Chapter 45: when I get him a date

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When I get him a date,

Maybe then, he his attitude towards me will change


Monday afternoon, the five of us sat in Dolan's basement discussing what we were going to do once summer break was over. They all had a year left of high school, and being a year younger than them, I had two.

"Man, I hate school," Kyle announced mid-discussion.

"I think it's okay," Dolan shrugged. "I just don't like the work load and tight schedule."

"What are your plans for when you graduate?" Kyle asked me.

I chewed my cheek in thought. "I really don't know what I want to study."

"So I'm going to take that as you're going to go to college."

"Probably," I shrug. "I mean, it's not like I can become a housewife."

"I don't think Coop would mind," he wagged his eyebrows in Cooper's direction.

I rolled my eyes, Cooper's face turning red. I decided to shut it down before it could go any further. "We're not dating. And even if we were, that wouldn't mean that we'd necessarily get married."

"So what you're saying is," Dolan began, pressing his hands together, "that you're not opposed to the idea of you two dating?"

I rolled my eyes at him. "Speaking of dating," I said, shifting the conversation towards Dan. "I met a girl at the party that--"

"Ho-ly Shit," Kyle interrupted. "You're a lesbian?! I never would have guessed that!" I couldn't tell if he was joking or not. I don't think that he even knew whether or not he was joking. 

I slapped his arm, making him whine for a moment about how that hurt. "As I was saying," I continued, "a girl at the party that seemed really interested in you, Dan. I told her I'd see if I could hook you two up. I even got her number for you." 

His eyes narrowed into slits. "You didn't." 

"No, don't worry, she's really nice, she's fun, and she's cute!" 

That caught his attention a little bit, though he still looked at me skeptically. Finally, letting out a deep breath, he relaxed his shoulders with defeat. "Fine, but I'm only doing this for you." A smirk washed over my face, quickly pulling out my phone to give him her number. "You better have gotten her name, though. I don't want to text her and not even know her name." 

I let out a little squeal of happiness before proceeding to name off the numbers. 

"Got it," he said once he finished typing it in. 

"What?" I cried as he slipped the phone back into his pocket. He raised an eyebrow at me. "You're not gonna text her?" 

"Maybe later," he shrugged. 

"Dude, I know you well enough to understand that 'maybe later' means you'll put it off until you forget," Kyle chimed in again. 

Cooper and Dolan joined in, urging him on to message her. He gave up when we gathered into a full-blown chant, saying text her! over and over again. 

"Okay, okay," he held his hands up in surrender. "I'll text her." 

We roared with cheer for the victory. "But guys," he hollered, hushing our applause for him. "What am I supposed to text her?" 

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