Chapter 8

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SAH DUDE! Ish meh Zesty just to let you know whenever I write these parts at 1:00 am I'm usually delirious and sleep deprived but still want to write the story. Usually delirious me is inappropriate and likes to write dirty things. Alright I just wanted to let you guys know so you guys don't get triggered in the comments. Even though that would be funny I'll warn you guys before I continue writing more parts to the story. Also I must say Colby looks cute in the picture I picked above. Okay enough of me fangirling over a picture I choose and it's kinda awkward when I write these and my friends irl read this and are like "OMG Lily! You have SUCH a dirty mind.". And I'm like "Have you met me? The definition of my jokes are relied on dirty thoughts.". Also my real name is Lily but call me Zesty unless you mah friend irl. Okay before this turns solely into a author's note lets get into teh story o3o. Okie this part is done near about 1 in the morning so expect some dirty jokes.

I wake up and see Colby's still sleeping. I check to see what time it is. It's 8 am. "Ugh may as well get up and take a shower but first. This will be pay back" I giggle and lean in to Colby's neck. I give him a hickey then I get up and grab some clothes and go into the bathroom. I take a shower and put on white ripped jeans and a peach crop top. I put my hair in a pony tail and put on some make up. I put on some black vans. (again outfit choice is optional :D)

 (again outfit choice is optional :D)

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I check the time it's 9:30 am. "No one will be up by this time. But I'll see if anyone is up, I think Elton will be, but I'll see if Colby is up first," I say to myself. I peek into Colby's room and see he's on his phone. He hasn't noticed the hickey yet and I come over and sit on his bed and he's on Snapchat looking at his Snaps from his fans. I open up Snapchat and take a picture of Colby and his hickey. I show Colby, "(Y/N)! When did you give this to me?" Colby asks.

"When I woke up." I answer and giggle. I put a caption saying, "When you give someone who gave you a hickey, a hickey while they're sleeping,". I post it to my story. Colby gets the notification from me posting. He looks at my story and sees the picture.

"Now people are going to think we're dating, welp you're going to get witch hunted." Colby says.

"Probably but you deserved it." I say and giggle. Colby pulls me closer and kisses me. "Hey (Y/N).." Colby says in a hot voice. (REAL HOT hehehe) "Yeah?" I reply. "Will you be my girlfriend?" Colby asks. "I would love to." I answer and Colby pulls me closer to kiss me again. I get up and grab my vlog camera. I zoom really far in on my camera on his face and start recording. I keep zooming in and out, "Colby's exposed!" I say.

"Wait you're recording? I'm not ready for the camera. Not yet at least" Colby says.

"Too bad I have to vlog and you're the only thing I can vlog. Besides that hickey looks real cute man I wonder who gave it to you. Oh wait that was me this is awkward." I say.

I turn the vlog camera towards my face "Anyways how are you guys doing today? I hope you guys enjoyed the 10 million subscriber special, of course it was funny because I got pranked. Thanks Elton... I don't really know what we're going to be doing today." I say. Colby gets up and grabs my waist. He pulls me into his bed.

"This is what happens when we try being productive. Well when I try." I add. Colby tries giving me another hickey. "Colby! I already have one I don't need another!" I say loudly. Colby tickles me and I laugh. "Stop tickling me Colby!" I say in a squelish voice. He stops but continues holding my waist. "alright enough of that nonsense, I have absolutely no idea what I should do for the vlog today." I say.

"You could hang out with me all day," Colby says.

"We do have to film that video talking about stuffs which we can't talk about on camera because yah it's a surprise." I say.

"Oh yeah we should film that before we forget." Colby adds.

"Okay guys we're going to go film that video we're talking about so when Colby posts it on his channel so make sure you look for that video in the next few days. It's important to watch so make sure you guys do watch it when it comes out. Alright lets go film that video." I say and stop recording. I put my vlog camera down on Colby's bed and Colby and I go downstairs. Colby sets up his camera and tri pod.

"3, 2, 1, go" He says and starts recording. He does his intro and says that he has something to tell the viewers.

"So as you can see from my several Snapchat posts and Instagram pictures you guys know who this random girl is or because she's really famous." Colby says and I laugh.

"I mean I'm not really not popular, just another girl born in LA." I say.

"But as you can see from the little hints in ours and other roommates' videos of some chemistry between us and there's a reason. Should I say it (Y/N)?" Colby asks.

"Well I don't want to because it'll be awkward if I do." I answer.

"Okay I'll say it, we're dating. Not some fake relationship people in LA are in for views though." Colby says.

"Now what did we talk about doing for this video?" I ask.

"Remaking Cringey Couple Musical.lys" Colby answers.

"Cringey is the word that basically defines me in a regular basis. I also thought about doing 2 videos a week because I'm that type that doesn't know what to do for a daily vlog." I say.

"Why are we stalling?" Colby asks.

"BECAUSE... I don't know." I answer.

We remake Cringey Couples Musical.lys and end the video. Colby and I go upstairs. I grab my vlog camera while Colby sits down to edit. I go downstairs and outside to the front of the house and see Elton, Sam, and Corey wrapping Colby's car in packaging stuff. It looked like it was covered in Cardboard, Bubble wrap, and plastic wrapping. There's also packing peanuts in Colby's car.


Your welcome for the cliff hanger btw. I'm not gonna say much because I want to get to making the next chapter. All I want to say is I hope you guys enjoyed it and YAH.

PEACE! ~~ Zesty Out!

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