His Bestfriend from Kansas

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Sah dude how's it going? I wrote this chapter on Sunday but I'm posting it on Friday I know crazy right? Most chapters I write are either prewritten or written at the last moment.. I'm trying to keep it to be either prewritten or on time. Hopefully that goes well and I hope you guys enjoy this chapter! Later guys... Also sorry Amm137267 or Angelena if I end up spelling your name wrong it's not on purpose.. I might also use Angie for a nickname for Angelena okie enjoy!

Colby's POV

I wake up in the morning and I get a call from my bestfriend from Kansas, Angelena. I answer it.

(C=Colby, A=Angelena)


A=Hey Colby how's my favorite BEST FWAND

C=Good How's it hanging?

A=Good so I have big news...

C=Did you finally learn how to talk to your crush and not run away and throw up from being too nervous?

A=IT WAS ONE TIME!!! and yeah I have but actually that's not it...

C=What is it then?

A=I'm moving to LA!

C=No way!

A=Yeah way.. Go downstairs in your house and go by the door..

C= Okay?

I go downstairs and walk by the door. Someone knocks on the door and I answer it. Angelena is there and hangs up the phone. We hug and I let her in.

"How did you find my address?" I ask Angelena.

"Sam told me and also I moved down the street so we can hang out without having to drive to hang out with each other..." Angelena answers.

"Cool!" I say hyped about being able to hang out with her.

"So has Mr. Brock found a girlfriend yet or will I have to pretend your girlfriend and then we'll actually start dating.." Angelena says sassily and after she does (Y/N) walks down the stairs in one of my shirts and really short Nike Shorts. (Y/N) goes in the kitchen to get something to eat and doesn't notice us.

"OOooo who's that?" Angelena asks.

"My girlfriend.." I say.

"She's cute can I meet her?" Angelena asks.

"Sure and I'll help you unpack..." I say.

"I already unpacked." Angelena laughs.

"Okay we'll just hang out but come on I want you to meet my girlfriend..." I say and grab Angelena's hand and we go into the kitchen. (Y/N) is passed out on the kitchen island.

"(Y/N)?" I ask and (Y/N) wakes up.

"Huh? Oh hi babe and lady I don't know.." (Y/N) says and I laugh.

"You must be Colby's girlfriend.." Angelena says.

"Yeah.. I'm tired and hungry.." (Y/N) says and gets up and grabs a yogurt and a glass of orange juice.

"I'll be in our room Colby.." (Y/N) says and kisses my cheek. She goes back upstairs and to the room we share.

"She's a total cutie I'm surprised a 10 fell in love with a 5..." Angelena says and laughs.

"HEYYY!" I say loudly.

"I'm just kidding!" She says and we laugh.

"You better be.." I say.

"Don't worry I am so anyways have you and (Y/N) you know did the dirty?" Angelnena asks.

"Yeah why?" I ask.

"Ewww Colby cooties" She says.

"You're so childish you know that right?" I ask.

"Yeah but you still have to deal with me neighbor..." She says and roll my eyes.

"So what do you want to do today?" I ask.

"Play rocket league duh 🙄" She says. We go into the game room and play a few rounds of 1v1 rocket league matches.

"Why are you so good?!" She asks in a bit of a yelling voice.

"It's called skills that you clearly don't have..." I say.

"Cocky much?" Angelena asks.

"Always." I reply and she grunts because I score another goal.

(Y/N) comes downstairs and sits on one of the beanbags and watches us. She cheers for both of us. (Y/N) ends up falling asleep. Angelena gets a text from someone and pauses the game.

"Sorry Colby I have to go to a audition for a tv show I'm auditioning for." She says and ends the game.

"Really you and acting actually became a thing?" I ask and she rolls her eyes.

"Shush at least I get call backs for auditions while you on the other hand can't even get in because you're so sassy with your sassy walk. Being like Omg look at me and my fat ass!" She says.

"I do not so that..." I say.

"That's not what the queen of sass is saying. I bet she's saying that you're almost as sassy as her." Angelena says and we both laugh.

"Okay now I have to leave in the next few minutes or I'll be late!" She says getting up.

"Great seeing you again Best Fwand I can't wait to spend more time with you and catch up on everything.." She says and neils down and hugs me.

"You too Angelena.. Good luck at that audition.." I say as she walks out of the he room and leaves. I pick (Y/N) up bridal style and carry her upstairs to our bedroom. I lay her down and lay next to her. She moves over in her sleep and onto my chest. She wakes up but stays in the position on my chest. She keeps looking at my chest and doesn't look at me.

"You know today has just been a chill day and I'm kinda bored..." She says in a cute sleepy voice.

"What are you going to do about it?" I ask her.

"Well I know you're going to either leave the house or go to the gym because Sam wants to do a Midnight man game with me, Kat, him, and Brennen..." she answers.

"I'll do it too..." I say trying to act brave.

"Sure by the end of the game you'll be scared to death and want to end it.." she says in a cocky tone.

"Cocky much?" I ask.

"Always.." she says and I laugh.

I poke her and she squeals. She looks at me and pokes my cheek. We both laugh. We watch Netflix on my IPad until we have to get ready to do the midnight man game.


So how's it going? I haven't written in days I finished the last bit of this chapter today aka Wednesday October 4th. I've been living the live doing my homework and getting yelled at for not having all A's, I have one B+ but so still apparently have to keep it up. Okay I'm going to go ahead and write another chapter or two for ahead of time so I don't have to be put on the spot without a chapter done. Alright so I hope you guys have been enjoying this story of course there will be a sequel but not right after this one. Maybe after I finish the fan fiction I'm going after this one which will not be related to this fan fiction at all! So please don't be like "OMG they didn't meet until after high school WTF I'm going to totally hate on the story since it's not even correct!" Please don't do that I'm just warning you that no story I write will be related to any other unless I say that it's a sequel. Alright I'm going to write some more chapters ahead of time so I can relax and not worry about writing.

PEACE! ~~ Zesty Out!

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