Chapter 5

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OKIE I HOPE YOU ENJOY THIS SERIES I HAVE WORKED HARD ON THIS STORY AND SORRY FOR CAPS LOCK! :P ENJOY THIS PART AND I POST OF LOT OF PARTS ON THE WEEKENDS! During the week it might be a day separation between each part because of volleyball and homework! Okie I'll stop bothering and let you get to teh the actual part now :P.

(Y/N)'s POV

I finish my lunchable and throw away the trash. I play some games on my phone. I decide to pull out my vlog camera and vlog a little then end the vlog.

"Okay we're back at the mansion hanging out doing stuffs." I walk out into the backyard. "Aw man I can't wait to move here! It's always chill here in California and I get to hang out with my friends here! Alright that will be the end of the vlog today and I hope you guys enjoyed this video with Colby! Go subscribe to him and follow him on all of his social media linked in the description! We're so close to 10 million! I of course have something planned for it! Alright that's all so.... PEACE!~~" I say then shut off your vlog camera.

~~TIME SKIP TO 7 pm :P ~~

I go upstairs to start editing. I forget to knock and walk into Colby's room. He's in his boxers editing his video of I and him exploring. I start blushing a faint red but still noticeable. I grab your laptop and walk out of his room still blushing and go into the theatre room. I don't want to talk about what I saw... But still at least he didn't see me I don't think I think to myself. I start editing and I hear someone come down the stairs. The only person upstairs was Colby everyone else but Devyn and Corey went out to go somewhere and weren't gonna be back until tomorrow. I hear Colby crying and he comes into the theatre room to watch a movie but sees me.

"C-Colby? Are you okay?" I ask.

"N-no" Colby says as a tear streams down his face.

I set my laptop down next to me and get up and hug Colby and he hugs me back. He cries into my shoulder.

"Sorry for being like this in front of you (Y/N)" Colby says.

"Don't worry we're human. We show emotion.." I say and smile.

"Why are you crying?" I ask.

"I just got a call from my mom. My dad died in a car crash coming home for work." He said. (THIS ISN'T TRUE OUTSIDE OF THE FANFICTION JUST ADDING DRAMATIC EFFECT!)

"Colby I'm so sorry." I say in sincere sadness for him.

He pulls away a little and looks at me, I see his beautiful blue eyes are full of tears. He leans into kiss me and I let him. We pull away and he holds me close to him. I whisper something to him that I'm sure the both of us won't forget for the rest of our lives.

"Hold me close to your heart, no matter where I am I will always be here for you. That's why I'm your friend, to help you through it and not tell you to get over it. I know it's hard and I'm here for you." I say.

"Thanks (Y/N)" He says.

"Your Welcome" I reply.

"Hey you wanna go swimming when you get done editing?" He asks.

"Sure" I say and smile.

I get back to editing and Colby watches me edit. I make the thumbnail and post the video with the title "Exploring a Abandoned Haunted Mansion!". Colby and I go upstairs to get ready to go swimming in the pool. I grab my swimming suit out of my suitcase and go into the bathroom. I put on my swim suit. (Again you don't have to the wear the bikini in the picture I just chose it :P)

 (Again you don't have to the wear the bikini in the picture I just chose it :P)

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I come out of the bathroom and Colby is wait for me. I see he's blushing a little and you a little too.

"Have you gone night swimming because it's so relaxing." I ask.

"I haven't actually but it does relaxes people and luckily we have the pool heating on other wise we'll either get a cold or just be really cold." He replies.

We grab 2 towels from the bathroom and head down the stairs. Corey and Devyn are in their room. Colby and I go in to the back yard and set our towels down away from the pool so they won't get wet. Colby follows me over to the deep end of the pool. He pushes me into the pool and jumps in. We come up to the surface his beautiful blue eyes are sparkling in the moonlight. He looks in my eyes and leans in to kiss me but he whispers "Hold your breath". I do so and he holds my waist and pulls me and him underwater. He kisses me and we resurface. I giggle, he strokes my cheek. He's all I want in a guy, smart, funny, good looking, shows his emotions, and speaks his mind I think to myself.




Influencer / Colby Brock x Reader / [Book 1] ✔️(EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now