Day 1 at Vidcon

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At the time I'm writing this author's note we're so close to 1k reads on this story. OMG I'm so excited because I thought this story was going to be a story that will never be found. But now all I can say is never say never. Sorry if the Vidcon day chapters are a bit shorter than usual chapters. Okie enjoy!

(Y/N)'s POV

My alarm wakes me and everyone else up. We all freshen up and get ready for the day. I put on a navy blue crop top and very light blue ripped jeans. I put on my black vans and a black hat. I put on sunglasses. I wait for Colby and I grab my vlog camera. I start recording and do an intro.

"What's up guys it's (Y/N) and welcome back to another video... Colby and I are about to go to the main event downstairs. Hopefully we don't get mauled and get kicked out for causing a hazard issue due to all the fans together. Alright let's go!" I say and look at the door. Colby and I walk to it and open the door.

"Bye guys! we're heading over to the event!" I yell as Colby and I leave. We go get breakfast, eat then go downstairs. We're at the top of the escalators and see fans. We see a security guard.

"Excuse me is there anyway we can like go around so we can get outside to do a meet and greet we're supposed to be doing?" Colby asks the security guard.

"Sure follow me" The security guard says leading us through a door and around. We get outside to the meet and greet area.

"GET IN LINE!" The security guard yells to the fans running up. They create a line waiting to meet us. Colby and I wave to everyone and they wave back. We spend 2 hours meeting a lot of people. Some cry when they meet us and I almost cry but hold back my tears.

"Sorry guys I have to get to the panel I'm doing in 30 minutes! It was fun meeting you all!" I yell as Colby and I wave and the security guard escorts us back around behind the curtains covering us from being seen. We make it to the panel room and Colby sits in his seat at the reserved front seats while I head up on the stage and sit in the middle seat. People come in and sit in their seats. We do the panel and do and talk about funny things. It's 4:00 pm when we finish. We go upstairs and eat lunch and then hang out in the hotel room. We go back to the main event and meet more fans. We check out the booths they have and buy some merchandise. It's 7:00 pm meaning that everyone at Vidcon will be heading back to their hotel room. Colby and I go up to the room and see that everyone is back at the room. I do the outro and stop recording. I set my vlog camera down and sit at the table everyone is sitting at.

"Hey wanna play the Ouija board? I brought it.." Elton says.

"Really Elton? That might get us kicked out." Corey says.

"Only if they catch us but they won't because they don't have cameras in here. Also workers aren't allowed in here after 6:00 pm." Elton says.

"He is right.. I looked at the pamphlet in the lobby with Elton saying that." I say.

"Well I'm not playing." Corey and Devyn say.

"Alright more fun for us" Elton says. We all the play the Quija board and Elton records it for TFIL. We eat dinner and then go to bed.


Again sorry if the Vidcon chapters are shorter than usual. I've never been to Vidcon myself so IDK how it is. I've watched people vlog a bit of Vidcon so yeah. I hope you guys enjoyed this and we are so close to hitting 1k reads I'm so excited! I'm surprised this took a hour and a half to write. Alright I'll see you guys later.

PEACE! ~~ Zesty Out!

Influencer / Colby Brock x Reader / [Book 1] ✔️(EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now