The After Party

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Hey guys ish me Zesty and my bad grammar. OR IS IT?! I spell things wrong on purpose so you can't tell if I meant to or not. Alright I'll stop stalling and let you read the damn chapter already.

Warning: This chapter contains Sexual and Adult jokes and content. If you are triggered to that in anyway possible please take caution or don't read this chapter at all.

(Y/N)'s POV

There were about 30 guests staying for the after party. We brought our swimming suits for the after party but left them in the car. We go to the backyard and see the DJ is setting up. We set our purses and bags with casual clothes in them on the table.

"Whose going to get the swimming suits?" Brennen asks.

"(Y/N) and I can go get them." Colby answered.

"Alright," Sam says and Brennen and Corey hand Colby their keys to the cars. Colby and I go out front and grab the swimming suits. We go to the back yard and hand everyone in the group their swimming suits. I grab my bag with my casual clothes in it and go change. I put my swimming suit on then my casual clothes over them. (Outfit doesn't have to be the one I pick)

I come outside and see everyone's sitting by the fire pit

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I come outside and see everyone's sitting by the fire pit. Colby saved me a seat, I sit down next to him. I kiss his cheek. A committee member has the DJ turn the music down to a low volume.

"Alright guests the first thing of the after party is a game of Never Have I Ever..." The Committee member says.

"The point of the game is you have to have the most boring life to win.. Basically it shows that you have a boring life. You get 5 lives if you run out then you're out." The Committee member says.

"Let's start off with Liza Koshy and remember try to keep targeting to a minimum.. Have fun!" The Committee member says and walks off.

"Alright never have I ever had sex with anyone here at the after party.." Liza says and Colby and I are the only ones who put our finger down. Everyone Ooos.

"(Y/N) who did you have sex with and when was it?" Liza asks me in a curious voice.

You sigh and say, "Last night with Colby..". You start blushing but the fire glow covers it.

"Alright go (Y/N).." Liza says and smirks.

"This affects a lot of people... Never have I ever been a viner or in a vine before." I say and almost everyone puts their finger down.

"Go Brennen.." I say.

"Hmm never have I ever kissed (Y/N).." Brennen says. Colby, Corey, and Christian Burns put their fingers down.

"Put your damn finger back up Christian we've never kissed and never will." I say furiously.

"But we have.." Christian lies.

"Posters don't count you sick fuck.." I say and he puts his finger back up.

"Wait you kissed (Y/N), Corey?" Brennen asks.

"Freshmen year.." Corey says.

"Go Colby.." Brennen says.

"Alright this is going to be funny but.. Never have I ever had my ass grabbed.." Colby says.

"Dammit Colby.." I say and I put my finger down.

"Go Scotty.." Colby says.

"Never have I ever had natural hair that wasn't ginger" Scotty says and everyone but him puts their finger down. I'm the only one with 1 live left.

" 1st person to go out gets thrown in the pool!" David Dobrik yells knowing I'll lose.

"Go Corey.." Scotty says and Corey shows an mischievous expression.

"Alright Never have I ever had more than 3 million followers on Instagram." Corey says and laughs evilly as I put my last finger down.

"Come on babe.." Colby picks me up bridal style.

"Can I at least take my stuff out of my pockets?" I ask.

"Sure." Colby carries me over to our table and we take out our valuables. I take off my casual clothes and so does Colby. He picks me up again and carries me over to the pool. He has Brennen help him and they throw me in. I resurface.

"You guys are so nice." I say and Colby jumps in. Everyone gets up and jumps in. A committee member came out with booze. Colby and Brennen grab one. I do too. 2 hours later. The after party ends and we all have to go home. Sam and Kat decided to drive with Corey and Devyn. They left before us. Brennen, Colby, a few other guests, and I help clean up. When everything looks semi decent we get ready to leave. We get in Brennen's truck.


Alright I hope you guys enjoyed and I'm sorry for the cliff hanger. I had to end it here so I could do the next Chapter separate so it isn't a long chapter. Sorry for this little spoiler but the next Chapter will probably make you cry. It might make me cry and I don't cry that much. I can't give out that much because I don't want to ruin it for you guys. All I can say is I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and thanks for almost 400 reads already. I check my wattpad reads a lot and I saw how much I had and I was like, "OMG HOW!" Thanks guys...

PEACE! ~~ Zesty Out!

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