back over her and Colby. We run out of the room so we don't get slapped by her sandal. We let 10 minutes pass and see that (Y/N) has her reading glasses on and is doing on something on her laptop in bed.

"Yes?" She says.

"Whatcha doing?" Sam asks.

"Watching YouTube why?" (Y/N) asks.

"Oh I though you were watching something dirty.." Sam says. (Y/N) ignores Sam's comment and continues watching YouTube.

"So what do you guys want to accomplish from pulling the blanket off me and Colby?" She asks curiously but is still looking at her screen.

"Uh we were wondering what you and Colby looked like while you slept." I say.

"Yeah because that's totally not creepy and perverted at all to watch people sleep in their underwear.." She says sarcastically.

"See she agrees with us!" Sam says. (Y/N) closes her laptop and reaches over Colby and sets her laptop down on the ground.

"Suuurrreee... whatever you say boo boo..." She says not very amused.

"What time is it anyways?" (Y/N) asks.

"1:25 pm why?" I ask.

"I was wondering because it feels like it's 9:00 am." (Y/N) answers and yawns.

"I might go swimming later and film then relax." She says.

"Hey can you toss me my shorts?" She asks pointing at a pair of shorts on the ground near us.

Influencer / Colby Brock x Reader / [Book 1] ✔️(EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now