TFIL's 1 million subscriber party

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What's up guys it's Zesty coming at you guys with another update! Remember to like and subscribe and follow me and rate me 5 out if 5 on yelp for being cringey! Okay I'm going to stop because what I just said was so damn weird. That is all I have to say and I hope you guys enjoy this update!

(Y/N)'s POV

It's been a week since we've played the midnight game and today is the day we would be throwing a party for TFIL for hitting 1 million subscribers. Of course I knew someone was going to get too turnt but it was a celebration. Colby and I have been dating for 2 months and things have been going good. Colby had already drank 2 shots of vodka and was probably going to drink more depending on how lit this party gets. I'm in our room alone and I put on my bikini and shorts and a white crop top on over it. I go downstairs and see people are already starting to arrive. I hear the music is starting and they set up the mechanical shark and diving platform. I look in the lounging room and see the stripper pole they set up. Then I look in the used to be theatre room which got turned into a ball pit with a stage for the DJ.  I go to the backyard and see that Colby is taking another shot. I walk over to where he is and take a shot too. Colby wraps his arm around my shoulder and kisses me. Clarissa May comes outside and grabs Colby away from me.

"What are you doing with her Colby?" Clarissa asked.

"What do you mean?" Colby asked curiously.

"She's a total skank and she's cheating on you with Christian Burns!" Clarissa says.

"Say that one more time bitch and I will beat your ass." I say furiously.

"You're a skank and you're cheating on Colby with Christian Burns. You don't deserve Colby I do hmph.." she says and I snap. I tackle her and throw her over my shoulder. I go into the deep end of the pool and I know she probably can't swim and she has her stuff on her. I throw her in the pool.

"I had my phone, wallet, and keys on bitch!" Clarissa says.

"Well you can go eat a dry condom because I don't give a shit!" I say and sassily flip my hair and walk away. I walk over to Colby and he puts his arm around me and kisses me again. As we're about to walk inside I look at Clarissa and flip her off. We go outside to greet the guests and Clarissa comes out a minute after we go to the front.

"Bitch get off my property!" I yell.

"Not until I win Colby's heart!" She yells.

"Then I'll make you leave.." I say and drag her by her hair to my car and knock her out.

"I'll be back in a little bit!" I say and go a ditch near Starbucks which is a few miles away from our house and leave her in the ditch. I go back to the mansion and see everyone is at the party. I go inside and party too. I go to the back yard and get on the mechanical bull. I stay on it for 20 seconds and then fall off. I do some tricks with Elton off the high diving platform into the pool. I do a double gainer which is 2 backflips going forward and land it on my feet in the pool and everyone cheers. I go inside and up to Colby's room to take a break from the party and Elton and the camera crew follow me up the stairs and halfway up I stop.

"Why are you guys only following me?" I ask curiously.

"We want to show off the rest of the house and we're showing off Colby and your room first." Elton says.

"Fine let's go and then you guys have to get out of our room because I'm going to relax s little then come back down to the party.." I say and they nodded in agreement. We go up the stairs to Colby's and my room. When we walk in I see Colby is making with some girl who looks a lot like me.

"Are you serious Colby?!" I say very angered. They pull away and see me and the camera crew.

"Call me when you actually learn to control your horny emotions and not make out with out with other girls!" I say really furiously and storm downstairs. I get in my car and go to my safe spot where only Corey knows about. Our old high school which is now condemned because of people dying there. We went to high school in LA because got transferred. People are still allowed in but only people who get permission from the security guards. I go inside and go to my locker. Almost all the locker doors are vandalized. Mine isn't which is good. I lean against my locker and just slid down it and down to the floor. I look around and tears start rolling down my face.

"Why am I so stupid to fall for someone who makes out with another girl?" I ask. I hear someone walking down the hallway and look to see who it is. It's my mom but it can't be her, she died in my freshmen year due to my dad. She sits next to me.

"You aren't stupid sweetie, Colby didn't mean to make out with that girl..." she said in the sweet voice I love hearing when I would come home from school.

"Then why was he if he wasn't cheating?" I asked.

"He's drunk and that girl looked like you a lot." She says calmly.

"So it's my fault?" I asked shakily.

"No sweetie it's no ones fault, just I think Colby had a bit too much to drink." She said and I laughed a little. I hugged her and didn't feel her.

"Mom why can't I feel your hug?" I ask.

"You know why sweetie..." she said.

"I don't want you to leave me mom I miss having you with me.." I say.

"I do too but some things always have to end." She says and looks at her watch she loved wearing.

"It's almost time for me to go sweetie." She said and got up.

"Will I see you again?" I asked and wiped my tears.

"When the time comes you'll see me again but for now this is goodbye. Go back to Colby I bet he is missing you already." She says and walks off and disappears. I hear someone walking behind me and I turn around to see him..

"Colby..." I say.

"It's the one and only..." he says. I walk towards him and he holds his arms out. When I  reach to 1 and a half feet away I slap him.

"Ow... okay I deserve that" he says and I laugh.

"Come on baby let's go back to the mansion and finish the party. No more sticking your tongue down other girl's throats, okay?" I ask as he puts his arm around my shoulder and we walk towards the exit.

"Okay and no more drinking for me I don't want that to happen again.." he says and I laugh a bit more. We go back to the mansion and party the rest of the night away.


Okay I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I'm going to be writing a lot of this story so I can finish it and then I'll start writing my next story which is not a sequel but there will be a sequel to this story but that won't be until I finish the story I'm writing after this. Okay I can't really spoil that much more of the new story I'm going to be writing after this story because I want it to be a surprise when it actually comes out. Okay that's all I have to say!

PEACE! ~~ Zesty Out!

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