chapter three.

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a/n: okay first of all, I'd really like to thank all of you who came from 'the tutor'. you're all unbelievably sweet, and it's been an honor being able to interact with you guys, you all really do put the biggest smile on my face, seriously.

  but a very important note; idfcwd , my very good friend who is purely amazing, has a book called 'car radio' and it is brilliantly genius. she's beyond talented, and I highly highly highly recommend you go read it.

just had to throw that out there. 💕

     thanks, guys. appreciate you all.

**finn's pov**

The reassuring motion of Pup's tongue gliding against the side of my cheek awakes me out of my deep slumber, as I immediately smile, alertness entering inside of my body from the second the moisture hit my skin, fluttering open my eyelids, taking into notice the Sunday morning sunlight beaming through my window that was barely covered by an old quilt with useless provision of warmth, greeting his big brown eyes that widely stared back into my own.

Even when I'm the most down, out of luck, depressed, he always makes it better.

Pup came to my life when I was thirteen years old, which was the year after Nick passed away.

He was seventeen years old, a year after he'd gotten his driver's license, and I was twelve years old, when it all happened.

Time does tremendous things, simply because I'm not in the stage of grief anymore to the point when I'm contemplating destroying everything, although it isn't like I don't feel that way at this moment in time, too.

  But, on the same token, it still massively sucks, not having my older brother around anymore, believe me. Things weren't so amazingly awful, when he was still alive.

I remember it so vividly, when he would ask me if I wanted to come down to the basement to play dungeons and dragons with his other friends, or when he'd come into my room everyday after school, to see what I was up to and how everything was going.

His death substantially affected my parents, regarding their mental state, decision making process, and so on. Believe it or not, there was a point in time when they were both loving, providing, and sane in the head.

  And since the rest of my family is still up in Toronto, they weren't able to save me from the constant abuse in which I am forced to deal with on an everyday basis.

  The abuse and negligence of both parents, didn't really start until roughly a month after his death, and since I had no way of contacting any other family, due to the absence of my own cell phone or access to theirs, I was only left with fending for myself.

At times, I wonder what life would be like, if Nick had decided to not go out that night, or if he'd decided to stay wherever he was at for just a few moments longer, that would've prevented this specific crash that he was involved in.

"Finn! Come out here, now!" The booming and gruff voice escapes my father's mouth from afar, as I look at Pup, halting my actions of petting the top of his head, in which his warm fur brought calmness to my constant feeling of angst.

Without verbally responding, I weakly stand up off of my mattress, exhaustion still present in all of my limbs due to the fact I'd just woken up, as I exit my room, not wanting to upset my dad for taking too long to obey his orders.

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