Chapter 2

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You had your head phones in and you were listening to "Helena" by My Chemical Romance. You see the seatbelt light and take out your head phones. You hear the pilot say it's okay to use your electronic devices now. You text Corey and say your about to land. He replies saying that he and his roommates are waiting for you.

~~Time Skip to you Landing~~

You grab your suitcase out of the overhead and walked off the plane. Corey was waiting at the end of the hallway. I picked up my pace and when I got to him I hugged him tightly and I also hugged Devyn. I was a bit shy but I didn't let that affect my first impression.

"This is (Y/N)" Corey stated.

"First off this is Aaron" Corey said as he point at a guy with dirty blond hair.

"Hi!" you said.

"Hello!" Aaron said

"Next is Sam" Corey said as he pointed at the guy with blond hair sitting next to someone else.

Sam waved and smiled. I smiled and waved back.

"Last but not least, the beanie boy himself Colby" Corey laughed and pointed at the guy with brown hair sitting next to Sam with head phones in. Corey walked over to Colby and flicked him catching his attention. Colby took out his head phones and waved at me. I blushed a faint red. Colby is handsome but he probably has a girlfriend or isn't interested in me. We loaded up my suit case into Corey's car. Sam and Aaron we're going to drive together and Corey, Devyn, Colby, and Me drove in Corey's car. Colby whispered in my ear and asked for my name and I said my name was (Y/N). He and I started talking about what we liked to do for our free time. I said I liked exploring and he did too.

~~Time skip to arriving at the mansion cuz ye~~

We got out of the car and went into the kitchen with my suit case. I was tired and wanted to go edit my vlog and get my vlog done for the day.

"(Y/N) are you fine with staying in Colby's room?" Corey asked.

"Uhh sure" you answered.

"Great! It's settled. Now make yourself at home." Corey said.

"Alright" you say. Colby leads you upstairs and carries your suitcase to his room. You see the colorful sticky notes on his wall but decide not to question it. You say thanks and grab some clothes out of your suitcase and ask if you can be alone so you can change. He leaves the room and you lock the door. You put on black skinny jeans, dark grey shirt, dark evergreen jacket, and white vans. You put your beautiful flowing (H/C) hair in a sorta messy bun.

You put your black ripped jeans and black crop top in your suitcase

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You put your black ripped jeans and black crop top in your suitcase. You grab your vlog camera. You come out of Colby's room and go downstairs. You go to the backyard and decide to vlog. You start recording.

"Alright guys we're at Corey's house sorry I didn't record until now it was stressful and I love it here so far. I might move here in a month or less! I absolutely love LA and loved living here but you guys seen my vlogs and how I haven't been able to move to LA because of the photo shoots I was doing in Washington but that's over and done so I'm free to move here. I'm staying here in LA with Corey and his roommates so expect to see more of them in my daily vlogs! Alright I hope you enjoyed todays vlog. Sorry it was kinda short I didn't have time to vlog today but go ahead and go subscribe to my friend Corey Scherer he's amazing for letting me stay at his house! Alright peace!" You shut off the camera and go back inside to edit the vlog. You come upstairs to grab your laptop from your suitcase. You open the door and see Colby is editing and listening to music. You try not to disturb him and grab your laptop and plop down on his bed and put your headphones in. You put on some music and start editing.

~~30 minutes later :P~~

You finish editing but Colby is still editing but it looks like he's 3/4 of the way of getting done editing. You render your video and make the thumbnail which is of you and the roommates in front of the mansion with a flame emoji on the thumbnail. You post the video and close your laptop and put it back in your suitcase. You go downstairs to the kitchen and sit down at the mini table in the kitchen.


Hey guys ish zesty again of course I hoped you enjoyed this chapter! I might post another chapter today idk but I hoped you guys enjoyed!


Influencer / Colby Brock x Reader / [Book 1] ✔️(EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now