Smut Chapter :P

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(Y/N)'s POV

I wake up and I'm barely awake. I feel Colby pick me up and carry me to our room. He lays me down on the bed. I take off my pants, shoes, shirt, and hat. I put my hair up in a ponytail. I get under the covers and close my eyes. I hear Colby take off his shirt, pants, and shoes. He crawls into bed with me and we cuddle. I end up falling asleep. Soon after I fall asleep Colby does too.

~~The next morning~~

Colby's POV
I wake up and don't even bother looking at the time. I look at Instagram and like (Y/N)'s pictures that I see on my feed. I feel (Y/N) shift around in her sleep and she wakes up. I turn off my phone screen and set it on the floor.

"What time is it?" (Y/N) asks me in groggily but sexy voice.

"Not telling you because I want to be lazy and sleep in bed with you all day." I answered making her giggle.

***Get your Holy Water Ready***

I looked at her in the eyes then at her lips then back up at her eyes. I slowly leaned forward feeling her warm breath. She filled the little space left between us with a passionate kiss. I was taken aback at first but then I smirked and fluttered my eyes shut. My hands wrapped around her waist while her hands slithered around my neck. I broke the kiss and hovered over her.

I smashed our lips together slowly trailing from her lips to her jawline then to her neck. I left kisses down her neck to mark that she was mine and mine alone. I kissed down her torso making a quiet moan escape her lips. My kisses slowly trailed even farther down to her slightly visible v-line then to her inner thighs. She trembled when I got very close to her wet womanhood.

"Stop, teas-" she moaned," stop teasing me babe." I chuckled blowing lightly on her clothed cunt making her gasp again.

I leaned back up to right by her face kissing her again. I grabbed one of her clothed breast making her gasp. I took this as my chance to slip my tongue into her mouth. We fought for dominance but I easily won.

My hand slithered to behind her back, I clipping her bra and throwing it on the ground. I broke the kiss smirking leaning down to her breast, placing my mouth on one and my hand on the other. I squeezed her breast and swirled my tongue around the other. I pulled back and smirked.

"Do you have protection?" She asks.

"I'll put some on.." I say and get up and slip a condom on. I get back in bed.

"You ready?" I asked her making sure she wanted this.

"Yeah" she says. I pull down her panties and my boxers. I slowly enter my member into her.

"Nod for me to continue..." I say and she nods. I thrust in and out of her slowly and speed up a little bit after every thrust. She moans every few thrusts. I release into the condom. I pull out of her and put the condom in the trash. She pulls up her underwear and I pull up my boxers. We cuddle in bed.

"I bet we woke the neighbors up if they aren't awake already..." I say and (Y/N) laughs.

"and the roommates..." she says.

Well we can deal with them later come on I want to take a shower with you..." I say and get up. I go into the bathroom and turn the shower on warm. I get in and a minute later (Y/N) gets in with me. She stands in front of my facing the shower head her back towards me. She turns around and kisses my cheek.

"I love you" she says.

"I love you too" I respond.

We finish the shower then get dressed. We go downstairs and see everyone is playing rocket league. (Y/N) is wearing one of my shirts and has booty shorts on.

"Who's winning?" (Y/N) asks.

"Corey" Elton says.

"Of course..." she says...

"You guys know it's like 4:00 pm right? And you haven't come out of your room at all today except for now. Also the pounding upstairs gives me an idea on what you guys were doing up there. Elton says.

"Uhhh" I say awkwardly and embarrassed.

"Let's play rocket league with them Colby!" (Y/N) says quickly.

We sit down and take turns playing rocket league. Devyn makes dinner, it's spaghetti. We eat dinner then we all head to bed.


Oh hello there from the other side of the ocean of dispare. Again this is late, because I'm lazy and Instagram distracted me. Alright I hope you guys enjoyed and we are getting so close to 1 k  reads! Thank you guys so much I can't even express how much it means to me. Alright I'm going to get to writing the next chapter! I'm very much scarred for live and always have been.

PEACE! ~~ Zesty Out!

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