Chapter 3

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(The Story will be in first person perspective btw just making that clear and also (Y/N) means "your name" and (A/N) means "Author's note" if you didn't know that already anyways enjoy!)

(Y/N)'s POV

I look at my Snapchat and Instagram and decide to follow Colby. I look at his posts and blush hardcore when I see him shirtless. I hear someone walking downstairs and I hurry up and go to my Instagram home page. Colby walks into the kitchen and I look at how many views yesterday's video got. 2.5 million views so far not bad (Y/N)! I think to myself.

"Hey (Y/N)" Colby said.

"Hey Colby" I said.

"Do you want me to sleep on the couch?" Colby asked.

"N-no I don't want you to sleep on the couch because of me. You can sleep in your bed with me I don't really care it's not that big of a deal." I stuttered a little.

"Alright anyways tomorrow want to go exploring a haunted abandoned mansion with me?" Colby asked.

"Sure! Seems like fun." I replied.

"Okay I'm just grabbing food then going up to my room. You can come up whenever you want." Colby said.

"Alright" I said.

Colby grabbed some food and went up to his room. It was 7:55 pm and I was kinda bored. I was feeling fine until he called.... My dad. My heart shattered but I answered because he would've kept calling.

"H-Hello?" I said a bit scared.

"(Y/N)!! Whose Corey!" My Dad said.

"My friend!" I said.

"Why did you leave Washington! I told you to stay in Washington didn't I!" He yelled.

"When you come back to Washington or when I find you I will beat the crap out of you!" He yelled.

"You don't own me anymore Father... and I'm never going to call you my dad after this day... not after what you did to mom." I said.

"I am your father young lady and I make the rules!" He yelled.

"No your not, not anymore Dad. I hate you.. Never talk to me again or I'm calling the police and getting you thrown in prison for abuse and murder." I said.

"No wait sweetie! I'm sorry!" He said in a fake voice.

"Don't call me that and you wasted all your chances, Goodbye Travis it was nice having you as a dad when you actually cared." I said and hung up. I started to tear up and felt a tear stream down my face. I guess I'm an orphan now... I wiped my tears and stopped crying. I went up to the bathroom next to Colby's room and took off my make up and washed my face. I brushed my teeth and went into Colby's room and grabbed pajama clothes out of my suitcase and went back into the bathroom. I changed into a white Nike shirt, blue Nike sweatpants. (you can wear whatever I just choose this set of clothes and also the girl isn't wearing shoes)

 (you can wear whatever I just choose this set of clothes and also the girl isn't wearing shoes)

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I walk into Colby's room and see that Colby's sleeping. I crawl into bed on the side closest to wall. I notice he doesn't have a shirt on and I blush a faint pink. Colby opens his eyes and even though it's dark I still see his beautiful blue eyes staring at me.

"Did I wake you?" I asked.

"N-Nah I was about to fall asleep when I heard you" he answered.

"Oh" I said and yawn.

"You tired?" He asked.

"Yeah today was a exhausting day booking my flight, packing, and editing on short notice." I answered.

"I might stay up for a bit longer." he said.

"Alright good night Colby" I said

"Good night (Y/N)." he said as I started to doze off.

I felt Colby's body against mine and his arms wrap around my waist. (Get your mind out of the gutter yah nasty's out there thinking they're doing the deed D:< ! No they ain't but anyway back to the story :O) I opened my eyes only a little bit so I could see if Colby was awake but he couldn't know I was. He had fallen asleep, I closed my eyes and started to doze off again and then I fell asleep. Morning came and I still felt the same warmth I felt when Colby wrapped his arms around me last night. I open my eyes ever so slightly and see Colby is awake and he's on his phone on Instagram. He was looking at my account, and he had followed me back. He looked at me and I saw his beautiful blue eyes again. I started to move my eyelids so it looked like I was waking up. He went to his Instagram account and shut off his phone screen. He looked at the ceiling and then he started looking at me and started blushing when he realized he was shirtless in a bed with a girl. I opened my crystal looking (E/C) eyes and he's still looking at me with his blue eyes.

"Good morning..." I say in a serious but sexy voice. (shush dun't judge meh I'm working mah magic okie fam?)

"Good Morning..." Colby also says in a serious yet sexy voice. We both laugh.

I pulled out my phone and opened Snapchat and put on the dog filter. We both smile and I take a picture.

"What should the caption be?" I asked.

"Here I have a good one." Colby says. I hand him my phone and let him do the caption. He posts the picture to my story and doesn't let me see the caption. He hands me my phone and I open my story and see that the caption says "Look at dis smexy boy.". I laugh. I immediately start getting tweets from my fans if I'm dating Colby.

"Look what you did now they think we're dating." I giggle and blush.

I post on Instagram a picture of me with Colby flipping off the camera with a I don't care look, "No me and @Colby.Brock aren't dating lol. He put dat caption on my Snapchat. New video with Colby up later though! :P I'm digging myself a even bigger grave aren't but eh".


Hoi guys ish meh Zesty as always and I hope you enjoyed this I spent a few hours working on it while watching YouTube I could've been done in like an hour but I took my time :3 but I'll work on putting another part out tomorrow! I hope you guys enjoyed it.


Influencer / Colby Brock x Reader / [Book 1] ✔️(EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now