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I woke up with this nervous feeling. I couldn't shake things off. I clenched my jaw as I noticed Xander's hands were wrapped around my waist protectively... he was afraid I'd leave while he slept.

I don't blame him.

"Are you ready for this?" Grace asked.

"No. "I responded.

"Neither am I... I'm afraid... really afraid, " she admitted.

"Whatever happens when we get there just remember, things will blow over, " She added.

"I hope you're right., "I spoke.

"I'm always right... "

Xander slept so peacefully. I didn't want to wake him so I tried to loosen from his grip and have a shower. His eyes opened instantly.

His piercing blue eyes looked tom my pillow to me.

"Good morning. ", I chirped and smiled.

He sat upright and moved a lock of hair away from my face. I missed his touch.

"Hey. ", he said grogilly.

"Slept well? ", I asked trying to make conversation.

"I did. After a long time, I really did. ", come to think of it, that was the most peaceful sleep I had in years. Being next to him and breathing in his scent as I slept. I missed being around him.

His hands loosened around me and got out of bed. I went straight into the shower.

He knocked on the door- something he had never done before but I figured that he didn't think it was something he could jump into just yet.

The knocking echoed with the shower turned on.

"Yes? ", I asked.

"Can I come in? ", he asked from the other side of the door.

Was he actually asking?

"Yeah. ", I responded and I heard the doorknob jiggle and Xander walked inside. He was brushing his teeth. His eyes wandered to my wet body and his eyes flickered from black to blue.

"It's alright... ", I said while I turned of the shower and covered up with a towel.

I gave him a small smile and he nodded. Things were awkward for a while.

"I'm going to go and change - if you need anything just call. ", I stammered.

"You're all I need. ", he said devilishly.

I blushed and hid my face. He still had such a huge affect on me. I tried to hide my smile and he chuckled.

"Always so - innocent. ", he responded.

I blushed again and walked out of the bathroom. I was making breakfast when he walked into the kitchen in nothing but a loose towel dropped across his lower abdomen. He v-line so prominent and his muscles so defined. His abs were so hard.His hair was wet and a few drop a of water were on his bare chest. He smirked and I realised I was staring.

"I wouldn't mind you gawking at me all day. ", he smirked and I took a deep breath.
"No clothes- ", he was about to complete his sentence when I spat out without thinking.

"I prefer you without it. ", me and my big mouth!

"You do? ", he chuckled and smirked while walking towards me. I backed up against a wall. His hands were between my body on the wall.

He smelt so fine - pine trees and forest. He licked his lower lip and I bit my lower lip. The droplets of water rolled down his body.

I was breathing heavily. He lowered his head and his lips barely touched mine when the door bell rang.

He groaned and I laughed. He walked away to open the door and left me wanting more.

"Thank you, Hayes. That will be all. ", he took a bag which had all his essentials in it.

He flashed the black bag at me to tease me that he has clothes.

"Damn it! ", I whispered and he laughed.

Stupid wolf hearing!

We were eating breakfast at the counter when I thought about something important.

"Xander-what about my job? -I can't just leave, people would think I was kidnapped and they'll file a missing person's report. ", I panicked.

He chuckled.

"I have many businesses in the human world. I'm well known all over the globe so I'll say that you're going to work for me. ", he said flatly.


"Ok... good idea. ", I began eating my cereal.
He watched me eat and I suddenly grew hot.

"Something wrong? ", I grew aware of my surroundings. Did I have something on my face?

"Arent you hungry? ", I asked noticing he wasn't eating his food.

"I'd rather be eating something else right now. ", he said seductively.

Oh God!

I grew hot and sucked in a breath. This is the second time today that he's done this!

"Eat your cereal. ", I blushed and looked down.

"Don't hide your face from me... you're mine. ", he said possesively.

I looked up at him.

After breakfast I began washing the dishes.Xander was on a phone call with someone.

My back faced towards him and suddenly his arms wrapped around my waist pulling me in. His breath fanned my back and he kissed my neck from behind. I was breathing heavily. The events of last night was repeated.


Xander and I were currently being escorted into his private plane. Apparently this was the plane he used when he went away on pack business.

He sat beside me and he was humming to a strange beat.

"Nervous? ", he asked.

"About flying or returning back? "

"Both. ", he said and held my hand in his. He kissed my hand.

"I am. ", I responded while the plane ran smoothly into motion unlike the public planes I flew on. I hated flying it was just so scary being in a small capsule, thousands of feet above the ground but somehow being with Xander made all my fears dissolve.

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