Coming up with a plan :3

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(Colby's POV)

It's 6:00 pm. I go downstairs and see if (Y/N)'s alright. She has a fever, I get her a cold wash rag and put it on her forehead. I grab a bottle of water and set it by her. I post a picture of her on my Snapchat with the caption saying "She's so cute when she sleeps, get well soon! <3!".

I go into the game room and sit on one of the bean bag chairs and watch Sam and Corey play Rocket League. I go into the kitchen and grab some strawberry yogurt and go back to watching them play it. Occasional "Dang its "and "WTF" filled the room.

~~2 hours later~~

I leave the game room and check back up on (Y/N) for the last time of the night. She's sleeping peacefully and quietly and cutely snores a little every so often. I move her cold wash rag and kiss her on the forehead. I put the cold washrag back in place. I go upstairs and to my room. I change into my boxers and shorts. I lay in bed and look at Instagram. 20 minutes late and I fall asleep.

~~The Next Morning~~

(Colby's POV)

I wake up and see that (Y/N) is laying down with me. She seems to be asleep and I decide not to wake her. I wondered if she walked up in the middle of the night so I decided to ask Corey. I walk downstairs to find Corey playing Rocket League of course.

"Yo Corey did (Y/N) get up at all last night to come lay down with me because I swear she was sleeping on the couch." I ask.

"She woke up a hour ago and ate something then went upstairs to your room to lay down with you. I guess she fell asleep." Corey replies while trying to focus on the game.

Elton and Sam come into the room with a poster about a event.

"Check this out! A fancy black and white mascarade ball!" Sam says in excitement.

"What's so special about a mascarade ball?" Corey asks.

"You guys can take your girlfriends to the ball duh." Elton answers.

"Why aren't you taking your girlfriend Elton?" I ask.

"Eh not into the fancy dances and meetings." Elton answers.

"Oh yeah I forgot about that," Sam says.

"When's the dance?" I ask.

"2 days why?" Sam answers.

"(Y/N) is sick and I can't take her if she doesn't get better by then."  I say.

(Y/N) comes down the stairs in one of my shirts and black comfy shorts. She has her soft blanket around her and she goes into the kitchen. She sits down and looks at her phone.

"Uhh.. Is she supposed to be up? Shouldn't she be getting rest?" Elton asks.

"I'll take her back to bed." I say and I walk into the kitchen. (Y/N) gets up and holds her arms out meaning she wants me to carry her. I pick her up and she lays her head on my shoulder. I go upstairs and put her in bed. She closes her eyes and is starting to drift off into slumber. I go downstairs to the game room where the guys except Aaron are planning out how to ask the girls.

"How's it going?" I ask.

"We're planning on asking them later, we're gonna say that we're doing a Couple vs. Couple vs. Couple video but we're going to ask Elton to bring out 3 boquiets of flowers. And we'll ask them." Corey says.

"Sounds good to me!" I say in excitement.

"I'm going to go check on (Y/N) and see if she's feeling better." I say with a bit of worry in my voice.

"Alright we'll ask the girls later in the day!" Sam says loudly.

"Okay." I say as I go upstairs to my room. I come in and see (Y/N) is in her underwear. She looks like she's in a winter suit in the desert.

"Colby! Haven't you heard of knocking?" (Y/N) says in a sorta raspy voice. We start blushing/

"Sorry..." I say to her.

"It's fine at least it wasn't someone else.. That would be awkward." She says in a embarrassed voice.

"Why are you in your underwear anyways?" I ask.

"It got hot in here since the AC is broken." (Y/N) answers.

(Y/N) grabs the shirt of mine she was wearing earlier and puts it on. It's a bit long on her so it covers her butt.

"I feel better than I did yesterday, usually I get sick for 2 days then it goes away." (Y/N) says and smiles.

"That's good." I say and smile back at her.

I see (Y/N) tweet out something on her twitter. It says, "Why is it that when I arrived in LA vlogging daily is becoming an eh. I'm thinking about doing only 1 video a week. Creator's block sucks or I'm just high off Nyquil. Probably me not being able to make up a video daily for you guys. AND NO I am not high on Nyquil it's a joke LOL".

"I'm kinda bored," (Y/N) says and coughs.

"We're gonna do a Couple vs. Couple vs. Couple in a hour or so." I say.

"Alright I'm going to take a nap wake me up when it's time to film the video." She falls back on the bed and closes her eyes. She falls asleep and I get her a cold wash cloth and put it on her forehead so she doesn't start boiling from the heat.


SAH DUDES! AND DUDE ETTES! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I was thinking I wouldn't have anything to write for this chapter but I eventually came up with something during school. So when I got home I wrote the rest of the chapter and thanks for 187 reads so far! It means so much to me that you guys are enjoying the story I am providing for you guys! Alright that's all I really have to say and stay awesome!

PEACE! ~~ Zesty Out!

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