The Midnight Game

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What's up mah dudes? How's it going? Been a while not really keeping up the update grind and putting out updates for you guys. I kinda like this story it's grown attached to me like a parasite. Wanna know how many updates I like to have prewritten so I can do my homework and relax? About 4 because I write a lot like during study hall period at school in a notebook and then I transfer that onto my actual writing page for Wattpad after school. Okay enough of me rambling on, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter!

(Y/N)'s POV

Colby and I are just chilling when Sam, Brennen, and Kat come in.

"Aww were you two cuddling and making out?" Kat asks.

"No we were spending time with each other until we needed to get ready which is right now..." I say.

"So can you guys get out so we can change and then we'll come out." Colby says and I get off of him and grab some clothes for me and him.
Everyone but me and Colby leave the room. We get dressed and I'm wearing really short comfy shorts and my nirvana crop top shirt. Colby's wearing black ripped jeans and his nirvana shirt. We put on black converse shoes and put on a black hat. We go into Sams room and see that they're already sitting down waiting for us.

"Ready?" Sam asks.

"Yep" I say and Colby sits down. I sit on his lap and Sam starts recording a few seconds after we sit down. He does his intro and explains the rules of the game. He turns off the camera and we prick our fingers and put our blood on the paper we signed with our name on it. He starts recording before we do the knocking and he gives us candles. I take the big mason jar so I don't burn my fingers on the wax but it will be harder to light which is kinda a bummer. We do the rest of the ritual to invite the Midnight man in our house then start walking around. Sam is in front and Kat is behind him. Brennen is behind Kat and I'm behind Brennen and Colby is behind me. We walk around and hear noises throughout the house. We go downstairs and into the hallway and then into the lounging room where Kat's piano is. Colby gets on a penny board and rides it a bit.

"Welp Colby doesn't have to worry about ghosts catching him..." I said and everyone laughed. Colby gets off the penny board and starts to walk with us again. We go through the theatre room and then back in the hallway.

"Hey let's summon Bloody Mary too..." Brennen says.

"Yeah!" Colby says and Brennen goes into the bathroom. He starts saying Bloody Mary but it isn't that loud.

"Guys stop you're going to make me cry!" Kat says.

"Me too." I say and my voice is shaky. They stop and we go into the kitchen and walk around and into the game room. When we leave the game room and go back into the kitchen the Tv turns on and it's staticky. Sam turns it off and we go into the hallway. We decide to go back up the stairs when we hear Kat's piano playing and we have to go turn it off and unplug it so some ghost doesn't start playing it again. Sam unplugs it and makes sure it can't turn off again. We go upstairs and hear a thud downstairs. I'm now in the back and Sam is filming in front of me. Colby goes into Sam's room and makes a mistake of turning on the light.

"Dude you're not supposed to turn on the lights during the game!" Sam says a bit flustered.

"Oops" Colby says and turns off the light.

"We should just stay in a salt circle and wait it out." Brennen says and we all agree. Colby puts the salt around us so we're surrounded in a salt circle. We end up waiting it out and when the game ends we all hear a big thud downstairs but even louder than before. We do the outro but Sam continues to record.

"Is anyone here?" Brennen asks.

"No everyone else is gone " Sam says a bit worried.

"I don't want to stay here so you guys can just stay at my house if you guys want to." Brennen says and we all agree. We stay at Brennen's house for the night and everything is fine Colby and I end up sleeping on the floor. Brennen sleeps in his room and Sam and Kat sleep on the couch.


What's up it's me with another author's not and stuff. So anyway just so you guys know things DO NOT go in order from vlogs. Okay I hope you guys are having a great day and I hope you guys enjoyed this update which is prewritten. I just like being prepared with updates just in case I go on vacation so I don't have to worry about writing I'll just be able to relax and just upload updates I haven't published yet. Okay I'm going to go and write the actual story and not just ramble on.

PEACE! ~~ Zesty Out!

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