Fun at the Trampoline Park

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HALLO THERE! All I can say is I LEIK TURTLES! I hope you guys enjoy this chapter!

(Y/N)'s POV

5 hours later I feel someone poking my face. It tickles and I laugh. I wake up to see Colby and Brennen are poking my face. I pout and fold my arms.

"Aww we made her upset.." Colby says.

"Bwig Bwullies.." I say in a childish voice. They laugh and I stop pouting and laugh too.

"Baby wanna take a instagram picture with us?" Colby asks me.

"Sure.." I say and nod my head.

"You may not like this pose we're going to do but it's hella cute.." Brennen says.

"Eh I don't really care anymore.." I say.

"Okkaaayy.." Colby says. Colby hands a friend of Bennen his phone. Colby kisses my cheek and Brennen kisses my right cheek. I smile showing my straight white teeth and dimples. Brennen's friend takes the picture and gives Colby back his phone. (I may or may not have taken inspiration from the picture of Colby and Brennen kissing the deer. It's just so cute!) I make room on my hosital bed for Colby to sit next to me. He sits down and posts the picture on instagram with the caption "She's so cute! I wish she wasn't in the hospital though 🤕😪 Get better soon!". I look out the window and see it's almost dark. Brennen and his friend get up and say they're going to the mansion to hang out with everyone. The doctor walks in.

"Okay (Y/N) I'm going to leave you alone for the night just buzz the help button on your remote and I'll be in here just like that unless I'm busy. Then I'll have a nurse or another doctor come in and help you." The Doctor says.

"Alright, I think I'll be fine.." I say.

"Okay goodnight (Y/N) sweet dreams.." The doctor says and walks out of the room. Colby plays around on his phone for a little bit while I watch him. My lights are dim enough where the light won't bother me while I sleep and light enough where you can see where you walk. Colby shuts off his phone screen. I feel him touch my left thigh. I close my eyes and start to feel my self drift off.. I eventually fall asleep.

~~Time skip to when (Y/N) gets out of the hospital because I don't wanna write it.. :P~~

I get released from the hospital and it's 8:05 pm. The days in it were kinda boring.. I can't wait to go home and film a YouTube video so my fans aren't like OMG DID SHE DIE? Knowing them they would probably think that. I get into Colby car. We drive to the mansion and park in the driveway. We go inside and see that everyone's on the couch in the lounging room. They look they're going to film a video but are waiting for us. Colby and I sit on the couch with everyone.

"You guys ready to film a video?" Elton asks.

"What is it this time? Last time Colby lost while me and Devyn were just talking in plain sight.." I said.

"Yeah let's not talk about that." Colby says.

"Welp tonight we're not going to be playing hide and seek... We're going to be going to the trampoline place to do tricks" Elton says.

"I'm out guys sorry you know I don't do that type of stuff." Devyn says.

"I think I'm going to stay home and go to the gym.." Aaron says.

"Do you want to go (Y/N)?" Colby asks me.

"I'll go but I might lounge in the table area a bit.." I say.

"But I'll be down to go..." I add.

"Alright it's settled Devyn and Aaron will stay home while we go." Sam says.

"Let's go!" Elton says and gets up. We all get up and Devyn and Aaron go upstairs. We get into Elton's car and drive to the trampoline place. Elton sets up the tri-pod and does the intro. We go inside and pay and take off our shoes. I try to take it easy on jumping. Most of my now healing cuts, bruises, and gashes are on my arms, face, or torso. I have a few on my legs but not many. People from other families look at me weird. A group of teenage girls that sorta look like they would know who I am came up to me.

"Excuse me?" Teenage girl #1 says.

"Yes?" I ask.

"Are you with a guy or girl who isn't treating you right?" Teenage girl #2 asks.

"No why?" I ask.

"Then why do you have those cuts, bruises, and gashes that seem to be healing?" The group asks me.

"Oh these.. I got into a car wreck recently and I got them that way... Don't worry my boyfriend isn't abusive." I say and smile.

"Oh okay.. We wanted to make sure you we're alright. Have a nice night!" They say.

"You too!" I say and they walk off. I see Corey do a backflip and I cheer him on. I do a backflip and land it. Colby wraps his arm around me.

"Come on you need a break so you don't get hurt again." Colby says and I nod. We sit down at a table which isn't taken. Everyone comes and sits with us to take a break. We order pizza and talk about things and random stuff.

"So these girls came up to me and basically asked me if I was getting abused by my boyfriend.." I say.

"No way! I mean I get where they would be getting that." Corey says.

"Yeah I told them that I had a loving boyfriend and that he never abuses me.." I say.

"Good." Elton says.

I sit and look at my phone while everyone jumps. I'm too busy looking at my phone to see a guy come up to me.

"Heeeyyy Cutie how about I buy you a drink.." The guys smirks and I look up at him.

"Sorry I'm 19 and don't like alcohal.." I say.

"What about you give me your number?" The guys says.

"Nope sorry I have a boyfriend.." I say and point at Colby who is doing flips with everyone.

"Just leave that man wh*re and come to daddy..." The guy says and touches my thigh. I smack his hand away from my thigh.

"Don't you dare touch me again... Or I'll scream rape at the top of my lungs.." I say. He touches my thigh again. I scream rape very loudly. I slap the guy and it leaves a red mark. Colby runs over to me. He pushes the guy.

"Dude get away from her, she's my girlfriend and I would apprieciate it if you didn't harrass her." Colby says. The guy grunts and walks away. Colby hugs me. I come jump with everyone. They tell me to do a gainer and I do. A hour later and we head back home. When we get to the mansion I go straight upstairs and into Colby's and my room. I change into a different big comfy shirt and I decide not to wear shorts so I'm in my panties. (HEHE panties gosh I'm childish) I plop down on the bed and don't even bother getting under the covers. Colby is probably downstairs hanging out with the guys. I lightly touch the cut on my forehead which is still healing. Colby comes upstairs and into the room. He blushes when he sees me but tries to hide it. He take off his shirt and pants so he's only in his boxers. I see the jolt in his boxers and laugh. I get under the covers and feel my eyelids getting a little bit heavier. Colby turns off the light and gets in bed. Colby cuddles with me for a while. I end up falling asleep.


Oh hey I didn't see you there... Anyways sorry this was late I was tired yesterday and though I had writen 700 words but I got this chapter mixed up with another chapter. It turns out I only wrote 300 words 2 days ago on this chapter and had to write yesterday but didn't finish. Okay enough of me rambling I have to write the next chapter before I forget.

PEACE! ~~ Zesty Out!

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