The Black and White Masquerade Ball

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SORRY IF THIS IS LATE! I'm trying really hard to get this chapter done, but if it's late I'm sorry. This is a going to be a long chapter because it's a very eventful night and also I have to write some of the day before the day of the ball. OKIE BAI I'm going to get to writing this chapter. ENJOY!

Warning: Some scenes may contain sexual things and actions, If you are triggered to that in any way possible I would recommend not reading this chapter or the next chapter. It also contains some swearing. You have been warned

(Y/N)'s POV

I go outside and finish my sandwich. I look at the beautiful blue sky and don't notice Corey come outside.

"Are you excited (Y/N)?" Corey asks me.

"Huh? Yeah are you and did you buy a tux?" I ask.

"I'm very excited and I bought a tux today." Corey says.

"I'm going to go see what Colby's doing..." I say.

"Alright have fun making out." Corey teases.

"Sureee" I say and go inside. I go upstairs and hear talking from Colby's room. Colby and Brennen are talking. I knock on the door and Brennen answers and he's shirtless. So is Colby.

"Why is it that when you guys are alone together you guys are like having sex or something of the sort?" I ask.

"Because Brolby is the strongest ship ever..." Brennen says.

I notice the camera is recording.

"Okay you can go back to filming your whatever you're doing with your shirts off." I say and close the door.

I go downstairs and go into the game room and watch Aaron and Sam play Rocket League. I sit on one of the Beanbag chairs. 5 minutes later and Brennen and Colby come in to the game room with shirts on now. Brennen sits on the beanbag I'm not sitting on and Colby sits on my beanbag with me. I'm kind of butt hurt that Colby didn't tell me he was recording so I wouldn't disturb him. Colby wraps his arms around my waist. I go on my phone and see that Christian Burns keeps DMing me on Instagram. I open it:



5 minutes ago:

Christian ~ Hey

Christian ~ Who are you going to the Black and White Masquerade Ball with?

Christian ~ Hello?

Christian ~ You there?

Christian ~ (Y/N)?

Just Now:

Christian ~ Hey you there or did someone take your phone?


I decide to reply to him and tell him I'm not interested and stuff like that.


You ~ It's the real me sorry I was watching my roommates play Rocket League

Christian ~ Okay. So who are you going to Ball with? Rumor has it you are going single

You ~ That rumor is false, I have a date...

Christian ~ Who a irrelevant wanna be unlike us who make it big?

Influencer / Colby Brock x Reader / [Book 1] ✔️(EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now