Chapter 10

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BEING SICK SUCKS UGGHHHH! I need Jesus and some milk okie enjoy!

(Y/N)'s POV

I walk outside and see Colby and Brennen in a kiddy pool full of whip cream.

"What the hell are you guys doing?" I ask.

"We got a little too excited." Brennen says.

" I can see that." I say.

"We're going to leave in 10 minutes." I add.

"Welp we'll clean this later," Colby says and Brennen and him get out and put the whip cream near the entrance of the mansion. I have a bag full of towels and I tweet out there isn't going to be a video out today because I'm relaxing for a day.

"At least we're not taking my car because I don't want people I hang out with to get the wrong idea" I say.

"Suree..." Brennen says.

Go jump in the pool or wipe your selves with a towel. Brennen and Colby run around the side of the pool and jump in the pool. OKay?  I think to myself. Brennen and Colby come back out to the front through the front door with towels. Elton comes outside with a cooler and a large umbrella.

"We have to take my truck because of the stuff. UGHHH" Brennen says loudly.

"Maybe you guys shouldn't have been lounging in the kiddy pool full of whip cream then.." Elton says.

Elton puts the cooler and large umbrella in Brennen's truck. Corey, Sam, Aaron, Kat, and Devyn come outside in their swimming suits but Kat and Devyn have shorts on covering their bottom pieces of the bikinis they're wearing. Brennen and Colby are drying off and they're mostly dry besides their wet hair.

"Alright Devyn, Corey, (Y/N), Colby, and Brennen will go in Brennen's truck. Aaron, Sam, Kat, and Me will take my car." Elton says. We get in the cars Elton says for us to go in. Colby sits in the front passenger seat and I sit behind him. Corey sits behind Brennen and Devyn sits in between me and Colby. I play with Colby hair and he takes and posts a picture of me and him on Snapchat. The caption says, "When bae messes with your hair". I stop playing with Colby's hair and plug my phone into the aux cord. "Issues" by Julia Michaels starts playing.


(Y/N)'s POV

We get out of the car and soon after Elton and the rest of the gang arrive. I grab my bag and we find a spot on the beach close to the water. I take off my shorts. I lay out my beach towel and give everyone else their beach towel. Colby lays his beach towel next to mine. I put on sunscreen and everyone does too. (SUNSCREEN IS IMPORTANT!)

(Colby's POV)

I whisper to Brennen "Let's dunk (Y/N) in the water."

"Let's do it." Brennen whispers.

Brennen and I run over to (Y/N) and pick her up and run over to the water. We go about 4 inches above waist deep and throw her into the water. She comes out of the water.

"WOOOOWWW that was really nice of you guys." (Y/N) says and laughs. Her laugh is really cute. Brennen runs out of the water and says, "Nope I don't want to get tackled by (Y/N).". (Y/N) walks towards me and she wraps her arms around my neck. I wrap my arms around her waist and lean in to kiss her. We kiss for a long time before we pull a part to take a breath. Brennen took a picture of us and posted it on Snapchat with the caption saying, "I'm jealous, I wanted that kiss with Colby.. 😢 😭 ". We let go of each other and I splash (Y/N). She splashes me back. I pick her up and carry her back on the beach. She lays on her towel and I feel Brennen and Sam grab me and pull me off to the side.

Influencer / Colby Brock x Reader / [Book 1] ✔️(EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now