Chapter 9

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(Y/N)'s POV

"Whatcha doing and no my camera isn't on." I say.

"Pulling a prank on Colby because we we're going to do it on you but we couldn't find your keys and didn't want to scratch your car." Elton says.

"I feel very accomplished for keeping my keys on me all the time." I say as I pull out my keys and dangle them in the air. I put them back in my pocket.

"Doesn't Colby have to leave to go to a friend's later?" I ask

"Welp he's going to be late. By how much we're putting around his car he'll be about 30 minutes late." Elton says.

"Welp I'm going to not tell him because I'm not that type of person because it will be funny seeing his reaction." I say. I check the time and it's 12 pm. "Colby has to leave in a hour so you guys better hurry" I add. Colby calls me and I put him on speaker and I signal everyone to be quiet.

(Y=You and C=Colby) Phone Call:

Y= Hello?

C= Hey (Y/N)

Y= Yeah?

C= Want to go to Big Nick's house with me in about a hour?

Y= Sure. Are you done editing?

C= Yeah just gonna take a shower and then we can start heading over to his apartment.

Y= Alright I'm just hanging outside vlogging. Have fun taking a shower you dirty boy. Okay that sounded dirty but I'll be outside so just come outside and we can go.

C= I love you

Y= I love you too

C= Bye

Y= Buh Bye

I hang up. I put my phone back in my pocket. Sam and Corey make kissy faces.

"Shush and so we have until he gets out of the shower meaning we have let's say 25 minutes." I say.

"Well we just finished so we have to wait." Sam says.

"What should we do?" Corey asks.

"Wait for him which will take an arc age and a half." Elton answers.

~~25 minutes later :P~~

Colby walks out and sees us and the car. "What did you guys do?!" He asked loudly.

"Cover your car in wrapping stuff so you'll be late to go to Big Nick's apartment." Elton answers calmly.

I start vlogging and zoom really close on Colby's face then zoom out. "You mad bruh?" I ask

"Well we're going to be late unless..." Colby answers but trails off.

"Colby you don't mean.." I say.

"We're going in your Lambo because I said to Big Nick we'd be there at 1 pm." Colby says.

"I don't know..." I say.

"I'll throw you in the pool with your phone, your vlog, and your keys." Colby says.

"YOU WOULDN'T" I say loudly.

"I very much would" Colby says and runs over and throws me over his shoulder and starts carrying me to back inside.

"COLBY! AHH NOT THE POOL!" I yell. Colby stops walking.

"Will we go in your Lambo?" Colby asks.

"Fine but don't throw me in the pool." I answer. He sets me down gently, being careful not to accidentally drop me.

Influencer / Colby Brock x Reader / [Book 1] ✔️(EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now