Chapter 14: if I wasn't unexpected.

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If I wasn't unexpected, 

and I had actually been invited, 

maybe then, I wouldn't feel unwanted.


I had to ask grandpa Friday evening before Zeke picked me up for the "surprise date" of I could go on a date with him.

"Ah, so you're dating now?" he smirked.

"Yes, we're dating now," I said reluctantly.

"So he's your boyfriend?" he wagged his eyebrows.

I rolled my eyes, trying to bite back a smile. "Yes, he's my boyfriend."

"Then how come I've never met him before?"

I actually didn't know why he'd never met Zeke. I guess I had never really saw a reason for them to meet, since we were only friends up until recently.


I wished that I could stay out a little later with Zeke than I did, but I had band practice the next day as well as Kyle and Dan's campfire performance. Even though I wasn't performing, Cooper, Dolan and I had agreed to go there for moral support.

"So whose house is this, anyway?" Kyle asked Dolan. "Like, do we know anybody there?"

Dolan forced a smile. "It may or may not be my cousin's birthday get-together."

"You bastard," Kyle shook his head at him. "We're going to be performing for a kid?"

"No! Not that cousin, you idiot! My cousin that's two years older than me!"

"Oh! The one that's in college?" Cooper asked, hopping into the back of Dolan's old truck. "I've heard you mention stories of him before, but I don't think I've ever met him."

I hopped in after him, Kyle trailing behind me.

"Don't worry, he's cool," he assured us. "And some of his friends might want to book a gig from us if they dig the music!"

Kyle put a cigarette between his lips and fished in his pocket for a lighter.

"Dude, I thought you killed that habit," Dolan said. "You keep it up and you're gonna have a raspy voice!"

He put the small flame coming from his lighter up to the cigarette and out it. "Last time I checked," he said after taking a puff, "Louis Armstrong had a raspy voice and people admire him and his voice. Same goes for Janis Joplin." 

I crinkled my nose once the smell of smoke filled my nostrils. "Do I have to sit back here with the chain-smoker?" 

"Relax baby," he said slyly. "I only smoke to calm my nerves."

"I didn't know that the next Janis Joplin got nervous," I smirked. 

"Hard to believe, I know. But it's hard being this gorgeous and talented all at once!" 

"Oh, yes, like you would know." 

The truck gradually moved forward, only to stop abruptly. Kyle, being the idiot who thinks he's too cool for a seat belt, flew face-first into the the back of the passenger seat. 

I could see Dolan biting back a smile from the rear-view mirror. "Seat belt check!" 

He shot him a death-glare. 

The rest of the ride there was relatively peaceful--that is, if you enjoy Dolan's taste in music. The closer we got to the location, the more "nice" the neighborhoods seemed. Don't get me wrong, my neighborhood is a nice one, and only a couple pedophiles live on our street (I googled it), but the closer you get to a college, the more "respectable" the community appears to become. It makes sense, though. Would you want to send your 18 year old kid to a place that isn't safe for teenage idiots? 

We pulled into the last spot left in the driveway, the others being taken by the guests who'd already arrived. 

"Are we late or something?" asked Dan. 

"He said to be casually late, so twenty minutes or something after it starts isn't late, it's just," Dolan paused for a moment, "casual." 

I was more than eager to get out of that smoke scented vehicle and get this over with. I'd only ever been to one party, and I ended up leaving early. Hopefully college get-togethers were more appealing to my taste. 

Dolan lead us up to the door and pressed his finger onto the door bell. Nobody answered. "Maybe the doorbell doesn't work?" he guessed. He was about to start knocking, but no sooner did the door open revealing a lanky dude with a buzz cut and ears that perked out. 

"Umm...can I help you?" he seemed like he was asking it more to himself than us. 

"We're here for Juan's birthday." 

"Juan?" he called into the house. "Did you invite some kids?" 

Dolan rolled his eyes, walking right into the house and past the guy. I shrugged and just followed behind him.

We followed Dolan through the kitchen and out the back door. Outside was a few logs and lawn chairs circled around a homemade fire pit. A few guys were getting a fire lit in the pit, while a couple of girls were off to the side laughing like their cups said the most hilarious joke in the world. One of the guys lounging on a lawn chair spotted us and hopped out of his seat with a smile on his face. 

"Dol, how ya doing, brother?" he greeted, giving Dolan one of those handshake-hug-pat-on-the-back that guys do. Why do they do that?

Juan turned his attention over to us. "I thought it was only two people playing?" 

I felt in the way all of a sudden. 

"Yeah, but I thought they might to come along for...peer support," he said sheepishly. 

I couldn't tell if the smile that crept up onto his face was forced or not. "It's nice to meet you...?" he trailed off, gesturing for us to introduce ourselves. 

"Cooper," he piped up. "And this is Amelia." 

I waved awkwardly and forced a smile. Way to make yourself looks like an idiot, Amelia.

"Well thanks for coming, guys. Um, you're welcome to any snacks in the kitchen on the table, you can take a seat if you'd like, and...yeah. Make yourselves at home." 

I was going to follow Dan around like a lost puppy yet again, but he took the initiative already to escape from me with Kyle while Juan greeted us. Great.

Cooper looked at me. "Food?" 

I didn't hesitate to agree.


Hey guys, sorry I didn't update for a bit. I think I'll explain in an author's note in a bit, but let me just say, I'm sorry. 

I'll try and finish this soon. 

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