Chapter 1

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This is the oldest screenshot I have of this book from October 6th of 2017... gosh.. I'm at a loss for words... I love you all so very much. Thank you 💙

Zesty - July 2018

(Y/N)'s POV

I awaken suddenly at the loud sound of my alarm going off.

It's Saturday, 7:15 AM.

I get up and go the bathroom looking like a wreck as always when I wake up. I strip down to nothing and hop in the shower. White Iverson by Post Malone is playing on my phone and I'm of course singing along. The warm water cascading down my body feels amazing. I get out of the shower and turn off the music. I dry my hair and get dressed in a Nike black crop top and black ripped jeans. (you can wear whatever you want)

 (you can wear whatever you want)

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It's 8 AM now.

"What to do now?" I mumbled to my self, "Oh I know!"

I look at snapchat and reply to fans. I realize I haven't even ate breakfast yet so I decide to eat (your favorite) breakfast. I get a call and see it's from Corey Scherer. I haven't talked to him in quite a while.

"Hello?" I answered the phone wondering what he was up to.

"Hey (Y/N)! It's Corey!" He replied ecstatically.

"Hey Corey! It's been a while! What's up?" I questioned curiously on what he's been doing lately.

"I was wondering if you wanted to move to LA! Man it isn't the same without you here!" He bluntly asked me a very forward question.

You laugh "I know right! I miss the big city of LA, I was thinking about moving back but got busy with doing photo shoots here in Washington." I lied. I had a way more dark reason of why I was still in Washington.

"I actually was planning coming to LA to catch up with people. However, I don't have a place to stay and I have to pack my stuff and get a moving van if I want to move," I added only to get a out of the blue response.

"You can come stay with me and my roommates! You're going to love them!" he chuckled and I awkwardly laughed back. Corey thinks I'm going to love them but I'll probably just keep to myself or something.

"Okay, I'll book a flight and start packing! I'll text you when I'm done" I agreed only to make Corey happy. Besides, I just want to get away from my father.

"Alright! Bye!" He said goodbye to me.

"Bye!" I said and I ended the call.

I started packing my stuff into my suitcase thinking about my blog I still have to shoot for the day. I pulled out my camera not wanting to have to skip a day and worry my 9 million loyal subscribers on YouTube.

I started recording and did my intro, "Yo Guys it's me of course who else would it be? Today I'm taking a trip to LA and I might meet you while there. I'm staying with my good friend Corey Scherer and his roommates." I point my camera towards the suitcase halfway packed.

"I still have to pack and book a flight so I'll get back to you guys when I'm done!" I shut off my camera and packed the rest of my stuff and booked my flight for 2 pm.

(Y=You, C=Corey)

Y: Done! I booked my flight for 2 pm so I should be there at about 2:30 pm.

C: Alright see you then and my roommates will also be there to meet you I know you know Devyn but you haven't met my other roommates! Can't wait!

Y: Me neither! See you then!

C: See you later too!

~~Time Skip to boarding plane~~

Y: Getting on the plane right now!

C: I'll be waiting!


Hey guys hope you enjoyed the first chapter I know I did! I worked very hard on it!

Don't worry I'll introduce Colby and the other roommates soon! But for now you have to wait :3 for me to post the next chapter!

Alright I'll get started on the next chapter!

Zesty out! ~~ :)

Influencer / Colby Brock x Reader / [Book 1] ✔️(EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now