The Car Crash

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I guess the title kinda gives you a hint on what's going to happen in this chapter. Alright I'm not gonna say that much because I want it  all to be a suprise and not ruin it. Thanks and enjoy! Remember don't drink and drive.. if you do you risk your life.. Don't take that risk be careful.

Trigger warning

(Colby's POV)

Brennen pulls out of the Big mansion hosting the ball. (Y/N) is sitting in the back seat dozing off. Brennen said he didn't drink at all and I can't remember if he did or not. We drive onto a main road. We make it 30 minutes in the truck. We're almost to the mansion. We get to a red light and Brennen doesn't stop. I guess he was drinking but it was too late to do anything. In a few seconds a truck would colide with us. Only a few seconds will be like a milisecond when the crash happens. That's all, only a few seconds to react to the fact that one of us might die because of a stupid desicion on deciding to drink in drive. Welp it was fun while it lasted.. A few seconds go by and the truck colides with us. I close my eyes before it happens. When I open them the windshield is broken. Brennen and I only have cuts and bruises. I look back at (Y/N) and she has huge cuts in her. Her forehead has a cut on it and it's bleeding badly. She's unconsious, I try to reach for her but can't reach her. Brennen's barely consious. We hear police sirens and ambulences. I feel someone pull me out of the car and see it's a paramedic. I get put in the same ambulence as (Y/N). She's still unconsious, her hairs wet still from the pool. I grab her hand and hold it. I look up and see the paramedic with bandages. He's covering up her wounds. I look up at the roof and then everything goes black. I wake up in a hospital room, I'm in new clothes and Brennen's next to me in new clothes. It's bright and I see it's morning. Elton, Sam, and Kat are the only ones in the room with us. They looked worried.

"Where's (Y/N)?" I ask.

"She's in the hospital room next to yours Colby." Elton says and Kat's crying a little.

"Can I see her?" I ask.

"You can but be careful walking around, you know what I'll help you." Elton says. He helps me up and we go into (Y/N)'s hospital room. She has a hospital gown on and she has a bandage around her forehead.

"(Y/N).. Someone is here to see you.." Elton says and she opens her eyes.

I walk over to her bedside and she looks at me as if I was a stranger.

"W-Who are you?" (Y/N) asks me.

"It's me Colby your boyfriend (Y/N).." I said in confusion.

"N-No you're not.. I don't know who you are.." (Y/N) says.

The doctor comes in.

"Colby, (Y/N) lost a little bit of her memory during the accident.." The Doctor says.

"You mean she doesn't remember me?" I ask.

"Parts of you.. She lost a bit of memory of you as her boyfriend or your name.. but she has the memories of someone loving her like you did.." The Doctor says.

"Will her memory ever recover?" I ask the doctor.

"With a bit of help her memory should recover.." The Doctor answers.

The Doctor walks over to (Y/N).

"Do you know who Colby Brock is mam?" The Doctor is.

"I-I Don't know.. I don't even know why I'm here.. I just woke up here and saw my friends sitting.. Did something happen to me?" (Y/N) asks.

"Apparently you got into a car crash.. with Brennen Taylor and Colby Brock.." The Doctor says.

"I-I did? I did.." (Y/N) says.

"Can you describe what they look like?" The doctor asks.

"Well one was very masculine and was darker than the other guy.. he was the driver.. Brennen was the driver.." (Y/N) says.

"Can you tell me what the other guy looked like?" The doctor asked.

"Hmm well he was tan, masculine.. he was sitting in the front passenger seat. He looked like him.." (Y/N) says and pointed at me.

"Was he one of the people who was in the car crash? Colby Brock is his name.. I think." (Y/N) says.

"Do you have any sort of relationship with Colby Brock?" The Doctor asked.

"I-I don't remember... but he sounds familiar and I think we did.." (Y/N) says.

"Do you remember dating anyone in your life and if so what did they look like?" The doctor asked.

"I had one before.. I don't remember his name though.. he looked like Colby.. Identitical to Colby." (Y/N) says.

"He threw me in a pool.. he also took me to a ball... it was magical and very romantic.. he made me feel special." (Y/N) says.

"Do you wish to see the man who made you feel special.. I know who he is.." The doctor said.

"Y-Yes please! I can't wait to see him and tell him I love him." (Y/N) says with excitement.

"He's standing right in front of you.. his name is Colby Brock.." The doctor says and he points at me. Elton and the doctor leave the room and give us alone time.

"C-Colby? I wondered why you looked familiar.." (Y/N) says.

"(Y/N).. How do you feel?" I ask her.

"Better knowing you're here with me.. but for some reason I feel like somethings missing..." (Y/N) says.

"What?" I ask.

She pulls me in for a kiss and I let her kiss me. (I know I know my logic doesn't make sense.. BUT that 's how I roll) I kiss her on her neck. She giggles. She's so cute when she giggles. The Doctor comes in.

"Enjoying ourselves aren't we?" The doctor asks.

"Uhh.." I say and (Y/N) blushes.

"When will I be released?" (Y/N) asks.

"You're going to be released in a few days.." The doctor says.

"Also someone came to visit you (Y/N)..." The doctor says and someone who I don't know walks in.

"Hi sweetie.." The man says.

"Get out Da- Travis.." (Y/N) says in a frusrated voice.

"But I came to see you.." He says in what I think is a fake voice.

"I don't care.. Get out before I force you out myself.." (Y/N) says.

"B-But.." The man says.

"I don't care get out and go back to Washington.. Tell my brother I love him and our father's dead to me.." (Y/N) says very angerly.

"Fine I'll leave you and your man wh*re of a boyfriend.." He says and walks out furiously. I'm furious he called me that. I storm out of the room after him. I tap him on the shoulder. He turns around and I punch him straight in the jaw. I go back to (Y/N)'s room.

"Who was that guy, (Y/N)?" I ask (Y/N).

"My father.. he's a huge d**k to me and he has some nerve trying to visit me..." (Y/N) says. She leans back in her bed and gets very comfortable.

"I'm taking a nap... I'm a bit tired." She says and closes her eyes. Just like that she's sleeping. I sit down in a comfortable chair in the room. I close my eyes and sleep knowing my love is alright.


Okay I guess I didn't cry because I'm not one to show emotions.. Or I'm just a heartless being... Probably the heartless being. Welp I hope you guys enjoyed! Sorry this is a bit later in the day, I had a volleyball game... As usual. My team won so I'm happy. That's all I have to say and thanks for 400 reads already! It honestly means a lot to me.. Okay I'll stop rambling and wasting your time.

PEACE! ~~ Zesty Out! 1267 words.

Influencer / Colby Brock x Reader / [Book 1] ✔️(EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now