Chapter 6

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(Y/N)'s POV

Colby continues to hold my waist and we look at each other for the longest time until we hear Corey.

"Get a room Lovebirds!" Corey yells from his bedroom window.

Corey closes his windows and his blinds. I giggle and say "Come on it's getting late". We get out of the pool and dry off a little with our towels and make sure to dry our feet and ankles very well so we don't get the floor wet. We head up stairs and I change into my pajamas. (Choose what ever pajamas you want I ain't judging) I put on my Nike shirt and blue Nike sweatpants.

 (Choose what ever pajamas you want I ain't judging) I put on my Nike shirt and blue Nike sweatpants

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I blow dry my hair and take off my makeup. I wash my face and brush my teeth. I walk into Colby's room and he's already laying down. He's shirtless which makes me blush a faint pink. He's on his phone but he shuts off his phone screen when he hears me come into the room. I crawl into bed on the side closest to the wall. I get underneath the covers and feel Colby scoot close to me and put his his arms around my waist. I feel the warmth that follows and I feel Colby kiss my cheek. I go on Instagram and Colby is looking over my shoulder at my Instagram. I check the time and it's 9:00 pm.

"It's too early to go to bed but I'm a little tired." I say.

"I know right but eh at least I get to spend time with you. Colby replies.

"Mkay" I say.

I feel Colby kiss my neck and I face towards Colby and giggle a little. I look deeply into his beautiful blue eyes. I lean my head into his chest and begin to fall asleep. I only met Colby yesterday but I already think I'm falling in love with him, I think to myself. I fall asleep, the next morning Colby and I are awoken by Corey coming in Colby's room to disturb us and do an outro for his video.

"Alright that's all for today's video, I hope you guys enjoyed it and don't forget to hit that like button and subscribe. Go follow me on Snapchat to see behind the scenes. Also go follow these  two as well! Links will be in the description below! See you guys in the next video!" Corey says then he shuts off his vlog camera.

"What time is it?" Colby asks.

"11:00 am. Why? Wanna sleep in with (Y/N)?" Corey replies.

"No, I just wanted to see what time it is." Colby said.

"Besides you already woke us so we might as well get up and not waste the day snoozing away." I add.

"Okayy, when I come back I better not see two Couch Potatoes being Unproductive." Corey says as he leaves the room.

I get up and grab some for the day and go I go into the bathroom to change. I get ready and put on a white shirt and jeans, with a thin maroon jacket and brown leather boots. (Wear whatever you want mkayy these are just outfits I pick in general)

 (Wear whatever you want mkayy these are just outfits I pick in general)

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Influencer / Colby Brock x Reader / [Book 1] ✔️(EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now