Chapter 21: if I weren't so reserved

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**trigger warning for mention of underage drinking**


If I weren't so reserved,

And I were more outgoing,

Maybe then, I wouldn't have felt so awkward.


It was just the typical scorching hot Saturday evening, just barely starting to cool off as the sun neared the horizon. The sun always seemed so much brighter the closer it got to setting, yet the air seemed cooler.

I was adjusting my outfit and trying to tame the frizzes in my crimpy hair. I wasn't usually one to care much about first impressions, but this was different than "usually." Zeke's friends were important to him, I could tell by how animated he became when talking about them. He often told me funny stories about some of the dumb stuff they did, and how much fun they were to be around. They were so close to one another, and I wanted so badly to be apart of something like that.

When waiting in the living room for Zeke to come pick me up, Daniel came downstairs to watch TV when he noticed me waiting eagerly and obsessively checking my phone for that "I'm here" text. "What are you waiting all dressed up for?" he asked coldly.

"I'm going to hang out with Zeke and some of his friends," I said matter-of-factly.

"Ooh, his friends," he said sarcastically. "One of these days, Amelia, hanging out with strangers is going to get you into trouble."

I went to respond something snarky to him, but was interrupted by a buzz sounding from my phone. "I'll be fine, thanks," and with that, I walked away and left him to watching his show.

I gave grandpa a hug goodbye, then headed out, ready for this new part of my life to begin. No, it wasn't going to change in the blink of an eye, but maybe some new friends in this still relatively new town would do me some good.

When we got to his friend's house, there were a few cars parked tightly close to each other in the driveway, one spot left for us to park on the curb. Don't be awkward, Amelia. Relax, you don't need to impress them.

We were greeted at the door by a boy with a brown beer bottle in one hand, the other side of the doorknob in the other hand. My eyes lingered on it a little longer than they probably should have. He gave one of those handshake-hugs that guys do sometimes. Why do they do that?

We were led into the living room where a bunch of people were crowded around a coffee table playing what I assumed to be poker, some other people reclined on the couches, and a couple chatting away on the bar stools lined up by the island that separated the living room from the kitchen.

Zeke lead me into the living room, arm wrapped around my shoulder and holding me closely to his side. "Hey guys, this is my girlfriend, Amelia," he gave my arm a soft squeeze. I gave a sheepish smile to the eyes staring at me. "I've mentioned her before, remember?"

My heart thumped a little at the realization that he's mentioned me to these people, people that he cares about, people that he brings up when he's with me. I wrapped my arm around his waist, suddenly feeling a little bit more welcomed in this place. But no sooner did Zeke decide to withdraw his arm from around me and walked off in stride to the kitchen, leaving me standing there alone momentarily.

There was a girl with curly blonde hair that contrasted with her sun-kissed pinkish skin. She look at me with a warm smile that said welcome, then approached me like I was an old friend. "Hey," she greeted.

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