Chapter 4

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YO! I hope you guys/gals enjoy this chapter I will try to make it a bit longer than the others so far so anyway guys/gals I hope you guys/gals enjoy! I'm going to try and make this chapter/page 1000 words long welp I better get to typing :O

(Colby's POV)

Me and (Y/N) were in my bed and I had my arms around her waist. When she posted pictures of us on Snapchat and twitter in bed people thought we were dating. I want to date her , she's nice and funny. Down to earth unlike most girls who only want to date me because I'm good looking I thought in my mind. If she didn't like me then she would've probably pulled away and gotten up and changed out of her pajamas. We were on our phones messing around with Snapchat. I realized that it was 7 am. Nobody but Elton would be awake at this time. I hear start to cutely and quietly snore every so often. I look at her and she's sleeping. I set my alarm for 10 am and I feel (Y/N)'s head against my chest. I end up falling asleep.

~~Time Skip to 10 am :P ~~

(Y/N)'s POV

I wake up when I hear Colby's alarm. Colby is still sleeping, I get up and grab clothes from my suitcase. I go into the bathroom and brush my teeth and wash my face.  I change into gray sweatpants, a white t-shirt, put on a leather jacket, and put on black boots. I put on some makeup and fix my hair up in a ponytail. (AGAIN you can choose this outfit or choose you own outfit to wear Idc whatever makes you happy now back to the story :P)

 (AGAIN you can choose this outfit or choose you own outfit to wear Idc whatever makes you happy now back to the story :P)

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I put my pajamas in my suitcase and I'll wash them later with the rest of my other clothes I have already put on. I come out of Colby's room and go into the kitchen. I hear that Colby's alarm has already been silenced meaning Colby's awake. I grab my backpack and put some water and snacks in it. I grab my vlog camera and extra batteries and sim cards just in case. I start recording on my vlog camera. "Alright hey guys what's up! My name is (Y/N) of course you know that but before we get the exploration part of the video I want to go see what Colby's doing. He will be going with me while we explore the abandoned haunted mansion hopefully it goes well and we don't get killed." I start walking up the stairs with my backpack on my back. (duh :P) You walk up to Colby's door and knock. He says come in. He's ready and on his Snapchat.

"You ready to go Colby?" I ask.

"Yeah" he answers.

"Alright let's go. I don't want to waste daylight because I want some coffee because I'm a basic (ethnicity) girl." I said and Colby laughs while he puts his phone away.

"Okay basic (ethnicity) girl let's go." he says and I laugh. We walk down the stairs and Colby yells to Elton that Colby and I are going to explore a haunted mansion. Colby picks up his backpack on the way out. We get in the car and start driving.

"Alright guys I'm going to see you guys/gals when we get to the abandoned mansion." I say then I stop recording.


We arrive down the street to the mansion and Colby does his intro in the car while I drink the rest of my Starbucks. We get out of the car and walk down to the mansion, the grass is yellowish and long meaning no one's been taking care of it for a few months. We walk around back and sees the back door is open and we walk in. We turn on our flashlights and start looking around, I have my Go-Pro on my chest so I don't have to carry my camera. We carefully go up the stairs and see graffiti on the walls. We go back down the stairs and into the basement. There's a blood morgue but I sorta shrug my shoulders because I've seen one before. We go into the backyard and look at the empty pool.

"Supposedly someone got knifed and drowned in the pool at a party while everyone but the landowner and a person staying at the party." Colby says.

"That's totally not creepy." I say sarcastically.

"And the landowner hung himself." Colby added.

"Then why isn't the nuce anywhere to be found?" I ask

"Maybe some cut it down." He answered.

"Good point." I said.

We go into the living room and kneel down at next to the coffee table. Colby reaches into his bag and pulls out a Ouija board. I get shook as always when I see those things but I don't want to be a pansy and chicken out. He sets up the Ouija board and lights the candles. (ISH NOT SEXUALLY LIGHTING TEH CANDLES YAH NASTY'S! Now back to the story) We put our hands on the wooden piece with the circle glass. Colby moves the piece in a circle 3 times around on the board. We start and Colby says not to take my hands off the board and I say okay.

"Is there any spirits or demons here to speak to us?" Colby asks. The piece moves to yes and we move it back to the middle.

"We're you the person who got murdered here?" I ask. It goes to yes and we move it back to the middle.

"How old were you when the mansion owner killed you" Colby asks. The board spells out 20.

"Did you have any sort of relationship with the land owner?" I ask. The board spells out daughter.

"Were you his daughter?" I ask. The board moves to yes and we move it back to the middle.

"Do you have bad intentions?" Colby asks. It goes straight to no and we move it back to the middle.

"Do you think we have bad intentions?" I ask. It goes to no.

"How long has it been since your father killed you?" Colby asks. It spells out 5 years.

"Was it on purpose?" I ask. The board goes to No.

"Was he drunk? I ask. It goes to yes and I start to tear up a little but I wipe my tears with my hands.

"Do you want us to leave?" Colby asks. It goes spells out "Please Leave".

"Before we go what's your name?" I ask. It spells out Paige.

We say goodbye and go to the car and do our outros.

"Alright I hope you guys enjoyed this exploration part that scared me I'm going to see you when we get back to the mansion." I say.

We drive back to the mansion and I (ANDDD I!!!!!!!!!!!.. sorry :P I leik tat song) decide to go get something to eat. I grab a lunchable (#NotSponsered) and go into the game room and watch Corey play rocket league while I eat it.


Alright I hope you guys enjoyed this part and idk when I'll post the next one maybe later in the night tomorrow since I have volleyball and homework tomorrow because of school. That's all I have to say really, yeah.

PEACE! ~~ 1,200 words :P

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